[comp.lang.pascal] totMENU question

bakerre@tawc1.eglin.af.mil (Baker, Robert E.) (06/18/91)

	G'day netters,

	When using the totMENU unit with an EZPullMenuOBJ instance, what would
be the best way to have a main menu like the Turbo IDE set up in a loop?  It
doesn't seem it would be very efficient to have to create/init/done the menu
each time through the loop.  Anyone have any ideas?
        Also, unless I am missing something fairly obvious, how can the
SetMessageXY call be made with the same EZPullMenuOBJ instance?  I only see
references to it only if a instance of the MenuOBJ is created, but not with
	I am fairly new to OOP, so if this seems a simple question, that's

| Robert E. Baker                  |   repeat                              |
| BAKERRE@TAWC1.EGLIN.AF.MIL       |     Code;Debug;Test;Documentation;    |
| USAF Tactical Air Warfare Center |   until millionaire;                  |