[sci.math] International Symposium on AI and Math

hector@maui.cs.ucla.edu (Hector A Geffner) (11/12/89)

                 ... Second Announcement ...

   International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics

                        January 3-5, 1990

                          Pier 66  Hotel
                     Fort Lauderdale, Florida

 Program Chair:  Martin Golumbic    martygo@yktvmh.bitnet

 Organizing Chair:  Frederick Hoffman  hoffmanf@servax.bitnet

 Keynote speaker:

    David Mumford, Harvard University
         "Finding Discrete Structure in a Noisy Analogue World"

 Invited Hour Speakers:

    Martin Davis, Courant Institute, NYU
         "In Defence of First Order Logic"

    Zohar Manna, Stanford University
         "Automated Deduction--Techniques and Applications"

    Drew McDermott, Yale University
         "Numerical Methods in Artificial Intelligence"

    Alan Robinson, Syracuse University
         "Artificial and Natural Proofs in Mathematics"

    Leslie Valiant, Harvard University
         "Computational Learning Theory"

 Special Session on Logic and Artificial Intelligence:

    Howard Blair (Syracuse University)
    Allen Brown (Xerox Webster Center)
    Michael Gelfond (University of Texas)
    Wiktor Marek (Cornell University and University of Kentucky)
    Anil Nerode (Cornell University)
    John Schlipf (University of Cincinnati)
    Mirek Truszczynski (University of Kentucky)
    Duminda Wijesekera (Cornell University)

 Session talks:

    Peter Caines (McGill) and S. Wang
         On the complexity of classical and logic-based
         observer-controllers for partially observed automata

    H. Geffner and J. Pearl (UCLA)
         Ranking and Priorities in Default Reasoning
    Horty and Thomason (CMU)
         The Mathematics of Inheritance

    H. Kautz and B. Selman
         The tractability of path-based inheritance

    L. Allison, C.S. Wallace and C.N. Yee (Monash)
         When is a string like a string?

    E. Kounalis and M. Rusinowitch
         A mechanization of conditional reasoning

    A. Tuzhilin and Z. Kedem  (NYU)
         Modelling and querying databases evolving in time

    Ken McAloon
         Small CLP languages and search problems

    E. Boros, P.L. Hammer (Rutgers) and J.N. Hooker (CMU)
         Boolean regression

    William McCune and Larry Wos (Argonne)
         Applications of automated reasoning to problems in
         mathematics and logic

    Michael Kearns (MIT)
         to be announced

    Chengqi Zhang and Maria Olowska (Univ. of Queensland)
         Homomorphic transformation among                               Inexact
         reasoning models in distributed Systems

    Michael Sims (NASA AMES)
         Control of mathematical discovery

    Elisha Sacks (Princeton)
         Automatic qualitative analysis of one-parameter planar ODE's
         by intelligent numeric simulation

    J-L. Lassez (IBM Research)
         Querying systems of linear constraints

    Michael Maher (IBM Research)
         to be announced

    G. Manzini (MIT) and M. Somalvico
         Probabilistic performance analysis of heuristic search using
         parallel hash tables

    P. Van Hentenryck and T. Graf
         Standard forms for rational linear arithmetic
         in constraint logic programming

    P. Bhattacharya and K Qian( Univ. of Nebraska)
         Parallel algorithm of skeletonization of binary or gray image

     Xiaodi Sun (705 Xidian University, PR China)
         New Approaches for the Treatment of Uncertainty in AI

    Henry W. Davis (Wright State Univ.) and S.V. Chenoweth
         Discrepancy analysis: A new approach for understanding the
         asymptotic complexity of A* tree search

    Mary McLeish (Univ. of Guelph)
         A theory for the use of production systems with conflicting
         evidence in probabilistic logic

    Brian G. Patrick, Mohammed Almulla and Monroe M. Newborn
         An upper-bound on the complexity of interative-deepening-A*

                       Approach of the Symposium

     The symposium will be of interest to an audience of both
     computer scientists and mathematicians.  The International
     Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics is the
     first of a biennial series featuring applications of
     mathematics in artificial intelligence as well as artificial
     intelligence techniques and results in mathematics.  There has
     always been a strong relationship between the two disciplines,
     however, the contact between practitioners of each has been
     limited, partly by the lack of a forum in which the
     relationship could grow and flourish.  This symposium,
     alternating with the existing series of Workshops on Statistics
     and AI, represents a small step towards improving contacts and
     promoting cross-fertilization between the two areas.  Full
     length versions of selected papers will be published in the
     series Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.


     The symposium is sponsored by Florida Atlantic University and
     IJCAII.  Additional funding is pending.  Partial travel
     subsidies may be available to young researchers.

                           Program Committee:

       Jean-Pierre Adam, IBM Paris Scientific Center
       Sanjaya Addanki, IBM Research
       Norman Foo, University of Sydney
       Mark Fox, Carnegie Mellon University
       William Gale, AT&T Bell Laboratories
       Peter Hammer, RUTCOR, Rutgers University
       Jean-Louis Lassez, IBM Research
       Hector Levesque, University of Toronto
       Wiktor Marek, University of Kentucky
       Anil Nerode, Cornell University
       Christos Papadimitriou, Univ. of Calif., San Diego
       Tomaso Poggio, MIT

                     Other  members  of  the  Editorial  Board  of

      "Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence"

       Woodrow Bledsoe, University of Texas
       Harvey Greenberg, University of Colorado at Denver
       Larry Henschen, Northwestern University
       Robert Hummel, Courant Institute, NYU
       Toshihide Ibaraki, Kyoto University
       R.C.T. Lee, National Tsing Hua University
       Jack Minker, University of Maryland
       Maurice Nivat, Universite de Paris
       Judea Pearl, University of Calif., Los Angeles
       F.J. Radermacher, Universitat Passau
       Michael Richter, Universitat Kaiserslautern
       Ronald Rivest, MIT
       Dana Scott, Carnegie Mellon
       Micha Sharir, Courant Institute, NYU
       Andrew Whinston, University of Texas
       H.P. Williams, University of Southampton

                         Functions and Lodging

      An early  arrivers reception  (cash bar)  on the  evening of
      January 2 and  a banquet on Thursday January  4 are included
      in the  registration fee.  Beverage service  for morning and
      afternoon breaks is also included.

      A block of rooms has  been reserved through December 1, 1989
      at the  Pier 66  Hotel, Ft. Lauderdale,  FL 33316,  USA; The
      rooms are  available at the Symposium  rate of approximately
      $67.00 per  night single  or double.  Reservations  for this
      block must  be made directly  with the hotel by  December 1,
      1989 mentioning the  name of the symposium.  The  hotel is 5
      minutes from the beach and can be reached by courtesy bus.


     Advanced registration can be done by mail, telephone
     (407-367-3099), FAX (407-367-3987) or email by December 15,
     1989.  The advanced registration fee is $130.00 ($60.00
     students) and can be paid by check or major credit card.
     Registration fee after December 15 will be $160.00.  Fees must
     be paid in U.S.  dollars and made payable to "Florida Atlantic
     University ".  Refunds (less $10) will be honored only for
     cancellations received by December 15, 1989.

     For further information, contact:
        Prof. Frederick Hoffman,  Dept. of Mathematics,
        Florida Atlantic University, Boca  Raton,  Florida 33431 U.S.A.
            Telephone:  (407) 367-3345
            email:      hoffmanf@servax.bitnet

                  REGISTRATION FORM   --    Please print

   International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics




         Electronic mail:

                 Advanced registration $130.00 (by Dec. 15, 1989)

                 Advanced student registration $60.00 (by Dec. 15, 1989)

                 Regular registration $160.00 (after Dec. 15, 1989)

                 Student registration $100.00 (after Dec. 15, 1989_