[sci.math.stat] Interface'91 - Call for Papers, Attendees

iface91@flash.bellcore.com (Jon Kettenring) (12/13/90)

(We're sending this notice several ways. Sorry if you get multiple copies.)


		  I N T E R F A C E     ' 9 1

              23rd Symposium on the Interface:
              Computing Science and Statistics

       Critical Applications of Scientific Computing:
         Biology, Engineering, Medicine, Speech...

APRIL 21-24, 1991 - Seattle Sheraton Hotel, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON
   Sponsored by the Interface Foundation of North America

                     Hosted by Bellcore

              KEYNOTE  SPEAKER:  Eric  Lander

            "Opportunities for Statisticians and
              Computer Scientists in Biology"


              Relational Databases - Joe Hill
     Parallel Computing - Bill Eddy and Mark Schervish
             Realistic Rendering - Tony DeRose


                Dynamic Statistical Graphics
    Computationally Intensive Methods for Discrete Data
Multivariate Statistics and Visualization for Labelled Point Data
                     Massive Data Bases
        Computational Problems in Biomedical Imaging
              Uncertainty and Graphical Models
                   Computational Genetics
     Computational Problems in Satellite Image Analysis
        Computational Methods in Spatial Statistics
                    Speech and Language
  Computer Modeling, Experimental Design and Data Analysis
   Scientific Computing Problems in the Aircraft Industry
Computing Problems in Environmental and Industrial Statistics
            Data Visualization and Sonification
                      Neural Networks
  Engineering Applications of Computing-Intensive Methods
  Statistical Computing Environments for the 21st Century

                     CALL  FOR  PAPERS

Sessions  will  include  invited  and  contributed   papers,
tutorials, and a special session of invited posters, videos,
and demos.  Authors who wish to give a contributed paper  or
to  be  considered  for the poster/video/demo session should
submit an abstract  by  January 15, 1991.   Abstracts should
not  exceed one-half page (text 6.5 inches wide by 4 inches)
including  lines  for  title,   author(s),   and    address.
They  may  be  sent  as  camera-ready  paper copy (2 copies,
please) or email (PostScript,  troff,  or  TeX/LaTeX).   All
abstracts will be included in the program brochure.

Abstracts and inquiries should be sent to:

	  mail: Interface '91
		Jon Kettenring, Program Chair
		Bellcore, 2Q-326
		445 South Street
		Morristown, NJ 07962-1910
	 phone:    (201)829-4398
	 email:    jon@bellcore.com

Conference Proceedings of  invited  and  contributed  papers
will be published.  Camera-ready copy will be due on June 1,


The regular registration fee is  $150  for  members  of  the
cooperating   societies,  ASA,  IMS,  SIAM,  the  Biometrics
Society (ENAR and WNAR), and for persons affiliated with the
University of Washington.  For others it is $165.  Registra-
tions received after March 15, 1991, will be charged a  late
fee  of  $20.   The  registration fee covers the Workshop on
Computational Molecular Biology (for which separate  advance
registration  is required, see below), tutorials, reception,
coffee breaks, banquet, and proceedings.  Registration forms
for the conference and for the hotel are attached to the end
of this communication.

                     PROGRAM  COMMITTEE

Mary Ellen Bock,  Andreas Buja,   William  DuMouchel,   Nick
Fisher,   Gene  Golub,   Joe  Hill,  Elaine  Keramidas, John
McDonald,  John  Nash,  Daryl  Pregibon,   Werner  Stuetzle,
Michael Tarter,  Luke Tierney,  Paul Tukey,  Paul Young

                   ORGANIZING  COMMITTEE

Diane Duffy, Selma  Kaufman,  Elaine  Keramidas,  Jack  Lee,
Allen McIntosh, Elaine Sieff, Linda Uhler


           American Statistical Association (ASA)
         Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)
   Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
           The Biometrics Society (ENAR and WNAR)
       Operations Research Society of America (ORSA)
                  University of Washington


On Sunday, April 21, the Workshop on Computational Molecular
Biology  will  meet from 9am to 5pm.  Symposium registration
will be on Sunday from 5-8pm, followed by an evening  recep-
tion from 8-10pm.  The Banquet will take place on Tuesday at
6:30pm.  The conference will end at noon on Wednesday, April

          Computational Molecular Biology Workshop
                      Sunday, April 21

This workshop will focus on  statistical  and  computational
aspects  of  molecular  biology.  An  important theme of the
workshop is the interplay between biology, computer  science
and statistics.  The topics and speakers are:

   Genetic and Physical Mapping
      E.S. Lander, E.A. Thompson, E. Branscomb
   Protein Structure
      F. Cohen, T. Schlick

    Sequence Comparison
      R.J. Roberts, E. Myers, M.S. Waterman

Enrollment for this workshop (no additional fee) is limited,
and  separate  registration  is  required.   Please register
early in order to be accepted.  We expect  to  provide  some
financial  support for workshop participants.  For registra-
tion and further details, contact:

  mail:Professor Simon Tavare
       Department of Mathematics
       University of Southern California
       Los Angeles, CA 90089-1113.

  email: simon@msw.usc.edu


All meetings will be held at  the  Seattle  Sheraton  Hotel.
Conference  room rates have been arranged for all attendees.
Early registration is strongly recommended to assure a room.
(See  hotel registration form at the end for details).  Spe-
cial student housing is available at the University of Wash-
ington  with  a student ID; write to Jon Kettenring, Program
Chair, for information.


In an arrangement with Bellcore,  American  Airlines  offers
conference  attendees  special  group fares between April 18
and 27, 1991. Reservations must be made at least 3  days  in
advance  by calling the American Airlines Convention Desk at
(800)433-1790, and providing the  agent  with  the  Bellcore
Meeting I.D.  Number, S14Z1BZ.

                        CAR  RENTAL

Hertz Rent-A-Car will  offer  conference  attendees  special
discounted  rates  which  will  also  be  in effect one week
before and one week after the conference.  Reservations  can
be  made by calling (800)654-2240, and providing the confer-
ence I.D. Number 7846.


The Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, 13 miles south  of
Seattle,  is  served  by  most  domestic  airlines  and many
foreign  carriers.   The  following  operate   on   frequent
schedules and provide service to downtown Seattle:

       Airport Express, 5am-midnight, (206)626-6088.
      Shuttle Express, 24 hours daily, (206)622-1424.

                   INTERFACE  FOUNDATION

The Interface Symposium is  an  activity  of  the  Interface
Foundation  of  North  America  (IFNA), a non-profit, educa-
tional corporation founded in August of 1987.   The  aim  of
the  foundation  is  to  promote the Interface Symposium and
related activities at the interface of computing science and

The 23rd Symposium is the fourth held under the auspices  of
the Interface Foundation.  Future symposia will be hosted by
Texas A&M University in 1992, and by the University of Cali-
fornia, Berkeley, in 1993.


The IFNA has applied for support from the The National  Sci-
ence  Foundation,  the  Department  of  Energy, the National
Institutes of Health, and the Department of  Defense.   Lim-
ited  funds  may be available to support travel and per diem
expenses of graduate students who will be presenting papers.
Please  contact  Jon  Kettenring, Program Chair, for further

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NAME _______________________________________________________

AFFILIATION ________________________________________________

ADDRESS ____________________________________________________

CITY ____________________  STATE ____  ZIP _________________

TELEPHONE __________________________________________________

ELECTRONIC  MAIL  ADDRESS __________________________________

[__] Member of a Cooperating Society  $150
[__] Non-member                       $165
[__] Student (I.D. required)	      $ 70
[__] Late Fee (after March 15)        $ 20

              Total Fee Enclosed   _______

Please make check payable to  "Interface  '91",  and  send
with this form to:

	Interface '91
	Jon Kettenring
	Bellcore, Room 2Q-326
	445 South St.
	Morristown, NJ 07962-1910.

(Remittance in U.S. dollars, please.)
For more information, phone: (201)829-4398
		      email: jon@bellcore.com

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 HOTEL  RESERVATIONS:  INTERFACE '91,  April  21-24,  1991

Please mail to the hotel directly for reservations.

SEATTLE SHERATON,  1400 Sixth Avenue,  Seattle, WA 98101
        (206)621-9000,  (800)325-3535.

ARRIVAL  DATE ___________  DEPARTURE  DATE _________________

NAME ____________________  Sharing  with ___________________

ADDRESS ____________________________________________________

CITY/STATE/ZIP _____________________________________________

DAYTIME  PHONE _____________________________________________

SPECIAL  REQUEST  [__] Smoking  [__] No smoking  [__] Handicap Accessible

Conference rate for Interface '91 participants honored until March 21.
Rate can be extended 3 days prior and/or following the conference.

[__]  single $122     [__]  double $139     [__]  additional person $25
Reservations held only until 4 p.m. without deposit or accepted credit card.

Credit Card and Number______________________________________

Expiration Date____________Signature________________________