[sci.research] Cold Fusion

jon@cernvax.UUCP (jon) (03/31/89)

Professor Fleischmann one of the authors of the paper on
sustained nuclear fusion at room temperature is giving a special
seminar a CERN this afternoon ... I'll try to keep notes of the
relevant points and will post a resume after the talk. At least I
should be able to get a good idea if this a realistic method of
producing power or if it is just a laboratory quirk.

|                                                               |
| Jon Caves             {world}!mcvax!cernavx!jon               |
| Division DD,          jon@cernvax.cern.ch                     |
| CERN CH-1211,                                                 |
| Geneva 23,            "Quote? I haven't got time to think     |
| Switzerland.             of a quote!"                         |
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