[sci.math.stat] S on Xenix?

ray@dsiramd.nz (Ray Brownrigg) (09/10/87)

Has anybody had experience with the Bell Labs S statistical package
on a Xenix system, or in particular on an M28 micro?

Even the fact that it is possible would be useful information, as
would a description of the level of functionality available (if not
fully functional).

We are considering doing the port, and do not wish to suffer all the
pitfalls (if there are any) if someone else has already done so.

Thanks in advance
Ray Brownrigg		UUCP: {utai!calgary,uunet}!vuwcomp!dsiramd!ray
Applied Maths Div, DSIR		ACSnet:	ray@dsiramd.nz[@munnari]
PO Box 1335			System:	OLIVETTI/AT&T 3B2/400B+, System V R3.0
Wellington, New Zealand			"UNX -rules -OK"