[sci.misc] Calling all CFDers

sheddon@sdsc.edu (Mark Sheddon) (06/15/91)

          Calling all CFDers


          SDSC's fifth advanced computing summer institute will be held
          August 12-23. This year's institute will concentrate on advanced
          computing and visualization as applied to computational fluid
          dynamics--CFD. Participants must have a background or interest 
	  in this specialty.

          SDSC CFD experts Hassan Aref (professor of mechanical 
	  engineering and SDSC chief scientist) and Richard Charles 
	  (SDSC senior consultant) are speakers. The institute 
	  also will feature the following guest lecturers, 
	  all renowned in CFD:

               +    Joe Thompson, distinguished professor of aerospace
                    engineering, Mississippi State

               +    Peter Eiseman, adjunct professor of applied physics,

               +    Mory Gharib, associate professor of fluid mechanics,
		    UC San Diego

               +    Stan Osher, professor of mathematics, UCLA

               +    Douglas Dommermuth, research scientist, SAIC

               +    Sanjiva Lele, assistant professor of aeronautics
                    astronautics, Stanford, NASA/Ames Research Center

               +    Val Watson, chief, workstation applications office,
                    fluid dynamics division, NASA/Ames Research Center

          The institute's first two days will concentrate on general
          advanced computing topics and the use of the CRAY Y-MP under
          UNICOS. The next three days will feature grid generation, how to
          use CFD packages such as FLUENT, FIDAP, FLOTRAN, and 
	  FLOW-3D, and advanced topics and experiences in fluid 
	  flow. The second week will explore CFD visualization 
	  techniques, with Thursday featuring future trends in 
	  all areas of advanced computing.

          If you are interested in attending this institute, you need
	  to complete the application form, which is attached to this
	  news message, and return it to us no later than July 12 (the
	  address you need to send it to is included on the application

          Tuition, travel, housing, and meal expenses will be paid for 20
          academic participants. Academic applicants may be 
	  undergraduates, graduates, or faculty. Industrial 
	  partners will be charged $2500 tuition. The institute 
	  is contingent on funding from NSF.

          All participants must bring a scientific programming project
          related to CFD research, teaching, or education. They will
          receive three hours of CRAY time, use of a Macintosh, and 
	  access to the high-end workstations in the SDSC VisLab. 
	  SDSC consultants will be available to assist during 
	  the afternoon workstation sessions. SDSC facilities 
	  will be available nights and weekends to give participants 
	  as much time as possible to work on their projects.

          Each participant is asked to make a short written and 
	  oral report at the final session.

	  For additional information please contact:

	  Mark Sheddon  (619) 534-5130  sheddon@sdsc.edu

	                  APPLICATION FORM

          August 12-23, 1991

          Instructions: Please print or type the information requested
          below. Attach extra sheets as necessary. All applications 
	  must be received no later than July 12, 1991. (The institute is
          contingent on funding from the National Science Foundation.) 
	  Send applications to

          Ms. Holly Boyce
	  San Diego Supercomputer Center
	  PO Box 85608
	  San Diego, CA 92186-9784





          Mailing address:

          Office telephone:

          E-mail address:


          FOR ACADEMIC APPLICANTS ONLY (tuition free):

          Highest degree/department/date:

          Degree institution:


          GPA (if student):

          If funding cannot be obtained, would you or your department be
          able to pay expenses?

          FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICANTS ONLY (tuition $2500, includes 3 Y-MP hrs):

          Would you like university housing and meals at $52/night or do
          you plan to make your own arrangements?

          Experience and proposed project information:

          1. Describe your computing experience, including hardware and
          software you've used.

          2. Each participant must bring a CFD-related programming 
	  project to work on during the daily afternoon 
	  workstation sessions.  Describe your proposed project 
	  (e.g., the code you intend to work
          on and your experience with it).

          3. If you are a faculty member or researcher, describe your
          current area of research to which supercomputing is 
	  applicable.  If you are a student, describe your 
	  undergraduate major or Ph.D. thesis topic.

          4. Describe how supercomputing will aid your research or
          education and how your experience at the SDSC Computational
          Science Institute will aid others at your institution.

          Letter of recommendation (academic applicants only): Please
          supply a letter of recommendation from your advisor, 
	  if you are a student, or a colleague, 
	  if you are a faculty member. This letter
          should include the following information:

	  E-mail address
	  Department of the advisor or colleague

	  Why the advisor thinks you should attend the SDSC
	  Computational Science Institute, commenting on 
	  your qualifications and the degree to which 
	  attendance at the institute would promote
	  research using supercomputers.
 _____                                                                   _____
( ___ )-----------------------------------------------------------------( ___ )
 |   |                                      ||    moreland@sdsc.edu      |   |
 |   |          />                          |+===========================|   |
 |   |         /<                  Kcah Cam || John L. Moreland          |   |
 |   | [\\\\\\(O):::<=====================- || San Diego Supercomputer   |   |
 |   |         \<       Fighter/Ma(gi)cUser ||    Center (SDSC)          |   |
 |   |          \>                          || AppleLink:  D6812         |   |
 |___|                                      || Phone: (619) 534-5170     |___|