todd@ivucsb.sba.ca.us (Todd Day) (08/21/89)

Sun Aug 20 15:01:10 PDT 1989

Here is the list of the people who have voted so far.

The proposal plus how to vote is posted after the list.

(Alan Biocca) bevsun.bev.lbl.gov!biocca
 Andreas Gustafsson <batman.hut.fi!gson>
(Andrew Stone) unmvax.cs.unm.edu!stone
(Ashok C. Popat) atrp.mit.edu!ashok
(Ashok Krishnamurthy) happy.eng.ohio-state.edu!akk
(Barry P. Medoff) Sun.COM!medoff
 Bdale Garbee <hpcsd02.col.hp.com!bdale>
 Bengt Larsson <MATHS.LTH.Se!bengtl>
 Bernie Mans <cs.pitt.edu!aa4cg!bernie>
(Bill Poser) csli.Stanford.EDU!poser
(Brad Rubenstein) Sun.COM!bradr%bottom
(Brian H. Powell) natinst.com!brian
(Brian K. Shiratsuki) okeeffe.Berkeley.EDU!bks
(Brian Matthews) beaver.cs.washington.edu!6sigma!blm
(Brian Peterson) ernie.Berkeley.EDU!brianp
(Bryce Jasmer) hobbes.CS.ORST.EDU!jasmerb
(C. Harald Koch) dretor.dciem.dnd.ca!chk
 carl radens <uceng.UC.EDU!cradens>
 Charleen Bunjiovianna <ads.com!charleen>
(Chien-Ming Cheng) usc.edu!cheng%pollux.usc.edu
(Craig Blundell) uunet.UU.NET!munnari!merlin.bhpmrl.oz.au!craigb
 Craig F. Reese <super.org!cfreese>
(Daniel Howell) Xerox.COM!"Daniel_Howell.ESCP8"
 Darren Leigh <hplabsz.hpl.hp.com!dleigh>
 Dave Pascoe <RELAY.CS.NET!pascoe%godot%gte.com>
(David J. Camp) wubios.WUstl.EDU!david
(David Mcgrath) uunet.UU.NET!munnari!adl.austek.oz.au!dmcgrath
(Don Stuart) natinst.com!stuart
 Doug Faunt N6TQS 415-688-8269 <cisco.com!faunt>
(Doug Sturim) clyde.ATT.COM!ds
 Dr. Sekey <hub.ucsb.edu!ils%blue>
(Dru Nelson) ibiza.cs.miami.edu!dnelson
 Ed Hall <rand.org!edhall>
(Eddie Caplan) H.GP.CS.CMU.EDU!eddie.caplan
(Eduardo Perez) natinst.com!lalo
(Edwin Froese) handel.mpr.ca!froese
 Eric L. Smith <apple.com!esmith>
 Eugene Miya <eos.arc.nasa.gov!eugene>
(Evren Senol) wuerl.wustl.edu!evren
(Fran Porter) wubios.WUstl.EDU!fran
(Gary R. Burrell) uunet.UU.NET!iotek!garyb
(George Seibel) zeno.mmwb.ucsf.edu!seibel
(Gideon Yuval 1.1114 x4941) uunet.UU.NET!Microsoft!gideony
(Greg Dykema) Sun.COM!phantast
(Gregory Sandell) tcgould.TN.CORNELL.EDU!sandell
(Hannu Aronsson) hutcs.hut.FI!haa
(H.V. Sorensen) pender.ee.upenn.edu!hvs
(Henry J. Cobb) sleepy.cc.utexas.edu!hcobb
 Ian Phillipps <camcon.co.uk!igp>
(J. Philip Miller) wubios.WUstl.EDU!phil
"JAMES C MANKIN (814)-863-4348" <CORNELLC.cit.cornell.edu!N5X%PSUVM.BITNET>
 Jeff Boone <oce.orst.edu!boone>
"Jeff C. Glover" <RELAY.CS.NET!jeffg%loki.wv.tek.com>
(Jeff Rodriguez) emx.utexas.edu!jjr
(Jeffrey James Bryan Carpenter) fire.cis.pittsburgh.edu!jjc
 Jeremy Bornstein <apple.com!jeremy>
(Jim Austin) CORNELLC.cit.cornell.edu!JLA4983%RITVAX.BITNET
(Jim Olsen) XN.LL.MIT.EDU!olsen
(Jim Wright) Sun.COM!bula
(Joe Hamlin) afit-ab.arpa!hamlin
(John B. Milton) uncle!jbm
 John Lefor <ee.rochester.edu!jal>
(John Ornelas) Think.COM!johnnyo
"John R. Nickerson" <me.utoronto.ca!jrn>
(John W. Herman) marlin.nosc.mil!herman
 John Wetherill <uunet.UU.NET!USERWEAT%UALTAMTS.BITNET%cunyvm.cuny.edu>
(Juha Salo) altair.utu.fi!kali
 Juri Munkki <hut.fi!jmunkki>
(Karl Heuer) harvard.harvard.edu!ima!karl
(Keith Kanoun - Voice Products Group - dtn 223-1944 17-Aug-1989 0002) vox.enet.dec.com!kanoun
(Kent Springer) dsad.nac.dec.com!springer
(Kevin J. Burnett) lindy.Stanford.EDU!kevin
 leigh willard <ugw.utcs.utoronto.ca!USERQJ9F%UALTAMTS.bitnet>
(Mark Lee Shewmaker) gatech.edu!eephdma%pyr
(Mark Narveson) Sun.COM!narveson
 Martin Baertschi <inf.ethz.ch!baertsch>
(Matt Armstrong) Central.Sun.COM!xochitl!terra!bonzo
 Matt S Wartell <unix.cis.pittsburgh.edu!msw>
(Michael Speer) Sun.COM!speer
"Michael T. Horne" <RELAY.CS.NET!mhorne%ka7axd.wv.tek.com>
 Mitchell Spector <beaver.cs.washington.edu!sumax!spector>
(Owen Adair) shannon.eedsp.gatech.edu!owen
(Paul Traina) pst@anise.acc.com
(Peter da Silva) uunet.UU.NET!ficc!peter
(Phil Lapsley) east.Berkeley.EDU!phil
 P{r Emanuelsson <uunet.UU.NET!mcvax!isy.liu.se!pell>
 Rajeev Dujari <hpwala.hp.com!mirage>
(Ralf W. Brown) Solbourne.COM!ralf
 Reiner Lenz <uunet.UU.NET!mcvax!isy.liu.se!reiner>
 Rich Kulawiec <boulder.Colorado.EDU!rsk>
 richard welty <lewis.crd.ge.com!welty>
 Rob Sartin <hplabs.hp.com!sartin%hplcip>
(Robert Krawitz) Think.COM!rlk
(Robert McGwier) Princeton.EDU!mac%idacrd
(Robert McGwier) uunet.UU.NET!idacrd!mac
(Robert Sloan) Sun.COM!sloan
(Robert Yu) zabriskie.Berkeley.EDU!yu
 Scott Horne <YALE.ARPA!horne-scott>
 Scott Huddleston <RELAY.CS.NET!scott%tekcrl.labs.tek.com>
(Simon Hill) uunet.UU.NET!munnari!cit5.cit.oz.au!shill
(Stacey Campbell) uunet.uu.net!staceyc
(Stephen J. Friedl) uunet.UU.NET!vsi!friedl
(Steve Glicker) titan.tsd.arlut.utexas.edu!steve
 Steven V. Christensen <uceng.UC.EDU!schriste>
 Stuart Mclean <unix.cis.pittsburgh.edu!mclean>
(This is your brain on drugs. This is your brain on toast, with a side order of bacon. 15-Aug-1989 1129) star.enet.dec.com!hughes
(Tim Monks) uunet.UU.NET!munnari!merlin.bhpmrl.oz.au!tim
(Tod Stevens) uunet.UU.NET!munnari!adl.austek.oz.au!tstevens
 Todd Day <todd@ivucsb.sba.ca.us>
(Tom Lyon) Eng.Sun.COM!pugs
(Tom Neff) uunet.UU.NET!tneff%bfmny0
(Tony Jackson) Solbourne.COM!tonyj
(vijitha weerackody) pender.ee.upenn.edu!vijitha
(V{rri Alpo) tut.fi!varri
(Walter Doerr) uunet.UU.NET!unido!infodn.rmi.de!hikaru
(William Alves) usc.edu!alves%castor.usc.edu
(William Clare Stewart) ho95c.att.com!wcs
"William K. McFadden" <RELAY.CS.NET!bill%videovax.tv.tek.com>

Proposal for New Group: comp.dsp (unmoderated)

DSP is an acronym for Digital Signal Processing.  DSP is currently a
rapidly growing field.  Most people have come in contact with DSP
either through compact disc players or satellite photos.

Here are the proposed topics to be covered by this group:

1) Discussions of DSP hardware
	a) single processors
	b) DSP boards for computers
	c) new DSP product announcements
	d) architecture
2) Discussions of DSP software
	a) source code listings for particular chip
	b) how to use development software on particular chip
	c) general purpose DSP software on computers
3) Discussions of DSP theory
	a) general algorithms
	b) other devices that use DSP (CD players, etc.)
4) Discussions of DSP applications
	a) audio
	b) image
	c) control
	d) communications
	e) speech
	f) etc.

This is the official call for votes for proposed group comp.dsp.

Please read the official proposal posted in news.groups or
news.announce.newgroups before proceeding.

How to Vote!

Votes will be taken until Wednesday, September 13th, 1989 (30 days
from today).

	If you agree that the group comp.dsp should be created as
	specified in the official proposal, send mail to


	If you think that the group comp.dsp should not be created
	as proposed, send mail to


	If you have some comment you'd like to send to the vote taker,
	or if you get reject messages, send mail to


	You needn't send a subject line or any message text to vote.  In
	fact, please avoid sending any comments with your vote, as comments
	WILL be ignored.


Todd Day  |  todd@ivucsb.sba.ca.us  |  ivucsb!todd@anise.acc.com
"It's not the heat, it's the stupidity"  ---  Angry Poodle B-B-Q