[sci.math.stat] Statistics etc packages upload at garbo.uwasa.fi

ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi) (02/16/91)

> From: David Curtis <dc@psychiatry.sm.ucl.ac.uk>
> To: ts@uwasa.fi
> Date: Thu, 14 Feb 1991 16:41:04 +0000
> Dear Professor Salmi, 
> I am submitting the above four ZIP files which have been uuencoded and
> shar'ed: ESDISK, EPDISK, PEDRAW and PEDHELP.  They will need to be
> unshar'ed.  Each subject line is just the name of the file so I'm
> sending this note to provide subject lines and explain the contents.
> Subject lines:
> ESDISK.ZIP      EASISTAT general statistics package 
> EPDISK.ZIP      graphing program, pop-up calculator and editor
> PEDRAW.ZIP      scientific pedigree-drawing program  
> PEDHELP.ZIP     pop-up hypertext help for PEDRAW
> Brief descriptions for announcements:
> ESDISK contains EASISTAT, a full-featured Shareware statistics program
> featuring a variety of parametric and nonparametric tests, including
> Student's t, chi-squared, Pearson's and Kendall's correlation
> coefficient, Kolmogorov Smirnov, Wilcoxon's signed rank and rank sum,
> one way analysis of variance, multiple linear regression and principle
> components analysis. Complex arithmetic and logical expressions may be
> evaluated and used to select groups of subjects. A generalised function
> minimisation/curve-fitting routine is also provided. 
> EPDISK contains the graphing program which allows data from EASISTAT to
> be displayed as scatter plots, histograms or line graphs. Several
> statistical tests can be represented visually. Standard ASCII files are
> used so data from other sources may also be graphed. A memory-resident
> pop-up calculator is also provided which can read input from a document
> being edited and insert the result into the document. A simple text
> editor is also supplied.
> PEDRAW is a pedigree-drawing program mainly of interest to scientists
> who wish to display biological relationships and the distribution of a
> disease within a pedigree. It is particularly suitable for researchers
> performing genetic linkage analysis. This program was reported in the
> article: " A program to draw pedigrees using LINKAGE or LINKSYS data
> files" D. Curtis. Ann. Hum. Genet. (1990) 54, 365-7.
> PEDHELP comprises the documentation for PEDRAW in a special format which
> allows it to be displayed as pop-up hypertext.
> Dave Curtis
> Academic Department of Psychiatry,    Janet:       dc@UK.AC.UCL.SM.PSYCH
> Middlesex Hospital,                   Elsewhere:   dc@PSYCH.SM.UCL.AC.UK
> Mortimer Street, London W1N 8AA.      EARN/Bitnet: dc%PSYCH.SM.UCL@UKACRL
> Tel 081-380 9475 Fax 081-323 1459     Usenet: ...!mcsun!ukc!mrccrc!D.Curtis

Thanks Dave,
   Your programs are now available from garbo.uwasa.fi archives. 
Like some uploads they will first temporarily be in the /pc/stash
directory until they have been assigned to their proper directory,
which will be given in /pc/INDEX in due time.

Prof. Timo Salmi        
Moderating at garbo.uwasa.fi anonymous ftp archives
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun