jim@kovacs.UUCP (Jim Keating) (05/24/84)
> > From: ks@astrovax.UUCP > Subject: Re: Arthur C. Clarke's 2010 > Evidently MGM assigned him (Peter Hyams) to the project. Directors are not *assigned* to projects. Those days are long gone. > From: cbspt005@abnjh.UUCP (Eric Carter) > Subject: 2010 - Peter Hyams > One thing for sure, the special effects are > being done by the best in the business, Doug Trumbull's Entertainment > Effects Group, under the tutelage of triple Oscar-winner Richard Edlund > ("Alien", "The Empire Strikes Back", "Return of the Jedi"). Wrong. Edlund is Effects Supervisor, but EEG is not doing the effects. Where do you people get your information ? And don't tell me "Starlog", or some other effects rag. The people who write for those trash rags know less about what's what than my dog. > From: knudsen@ihnss.UUCP > Subject: Re: Saturn not pretty enuf for Kubrik > The irony of 2001, a generally beautiful film, is that its depictions of > Juapiter and its moons pale to dullness next to the real thing, as beamed > back by the Voyagers and other probes. Swirls and eddies on Jupiter, > furrows on ?, ice craks all over Europa, Io's hell -- yessir, truth can > really beat hell out of fiction. If anyone had dreamed up something like > that for Kubrik, he might have refused it, saying "that's too fantastic... > there's enuf LDS trip stuff at the end. People would laugh at those > planets." Well, I just read 2010, and the special effects to do it > anything like justice had BETTER BE GOOD! Hope they rip off all they > need from NASA. No more plaster Jupiters...mike k I showed this one to Con Pederson. When he stopped laughing, he said it wasn't worth his time to reply to it. My response is: 2001 was begun five years before man landed on the moon. For its time (and for a long time after), it was/is the best film (complete film -- story, cinematography, effects) of the genre. To compare one effect from the film to a reality of fifteen years later, on the surface, seems ludicrous, but actually is probably testament to the accomplishment of its makers. > From: KIESCHE@RU-BLUE.ARPA > Subject: 2010: Odyssey Two > Special Effects are being handled by the Doug Trumbull group... C'mon. I'd really like to know who started this rumor. The company doing the effects is Boss Film Corp, which now occupies the same building that EEG used to occupy. And *some* of the people from EEG are probably working on the film (there is a *limit* to the number of *talented* effects persons in the business). And unless something's changed very recently, Doug Trumbull himself should be off working on SHOWSCAN somewhere. -Jim-