ddb@mrvax.DEC (DAVID DYER-BENNET MRO1-2/L14 DTN 231-4076) (06/18/84)
From: RHEA::DECWRL::MAILER-DAEMON "Mail Delivery Subsystem" 18-JUN-1984 13:33 To: <mrvax::ddb (DAVID DYER-BENNET MRO1-2/L14 DTN 231-4076)> Subj: Returned mail: Host unknown Received: from DECWRL by DEC-RHEA with SMTP; Mon, 18 Jun 84 10:36-PDT Received: from DEC-RHEA.ARPA by decwrl.ARPA (4.22.01/4.7.31) id AA00604; Mon, 18 Jun 84 10:35:15 pdt Date: Monday, 18 Jun 1984 10:32:22-PDT Message-Id: <8406181735.AA00604@decwrl.ARPA> ----- Transcript of session follows ----- 421 his-phoenix-multics.tcp... Deferred: Error 0 550 <rneal@his-phoenix-multics.arpa>... Host unknown ----- Unsent message follows ----- Received: from DEC-RHEA.ARPA by decwrl.ARPA (4.22.01/4.7.31) id AA00596; Mon, 18 Jun 84 10:35:15 pdt Message-Id: <8406181735.AA00596@decwrl.ARPA> Date: Monday, 18 Jun 1984 10:32:22-PDT From: ddb@mrvax.DEC (DAVID DYER-BENNET MRO1-2/L14 DTN 231-4076) To: rneal@his-phoenix-multics.arpa Subject: Oriental Sword and Sorcery There is a set of three books by Jessica Salmonson, the Tomoe Gozen saga, which fits into this category. The books are currently in print in paperback. One of them is called The Golden Naginata. I'm afraid my library is at home, but since most bookstores shelve by author you should be able to locate them. Also, E. Hoffman Price has a book called The Devil Wives of Li Fong. Oh, if you've been turned off by Jessica Salmonson's other writings, it might still be worth looking at Tomoe Gozen. If you haven't read any of her other writings, don't worry about it. -- David Dyer-Bennet -- decwrl!rhea!mrvax!ddb@BERKELEY