[comp.lang.pascal] PhoneInput - rough but quick solution

TOMJ@csdserver3.csd.scarolina.edu (Thomas E. Jenkins, Jr.) (06/11/91)


  I haven't played with TViews enough to feel comfortable designing my own
version of TInputLine, but there is a simple solution to the problem of the
phone input.  Basicly, if you turn the inputline from insert mode to
overwrite mode, TInputLine will not erase the current contents of the line.
To set the mode is very easy as demonstrated in the following code:

PROGRAM PhoneInput ;

       App ,
       Objects ,
       Dialogs ,
       StdDlg ,
       Menus ,
       Drivers ,
       Views ,
       Memory ,
       MsgBox ,
       HistList ,
       Gadgets ,
       DOS ;


       cmAbout                                   = 2000 ;
       cmTestInput                               = 2001 ;

       TVisionEX                                 = OBJECT ( TApplication )

         clock                                   : PClockView ;
         heap                                    : PHeapView ;

         CONSTRUCTOR Init ;

         DESTRUCTOR  Done ;
           VIRTUAL ;

         PROCEDURE   Idle ;
           VIRTUAL ;

         PROCEDURE   InitMenuBar ;
           VIRTUAL ;

         PROCEDURE   InitStatusLine ;
           VIRTUAL ;

         PROCEDURE   HandleEvent ( VAR event     : TEvent ) ;
           VIRTUAL ;

         END ;  {  TVisionEX  }

       PInputPhone                               = ^TInputPhone ;
       TInputPhone                               = OBJECT ( TInputLine )

         PROCEDURE   HandleEvent ( VAR event     : TEvent ) ;
           VIRTUAL ;

         END ;  {  TInputPhone  }

       Str128                                    = STRING [ 128 ] ;
       Str100                                    = STRING [ 100 ] ;
       Str8                                      = STRING [ 008 ] ;

       TInputData                                = RECORD

         s1                                      : Str128 ;
         s2                                      : Str100 ;
         s3                                      : Str8 ;

         END ;  {  TInputData  }


       data                                      : TInputData ;

 PROCEDURE   About ;

       dialog                                    : PDialog ;
       r                                         : TRect ;
       control                                   : WORD ;

   BEGIN  {  About  }

     r.Assign ( 20 , 5 , 60 , 14 ) ;

     dialog := New ( PDialog ,
                     Init ( r ,
                            'About ... ' ) ) ;

     WITH dialog^

         r.Assign ( 9 , 2 , 36 , 3 ) ;

         Insert ( New ( PStaticText ,
                        Init ( r ,
                               'Turbo Vision Examples' ) ) ) ;

         r.Assign ( 10 , 4 , 35 , 5 ) ;

         Insert ( New ( PStaticText ,
                        Init ( r ,
                               'By Thomas E. Jenkins' ) ) ) ;

         r.Assign ( 15 , 6 , 25 , 8 ) ;

         Insert ( New ( PButton ,
                        Init ( r ,
                               cmOk ,
                               bfDefault ) ) ) ;

         END ;  {  WITH  }

     control := deskTop^.ExecView ( dialog ) ;

     Dispose ( dialog , Done ) ;

     END ;  {  About  }

 PROCEDURE   TestInput ;

       mem                                       : LONGINT ;
       dialog                                    : PDialog ;
       r                                         : TRect ;
       control                                   : WORD ;
       inputLine                                 : PInputLine ;

   BEGIN  {  TestInput  }

     mem := MemAvail ;

     r.Assign ( 20 , 5 , 60 , 17 ) ;

     dialog := New ( PDialog ,
                     Init ( r ,
                            'Input Box ... ' ) ) ;

     WITH dialog^

         r.Assign ( 3 , 3 , 30 , 4 ) ;

         inputLine := New ( PInputLine ,         {  NOTE!  Do not include   }
                            Init ( r ,           {  length byte in Init     }
                                   SizeOf ( Str128 ) - 1 ) ) ;

         Insert ( inputLine ) ;

         r.Assign ( 3 , 2 , 13 , 3 ) ;

         Insert ( New ( PLabel ,
                        Init ( r ,
                               'Line one' ,
                               inputLine ) ) ) ;

         r.Assign ( 3 , 5 , 25 , 6 ) ;

         inputLine := New ( PInputLine ,         {  NOTE!  Do not include   }
                            Init ( r ,           {  length byte in Init     }
                                   SizeOf ( Str100 ) - 1 ) ) ;

         Insert ( inputLine ) ;

         r.Assign ( 3 , 4 , 13 , 5 ) ;

         Insert ( New ( PLabel ,
                        Init ( r ,
                               'Line two' ,
                               inputLine ) ) ) ;

         r.Assign ( 3 , 7 , 13 , 8 ) ;

         inputLine := New ( PInputPhone ,        {  NOTE!  Do not include   }
                            Init ( r ,           {  length byte in Init     }
                                   SizeOf ( Str8 ) - 1 ) ) ;

         Insert ( inputLine ) ;

         r.Assign ( 3 , 6 , 15 , 7 ) ;

         Insert ( New ( PLabel ,
                        Init ( r ,
                               'Phone number' ,
                               inputLine ) ) ) ;

         r.Assign ( 2 , 9 , 12 , 11 ) ;

         Insert ( New ( PButton ,
                        Init ( r ,
                               cmOk ,
                               bfDefault ) ) ) ;

         r.Assign ( 16 , 9 , 26 , 11 ) ;

         Insert ( New ( PButton ,
                        Init ( r ,
                               cmCancel ,
                               bfNormal ) ) ) ;

         SelectNext ( FALSE ) ;                  {  Select first item       }

         END ;  {  WITH  }

     dialog^.SetData ( data ) ;

     control := deskTop^.ExecView ( dialog ) ;

     IF ( control <> cmCancel )
         dialog^.GetData ( data ) ;

     Dispose ( dialog , Done ) ;

     IF ( mem <> MemAvail )

         mem := mem - MemAvail ;

         MessageBox ( 'Lost %d bytes of RAM!' ,
                      @mem ,
                      mfWarning + mfOKButton ) ;

         END ;  {  IF  }

     END ;  {  TestInput  }


 PROCEDURE   TInputPhone.HandleEvent ( VAR event : TEvent ) ;

   BEGIN  {  TInputPhone.HandleEvent  }

     BlockCursor ;                               {  Set overwrite mode!     }

     TInputLine.HandleEvent ( event ) ;

     END ;  {  TInputPhone.HandleEvent  }



       r                                         : TRect ;
       event                                     : TEvent ;

   BEGIN  {  TVisionEX.Init  }

     TApplication.Init ;

     RegisterObjects ;
     RegisterViews ;
     RegisterMenus ;
     RegisterDialogs ;
     RegisterApp ;

     GetExtent ( r ) ;

     r.a.x := r.b.x - 9 ;
     r.b.y := r.a.y + 1 ;

     clock := New ( PClockView ,
                    Init ( r ) ) ;

     Insert ( clock ) ;

     GetExtent ( r ) ;

     Dec ( r.b.x ) ;

     r.a.x := r.b.x - 9 ;
     r.a.y := r.b.y - 1 ;

     heap := New ( PHeapView ,
                   Init ( r ) ) ;

     Insert ( heap ) ;

     { Display about box }

     event.what    := evCommand ;
     event.command := cmAbout ;

     PutEvent ( event ) ;

     END ;  {  TVisionEX.Init  }


   BEGIN  {  TVisionEX.Done  }

     TApplication.Done ;

     Dispose ( heap ) ;

     Dispose ( clock ) ;

     END ;  {  TVisionEX.Done  }

 PROCEDURE   TVisionEX.Idle ;

   BEGIN  {  TVisionEX.Idle  }

     TApplication.Idle ;

     clock^.Update ;
     heap^.Update ;

     END ;  {  TVisionEX.Idle  }

 PROCEDURE   TVisionEX.InitMenuBar ;

       r                                         : TRect ;

   BEGIN  {  TVisionEX.InitMenuBar  }

     GetExtent ( r ) ;                 {  Get current screen size          }

     r.b.y := ( r.a.y + 1 ) ;          {  Set to one line from top         }

     MenuBar := New ( PMenuBar , Init ( r , NewMenu (
       NewSubMenu ( ' ~' + #240 + '~ ' , hcNoContext , NewMenu (
         NewItem ( '~A~bout...' , 'Alt-A' , kbAltA , cmAbout , hcNoContext ,
         NIL ) ) ,
       NewSubMenu ( '~F~ile' , hcNoContext , NewMenu (
         NewItem ( 'E~x~it' , 'ALT-X' , kbAltX , cmQuit , hcNoContext ,
         NIL ) ) ,
       NewSubMenu ( '~T~est' , hcNoContext , NewMenu (
         NewItem ( '~I~nput dialog...' , '' , kbNoKey , cmTestInput ,
hcNoContext ,
         NIL ) ) ,
       NIL )
     ) ) ) ) ) ;

     END ;  {  TVisionEX.InitMenuBar  }

 PROCEDURE   TVisionEX.InitStatusLine ;

       r                                         : TRect ;

   BEGIN  {  TVisionEX.InitStatusLine  }

     GetExtent ( r ) ;                           {  Get screen size        }

     r.a.y := r.b.y - 1 ;                        {  Set to one line from   }
                                                 {  Screen size            }
     statusLine := New ( PStatusLine , Init ( r ,
       NewStatusDef ( 0 , $FFFF ,                {  Set context help ranges}
         NewStatusKey ( '~Alt-X~ Exit' , kbAltX , cmQuit ,
         NewStatusKey ( '~F10~ Menu' , kbF10 , cmMenu ,
         NIL ) ) ,
       NIL ) ) ) ;

     END ;  {  TVisionEX.InitStatusLine  }

 PROCEDURE   TVisionEX.HandleEvent ( VAR event   : TEvent ) ;

       r                                         : TRect ;

   BEGIN  {  TVisionEX.HandleEvent  }

     TApplication.HandleEvent ( event ) ;

     IF ( event.what = evcommand )

         CASE event.command

            cmTestInput :
              TestInput ;

            cmAbout :
              About ;


          END ;  {  CASE  }

         ClearEvent ( event ) ;

         END ;  {  THEN  }

     END ;  {  TVisionEX.HandleEvent  }

       ld                                        : TVisionEX ;
       mem                                       : LONGINT ;


  mem  := MemAvail ;

  data.s1 := 'This is line one.' ;              {  Set strings to initial  }
  data.s2 := 'This is line two.' ;              {  values.                 }
  data.s3 := '   -    ' ;

  ld.Init ;
  ld.Run ;
  ld.Done ;

  IF ( mem <> MemAvail )
      WriteLn ( mem , ' - ' , MemAvail ) ;       {  Sanity check ;-)        }


|  Thomas E. Jenkins, Jr.   Programmer, University of South Carolina CSD   |
| BITNET         :  C0361@UNIVSCVM.BITNET  |  CSDNET  :  tomj/csdserver3   |
| INTERNET       :  TOMJ@csdserver3.csd.scarolina.EDU          {PREFERRED} |
|                :  C0361@univscvm.csd.scarolina.EDU  |     |