[net.sf-lovers] Yet more on V

wmartin@brl-vgr.ARPA (Will Martin ) (05/14/84)

To beat a dead horse even further, we had a discussion here about "V" 
regarding what the writers (I use the word loosely) COULD have done with the 
[admittedly incredible] idea of the cross-racial children, instead of the
rather weak and sloppy ending they did come up with.

My idea: Both children live. The little girl turns out to have all
the nasty and evil qualities of the aliens' psyches, is a quisling
turncoat traitor, and helps the Visitors in their malevolent missions.
(The story would continue over years beyond the birth, of course, and
the children would grow at a more normal pace, not the silly speeded-up
situation that was used.) The reptile creature remains nasty-looking,
but has all the good qualities that can be found in humans, a veritable
saint in fact. He helps the rebels, maybe has psychic powers, etc.

The idea of a colleague: Ignoring the reptile child for now, and
concentrating on the girl. She grows up to be a chameleon, able to
shift her shape into a reptile or human at will. She forms a
bridge between the species. 

Either of those ideas would have improved the ending of "V" immensely,
and also provided ample opportunities for spinoffs ("I Married A Reptile",
"Father Sssss", etc.) and sequels ("The Return Of V", "Son of V", 
"Beneath the Planet of the Vs", etc.). 

Where do I go to pick up my check?


presley@mhuxj.UUCP (Joe Presley) (05/15/84)

How about:

	I Was a Teenage Reptile
	National Lampoon's "V"acation
	"V" - the Ultimate Battle
	"V" - the Penultimate Battle       (prequels)
	"V" - the Antepenultimate Battle
	Monsanto's repTiles for Fashionable Floors

   Joe Presley (mhuxj!presley, ihnp4!j.presley)