[sci.misc] Visualization Workshop Announcement

acraig@harriett.ncsa.uiuc.edu (Alan Craig) (01/21/91)


June 3 - 14, 1991
National Center for Supercomputing Applications

The Visualization Experience is a multitrack workshop which will
examine the entire visualization domain to help bring greater
understanding and proficiency to the participant.  The workshop is
cosponsored by the Visualization Services and Development Group at
the National Center for Supercomputing Applications and the
National Science Foundation.


The field of visualization has grown rapidly from the simpler days of
computer graphics.  This workshop is designed to put the growing
field into perspective and to provide participants with the necessary
experience to work with scientific visualization.

The two-week workshop will consist of four interrelated tracks:
Interactive Visualization Practice, Issues of Representation and
Communication, Techniques in Visualization, and Issues of
Presentation.  It will take place June 3-14, 1991 at the National
Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign.  Travel, lodging, food, and workshop expenses
will be provided.

The workshop is intended for key participants in scientific research
groups.  Participants should be in a position to disseminate
information from the workshop to their colleagues.  It is necessary
for participants to have experience with the UNIX operating system.


To apply for the workshop, a proposal must be received by Friday,
February 22, 1991.  Include a self-addressed stamped postcard if
you would like to receive acknowledgement that your proposal has
Enrollment is limited to twenty participants.  Notification of
acceptance will be mailed on Monday, March 25, 1991.  Your
proposal must include the following:

Your name, affiliation, mailing address, email address, telephone
number and fax number.

A description of your current position.

A description of your field of research (include a description of your
computational domain).

A description of your research environment (how it is organized, who
is involved).

An explanation about how you will transfer your workshop
experience to others (include an estimate of how many researchers
or students will benefit from your experience at this workshop).

A description of your UNIX experience.

Special consideration will be given to minorities and women.  If you
want to be considered as a minority applicant, please indicate your
race and sex on your proposal.

Send proposals to:

Deanna Walker
69 CAB
605 E. Springfield Ave.
Champaign, IL

(217) 244-1996