[comp.lang.pascal] Source code for data compression -- wanted

hsu_wh@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (William H Hsu) (06/16/91)

       I am looking for source code which implements the Huffman
and Lempel-Ziv file compression and encoding algorithms,
preferably in C.  I have seen several programs which incorporate
the techniques: the ZOO format, SEA's ARC, Phil Katz's PKZIP/PAK,
and Raymond Lau's StuffIt.  I have also seen a format called LZH
and assume that it stands for Lempel-Ziv/Huffman; am I mistaken? 
I was wondering if SEA, Phil Katz, or Ray Lau have ever released
any code pertaining to their respective software packages, and if
not, whether the bibliographic references that they used
indeveloping the algorithms is generally known.  If anyone has
seen source code for a good compression algorithm or knows of a
reference which may have been used by the developers listed
above, please E-mail me.
       I am also interested in code for conversion of different
file formats to ASCII, such as uuencode/decode and BinHex.  I
have not been able to get compilable code on the IBM PC and
Macintosh for either program; could some kind soul please mail it
to me or refer me to a reliable FTP site?
       Finally, I am looking for publicly available source code
to the Kermit, X/Y/Zmodem, Jmodem, and Cmodem transfer protocols
for IBM and/or UNIX.  Again, I would appreciate it if anyone
could cite a bibliographic source as well.  Thank you.
       Please address E-mail responses to: hsu@cs.jhu.edu or