[sci.misc] Furnace Effect?..no worries

vin@meccsd.MECC.MN.ORG (Vincent J. Erickson) (03/31/89)

The greenhouse effect and the furnace effect could both be compensated
for in the following way:  Call 3M up; order many square kilometers of
mylar; place mylar in solar orbit just indise the Earth's so it blocks
a small percentage of the sun's rays. Result; a lowering of the
Earth's temperature.

A more elegant solution might be a sunscreen, rather than a reflector.
A large enough piece of mylar which allows all the visible light, but
reflects some of the infra-red light. This would keep shadows from
projecting on the Earth. This same method would be useful for blocking
ultraviolet radiation in the event we destroy the ozone layer as