(Sue McPherson) (07/01/91)
My apologies if this has been discussed before, but I've only just started reading this group. I have a large TP5.5 program which is continually hitting memory limitations. Initially it consisted of a mainmenu which 'EXEC'ed about 5 different programs. These programs got bigger and in turn EXEC'd further programs. A number of these programs use large arrays or maintain lots of data in linked lists - so I'm using all the stack and heap I can get. A lot of the data was stored in sequential files with some fairly crude indexing, so about a year ago I used the Turbo Toolbox to make them indexed and look after the data handling. This required a bit more memory and a whole lot of the programs hit memory limitations. Since the changes were all required by 'yesterday' there was a frantic reorganisation of program and most of the EXEC'd programs were turned into units and it worked OK. Recently the client required some more enhancements which involved increasing the size of one of the units and it all fell over in a screaming heap. I've read and re-read the manuals looking for any hints about large programs, but have had very little success to date. I thought of overlaying the units, but it seems that although they help you over the 64K limits, they still get put into the 640K so I'm not any better off. I'm trying lots of different approaches, but if anyone can give me some pointers, I would really appreciate it. I've also considered upgrading to V6 - but am concerened that the Toolbox routines wouldn't work anymore. Does anyone know if the toolbox will work (or is available) in V6?? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sue McPherson P.S. Since this has probably been covered before, any replied should be mailed to me and I'll summarize to the net.