[sci.math] Undecidable problems about CFL's.

lorentz@ms.secs.csun.edu (Richard J. Lorentz) (05/18/91)

While trying to think up questions for a final exam on Computability
Theory I got to thinking:  just when is the question  L=L'? decidable
for arbitrary CFL L and fixed L'.  For example, if L' = (0+1)* the question
is undecidable, but it L' is any finite set the problem certainly is
decidable.  But what if L'=0*1* ?  Is the question decidable now?  What
properties must L' have to make the problem decidable or undecidable?

Any insights, references, etc. would be appreciated.  By the way, I
decided to bag the whole idea of asking a question like this on the exam!
|   Richard J. Lorentz   |   lorentz@ms.secs.csun.edu   |   (818) 885-2733   |