[sci.research] Info wanted about MA/Phd programs in psychology

orr@instable.UUCP (Orr Michael ) (01/18/87)

	I am posting this on behalf of a friend. I'll pass on any
	My friend has just graduated at the top of her class with a
    B.A. in psychology. She is interseted in continuing toward 
    M.A/Phd in :

	Cognitive or Developemental or Social psychology.

    Any combination of the above, including research positions will
    be considered. My friend would gladly serve as a research or
    teaching assistant.

	If you have any information telling about such programs,
    especially combinations (where, what ,who to contact etc. )
    PLEASE e-mail me.

				Much obliged, Michael Orr.

orr%nsta@nsc			 IBM's motto: Machines should work,
                                              People should think.
                                 Orr's remark: Neither do.
Disclaimer: Opinions, come home. All is forgiven. Papa.