[net.sf-lovers] "Adversary" by Julian May

perelgut@utcsrgv.UUCP (Stephen Perelgut) (04/24/84)

<Grey torc the bugs>

I am not going to spoil this book by trying my inept hand at
a detailed review.  It is an excellent book and concludes the
current series without eliminating hope for further books in
the same universe.  The back pages mention a pre-quel trilogy
about events leading to the Milieu and the "current" situation.
"Jack the Bodiless" is one title (and only those familiar with
the current trilogy will understand the significance).

I rate this a solid 8.5/10.  There are a few places where deus
ex machina seems to solve problems.  But it is an excellent 
read and I recommend it even as a hard-cover.

One last comment.  How many people noticed the reference to
Industrial Light and Magic near the end?
Stephen Perelgut   
	    Computer Systems Research Group    University of Toronto
	    Usenet:	{linus, ihnp4, allegra, decvax, floyd}!utcsrgv!perelgut
	    CSNET:	perelgut@Toronto