erlsmith@uokvax.UUCP (05/03/84)
#N:uokvax:5400056:000:1889 uokvax!erlsmith May 3 15:31:00 1984 (buy him books, send him to college and all he does is play on the damn computer) recently while looking for a new book to read at b. daltons i came across what appeared to be a good looking (notice i said looking) science fiction book. well being an avid fan of a little sex with my sci-fi, i decided that the sultry looking cover might just make this book interesting... well, i got into reading the book, "these lawless worlds" by jarrod comstock, and i think i got a little science fiction with the sex. were talking some hardcore porn here... now mind you i don't mind a little sex when reading, i mean i love heinlein books (read every book he's written so far), but this was a little to hardcore for my particular tastes. the book's story is kind of as follows: on the technological planet of magadis, there are four classes 1) the tech's 2) the robots 3) the non-techs and 4) women. ( a little sexist here ) the story begins on a satellite of the planet, which watches everything that happens on the planet. then a new worker comes to the satellite and finds there are two modified robots there (both physically and mentally), that are programmed to receive the "gift" from humans. well the boys on the satellite give the gift to these two robots quite often and finally one of the robots cracks and kills them all. enter our hero, aleria farrell and her faithful sidekick jemall. a little background here, aleria farrell is a judge for the confederation of planets and jemall is her baliff. well the planet of magadis, wanting an impartial judge calls for one from the confederation, not knowing they would be receiving a woman judge. from there we go into approx 110 pages of sex and then get back to the storyline. not bad for a 231 page book. it made interesting reading but definately not for the kids. - eric l. smith !ctvax!uokvax!erlsmith