starkey@dali (Denbigh Starkey) (02/09/90)
New NSF Engineering Research Center (ERC) in Microbial Process Technology at Montana State University The National Science Foundation has announced the award of an NSF Engineering Research Center to the Institute for Biological and Chemical Process Analysis at Montana State University. The grant is initially for $7.5 million, with additional state and MSU matching support of $2.15 million. Partners in the new Center include the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory in Idaho Falls, ID, and faculty from the Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology and other regional institutions will also be involved in the Center. The Center, which will be centered in the MSU College of Engineering, has been established by NSF as a national research center to study industrial and environmental problems involving microbial processes. It is one of 19 ERCs that have been established by NSF since 1985. Dr. Bill Characklis will direct the new ERC.