[sci.math.stat] Statistics Seminar - Monte Carlo Max. Likel. in Exponential Families

ruth@utstat.uucp (Ruth Croxford) (02/08/90)

Topic:    Monte Carlo Maximum Likelihood in Exponential Families
Speaker:  Charles Geyer, Department of Statistics, University of Washington
Date:     TUESDAY, Feb. 13,  4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Place:    Room 1078, Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George Street, U of T

  In many exponential family problems the likelihood cannot be calculated
exactly except in very small problems.  These occur notably in spatial 
statistics, where they are called Markov random fields or Gibbs distributions,
and in genetics.  In most cases one can construct by the Metropolis algorithm 
or the Gibbs sampler a Markov chain whose equilibrium distribution is one
of those in the exponential family.  From one Monte Carlo sample from this
Markov chain, one can construct estimates of every distribution in the 
exponential family,  their moments, the whole likelihood function, and
the maximum likelihood estimate.  All of these converge in an appropriate
sense to objects they estimate almost surely along sample paths of the
Markov chain.

   As an application of this method, an autologistic model for obtaining
estimates of relatedness of individuals from DNA fingerprints will be
described.  This is a constrained model with many parameters.  Maximum
likelihood will be compared with maximum pseudolikelihood and maximum
conditional likelihood.

Coffee and tea will be served in the De Lury Lounge (SS6006) at 3:30 p.m.