(J. A. "Biep" Durieux) (10/06/87)
The Catholic Church, some years ago, has allowed scientific research of the container-plus-blood, under the usual restrictions (non-damaging, like in the case of the Torino death-sheet [what's the English name?]). This implied that the container had to remain closed, but things like spectral analysis (absorbtion spectrum), reflection, heating/cooling (within reasonable limits), some shaking, etc. were allowed. I clearly remember having read about this more than once at the time the research was to begin, but I never have heard about results. Also, remember that the church hasn't affirmed in any way the miraculous nature of the event, only allowed the people to believe or disbelieve in it, as long as they are prepared to accept the decision of the church if ever it will make one. BTW, I am not a Roman Catholic. -- Biep. ( via mcvax) But who said I was right??