[comp.lang.pascal] Bibl. Cite for _Num.Recipes_

mglacy@lamar.ColoState.EDU (06/04/91)

I'm trying to get the correct biblliographic citation for the 1989
edition of _Numerical Recipes in Pascal_.  In particular, I need to
get the full list of authors, not just Press WH et al.  (On line
library catalogs, Books in Print, etc.  just use  ...et al.  I'm
trying to get the citation right for a persnickety journal.  I can't
easily get hold of a copy of the book; I just have my own notes on

Does anyone out there perhaps have it on their shelf etc. so they could
email me the complete list of authors' names?


Mike Lacy            MGLACY@LAMAR.COLOSTATE.EDU   (voice) 303-491-6721
Dept. of Sociology   Colorado State University    Fort Collins CO 80523
Opinions and truth-claims offered above are mine, not my employer's.