leah@smith.chi.il.us (L.A.Z. Smith) (05/24/91)
This is the second call for votes regarding the proposed newsgroup, misc.writing. Voting has been underway since April 28 and will continue through May 28. HOW TO VOTE ^^^^^^^^^^^ MAIL your votes to one of the following addresses: YES votes -- yes@smith.uucp yes@smith.chi.il.us yes%smith@ast.dsd.northrop.com NO votes -- no@smith.uucp no@smith.chi.il.us no%smith@ast.dsd.northrop.com To be counted, votes must REACH smith by 11:59 p.m. CDT, Tuesday, May 28, 1991. Please include in the body of your message your name and your correct e-mail address. You may include other messages, but there's no guarantee anyone will pay attention to them. Do NOT post your votes. They will not be counted. Do NOT try to vote by hitting the 'r' key, unless you change the 'To:' line. (Additional notes on mailing votes: We recommend that voters at uucp sites use the .uucp address. Those at Internet sites should route via .northrop.com. The .chi.il.us address is a little flaky outside this domain due to problems at gargoyle. (If -- and ONLY if -- all else fails, you may send votes in care of smithr@ast.dsd.northrop.com; include "misc.writing -- YES" or "misc.writing -- NO" in the subject line. Votes sent this route will take longer to process.) We are not able to do individual acknowledgments. A first mass acknowledgment of the voters so far is at the end of this message. If you think you voted and your name is not listed, please try again, paying careful attention to the addressing and voting information above. Following is the charter for the proposed group, as discussed for the requisite month in news.groups, and some supporting material. Please vote. MISC.WRITING CHARTER ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Misc.writing is a forum for discussion of writing in all its forms -- scholarly, technical, journalistic, artistic and mere day-to-day communication. It is a venue for professional writers, would-be professionals and all those who write to communicate. Misc.writing is primarily about writing in English. As such, it includes consideration of linguistics, grammar and style as they relate to composition. It is not, however, limited to discussion of writing for print -- topics may include a variety of other media and means of communication. In addition to discussion about the process of writing, misc.writing also addresses writing as a trade, including (but not limited to) reviews of books about writing; notices of workshops and writers' group meetings; and information about marketing and publishing. Tools for writing may be a topic, as well. Questions about how to write, writing problems and how to improve one's writing are welcome, but long excerpts of written works should not be posted. However, the group may serve as a meeting place for those who wish to exchange works to critique via e-mail. Although the group is general in nature, misc.writing welcomes discussions about specific forms of writing; contributors are encouraged to identify their topic by including explicit tags such as "TECHNICAL:" or "JOURNALISM:" in subject lines. Such guidelines shall be enforced by peer pressure only. Misc.writing is an unmoderated newsgroup. ======================================================================== WHY ANOTHER NEW GROUP? Almost everyone writes -- if not books and articles, then memos to colleagues or letters to mother. Writing is critical to most professionals' jobs, whether it be the major part of their work or simply the documentation of it. At present, there is no group for general discussion of writing. Related discussions therefore tend to be all over the net, with sci.lang and rec.arts.books taking the brunt of them. The latter, as its regulars should agree, is already large enough without this traffic. Two groups on the alt.net, alt.prose and alt.prose.d exist, but they are devoted to fiction and were, according to one of the founders, "created primarily to allow writers to have their works of fiction (or non-fiction, but the emphasis has always been on the former) read and critiqued (in the .d group) by their fellow writers." Posting of written works will be discouraged in misc.writing, where the emphasis will be discussions of the process and business of writing. While everyone who writes in any capacity is welcome, the primary focus is on those who do it for a living -- on this network, that means mainly journalists and technical writers. Various groups in the comp hierarchy discuss aspects of technical communication, but do not adequately provide a forum for the many technical writers on the net. The creation of misc.writing may be the beginning of a hierarchy. If traffic justifies it, further groups could be proposed, along the lines of: misc.writing misc.writing.technical misc.writing.journalism misc.writing.educational misc.writing.fiction misc.writing.grammar misc.writing.biff, etc. However, we will begin with the initial group, misc.writing, and see how it goes. WHY MISC? Because there is no other good fit. The rec.arts hierarchy is out because of the professional leaning of the proposed group. It's difficult to make a case for writing as a science, and "sci.writing" would in any case have the effect of misleading people into thinking it was for writing about science. Almost everyone writes, for one reason or another, and a common ground for discussion of the process and its peculiarities is greatly needed on the net. Even the best of professionals can benefit from others' tips, and those for whom writing is a necessary chore can find help from those who do it constantly. And if misc.writing turns out to be a means for improving the general quality of writing on the net, all the better. Let's consider it. WHAT NEXT? Please vote. MAIL your votes as directed at the beginning of this article. No posted votes will be counted. Do not mail votes to the address below. The discussion period for this group has ended. If you have comments about misc.writing, you may as well save them for after the group has been created -- if it is. MASS ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF VOTERS If your name does not appear in the list below, we don't have your vote. Please follow the voting and addressing instructions carefully. Jeff Abbott, Jeff.Abbott@hub.dsg.ti.com Dell Adams, dadams@eagle.wesleyan.edu Ad Aerts, aerts@media03.UUCP Carl Alexander, cjeff@ghoti.lcs.mit.edu Lynn Alford, groper.jcu.edu.au!cplma Steve Anderson, prodnet.la.locus.com!stevea Patrick M. Benson, pbenson@cac.washington.edu Cindy Bentson, bentson@sumax.seattleu.edu Tony Bible, bible@iastate.edu Greg Black, gjb@void.oz.au Earl Boebert, sctc.com!boebert Carol Botteron, botteron@bu-it.bu.edu Daniel F. Boyd, consp04@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu Coni Britten, conib@peri.gvg.tek.com Predrag Bundalo, syspredrag@iitvax Peter Burton, dcs.qmw.ac.uk!peter Mark Cappel, mark@east.sunworld.com Ed Casas, edc@augean.ua.oz.au Kenneth Chang, kchang@ncsa.uiuc.edu Melinda Chen, mchen@csrd.uiuc.edu Roy Chester, roy@mlacus Joe Chew, JTCHEW@lbl.gov David Claytor, dlc@ais.org Stessa Cohen, stessa@ropes.OPCR.ICL.COM Steve Coltrin, spcoltri@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu Kim DeVaughn, kim@lust.pswd.amdahl.com Kelly DeYoe, kdeyoe@tjhsst.vak12ed.edu Kenneth Demster, dcrtg2.dcrt.dla.mil!aad4262 Kent Paul Dolan, xanthian@Zorch.SF-Bay.ORG Chris Dollin, kers@hplb.hpl.hp.com Scott Duncan, duncan@ctt.bellcore.com Dick Dunn, rcd@ico.isc.com Andrew Eichstaedt, AEichsta@Athena.MIT.Edu. Dell H. Ellison, ellisond@maize Herbert B. Enderton, hbe@math.ucla.edu Lynda Felder, lsf@calmasd.prime.com Andrzej Filinski, andrzej@cs.cmu.edu Leonore Findsen, fax0357@uoft02.utoledo.edu Dan Flak, flak%mcgp@nwnexus Stewart Fleming, sfleming@cs.hw.ac.uk Richard Flood, bellcore.bellcore.com!pyuxf!rhf Mary Ellen Foley, mef@netcom.com Peter Franks, pete@indep1.mcs.com Charles Geyer, geyer@galton.uchicago.edu Margaret D. Gibbs, gibbsm@ll.mit.edu Thomas Gillen, tom@math.ufl.edu Anne Louise Gockel, cs.cornell.edu!alg Osvaldo Gold, osvaldo@sos.com Ron Graham, venus.lerc.nasa.gov!ECAXRON Dorian Gray, 8718288@ul.ie Kate Gregory, gregory@csri.toronto.edu Andrew Hackard, andy@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu Larry Hammer, LNH@albert.physics.arizona.edu Michael Hand, e343mh@tamuts.tamu.edu Carson Harding, harding@acs.ucalgary.ca Robert Craig Harman, phoenix.princeton.edu!rcharman Lonnie D. Harvel, ldh@eedsp.gatech.edu Brian Hayes, hayes@concert.net Dennis Heffernan, dfrancis@tronsbox.xei.com Michael Ho, ho@hoss.unl.edu Grant Hogarth, cgh@frame.com Charlotte Hollister, hollist@bbn.com Will Hyde, why@kpc.com Jim Inscore, jinscore@next.com Linda Jacobson, linda@frcs.UUCP Munish K. Jain, mcs213k.cs.umr.edu!mjain Cal Jewell, jewell@Data-IO.COM Helen Kastner, helen@maspar.com Timothy Klein, timk@meaddata.com Lisa Klopfer, cs.unc.edu!klopfer Shantanu Kothavale, skothavale@twg.com Barbara J. Kratz, psuvm.psu.edu!BJK111 Mike Kretzer, tanith@csd4.csd.uwm.edu Richard Kretzer, max@csd4.csd.uwm.edu Steve Lamont, network.ucsd.edu!slamont Terry Laskodi, terryl@sail.labs.tek.com Mary Soon Lee, mary@ai.mit.edu Joel B. Levin, levin@bbn.com Jonathan Levine, jono@netcom.com Kristin J. Levine, kristin.levine@mac.dartmouth.edu Bruce Lilly, blilly!balilly!bruce@sonyd1.Broadcast.Sony.COM Hong Lip Lim, lim@cs.su.oz.au Nigel Ling, pucc.PRINCETON.EDU!mapd1%syma.sussex.ac.uk John Locke, jxxl@taurus.cs.nps.navy.mil Bob London, blondon@teknowledge.com John Machin, sjm@rand.mel.cocam.oz.au Audrey C. Mack, wiggy@audrey.b23b.ingr.com Tom Maddox, tmaddox@milton.u.washington.edu Laurie Mann, lmann%jjmhome@m2c.m2c.org Michele Marques, michele@apex.yorku.ca Barney McCartney, barney@emx.utexas.edu Ellen McDonald, hpcvxemm.cv.hp.com!ellen Mark McGlothlin, mcgloth@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu Don McMinds, dlm@hpcvlx.cv.hp.com Jan Mikkelsen, janm@dramba.neis.oz.au David Neal Miller, miller.3@osu.edu Ethan Miller, elm@cs.berkeley.edu Gary Miller, gmiller@NeXT.com Ken Mohnkern, kem@cs.cmu.edu Andrew Moore, awm@ai.mit.edu Miriam Nadel, nadel@aerospace.aero.org Erik Naggum, enag@ifi.uio.no Jay W. Noh, jnoh@ddsw1.mcs.com Cyndi Norman, cnorman@ucsd.edu Steffan O'Sullivan, sos@oz.plymouth.edu Ruth Onn, ruth@ee.cornell.edu John Oughton, john@ldc.uucp Mike Palmer, palmer@hsi.com Diane Patterson, diane@apple.com Henry Polard, MasPar.COM!henry Jeff Porten, sjporte@asc.upenn.edu Lutz Prechelt, prechelt@ira.uka.de Josh Putnam, Josh_Putnam@happym.wa.com Raven, ast!ocf.berkeley.edu!bfwong George V. Reilly, gvr@cs.brown.edu Robert Reimann, rmr@sgi.com Ehud Reiter, e.reiter@edinburgh.ac.uk Carl Rigney, cdr@amd.com David Ritchie, ritchie@hpdmd48.boi.hp.com Jenny Robertson, jennyr@informix.com Jim Roche, roche@cs.rochester.edu Daniel M. Romanchik, danr@irie.ais.org Michael Sean Rooney, oxy.edu!rooney Audrey Rosen, a_rosen@casbah.acns.nwu.edu Michael Rothstein, rothstei@cs.kent.edu Doug Rudoff, mdisea!rudoff Nicholas Russon, nrusson@sco.COM SCHMOLECHNER, JOLECHNER@vaxsar.vassar.edu SIGAR, ifi.uio.no!sigar Brian Salter-Duke, B_DUKE@DARWIN.NTU.EDU.AU Linden Salter-Duke, SALTER_DUKE@darwin.ntu.edu.au Curt Sampson, curt@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca N. V. Sastry, Sastry.Nanduri@ec.bull.fr Sue Scheck, gdsnet.grumman.com!sue John R. Schwab, fsjrs@oz.lerc.nasa.gov Ellen Keyne Seebacher, elle@midway.uchicago.edu Larry Setlow, ast!cpac.washington.edu!pjt Dorai Sitaram, tone.rice.edu!dorai Darrell Skinner, skinner@poly.polytechnique.fr James F. Small, small@seas.ucla.edu Cameron Smith, cameron@midd.cc.middlebury.edu Jim Smith, jos@vitelloni.cray.com Stephen R. Smoot, smoot@cs.berkeley.edu Catherine Smotherman, birdy@prc.unisys.com Dan Stegner, dans@clmqt.marquette.Mi.US Ilana Stern, bierstadt.scd.ucar.edu!ilana Richard Stevens, rstevens@noao.edu Charleen Bunjiovianna Stoner, charleen@ads.com Scott Stratmoen, scott%freedm@ast.dsd.northrop.com Steve Summit, scs@adam.mit.edu Andrew Trapp, act31797@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu Douglas Tucker, dhtucker@digi.lonestar.org Ash Nallawalla VK3CIT, ash@mlacus Rodrigo Vanegas, cs.brown.edu!cs012148 Maurizio Vitale, Maurizio.Vitale@dist.dist.unige.it Tom Wachtel, wachtel@canon.co.uk Kathy Walrath, kathy_walrath@next.com Craig E. Ward, cew@venera.isi.edu Karen Ward, wardk@cse.ogi.edu Barbara Watson, bw@mips.com Mark H. Weber, mhw@Schuylkill.Canal.Org James Weiss, ukelele!jweiss Richard White, rpwhite@gemini.cs.navy.mil Anthony Williams, ast!runx.oz.au!tonyw Gregory G. Woodbury, ggw@cds.duke.edu Brian Yamauchi, yamauchi@cs.rochester.edu -- L.A.Z. Smith leah@smith.uucp leah@smith.chi.il.us Wheeling, Illinois leah%smith@ast.dsd.northrop.com (If all else fails, send mail c/o smithr@ast.dsd.northrop.com)