[sci.math] New Mathematica Publication--Mathematica in Education

jwishnie@next.com (06/14/91)

Paul Wellin, of Sonoma State University, has founded a new Mathematica focused  
newsletter called Mathematica in Education. I've attached to this message a  
letter from Paul describing the publication and providing submission and  
subscription information.

The submission deadline for the first issue is ---> July 31, 1991 

I would like to thank Paul for providing this forum for exchanging views and  
information related to the pedagogical uses of Mathematica.

If you have any questions or would like to submit materials, Please respond to  
Paul at: wellin@sonoma.edu 

Jeff Wishnie				

Begin Attached Message

Dear Colleague,

As an educator and a user of Mathematica, you have probably wondered at some  
point about its use in schools throughout the world. How are others  
implementing this tool in their respective disciplines? What barriers have they  
encountered? Has somebody, somewhere developed Mathematica packages or  
Notebooks that would be useful for a course you or your colleagues are planning  
to offer? What pedagogical issues related to the use of CAS systems and  
laboratory courses warrant serious debate? Many attendees at the Mathematica  
Conference this past January in San Francisco were involved in lively  
discussions related to these concerns. There was a strong consensus that a  
forum for those using Mathematica in education would be highly desirable.
I am pleased to announce the launching of a newsletter, *Mathematica in  
Education,: designed to address many of these needs. Mathematica in Education  
will contain articles and notes by people using Mathematica in all areas of  
academia who wish to share their experiences and projects with others. The  
articles and notes will be organized into the following broad categories:

 7 Experiences in implementing Mathematica laboratories and classroom usage.
 7 Academic projects that use Mathematica in a significant manner.
 7 Curricular changes related to the availability and usage of Mathematica.
 7 Philosophical and pedagogical issues.
 7 Software and hardware compatibility issues.
 7 Resources (both human and electronic), including user groups and archives.
 7 Calendar of events (workshops, conferences, etc.).
Mathematica in Education will be produced quarterly, beginning with the Fall  
1991 inaugural issue. Subscriptions will cost $15 per year. The enclosed card  
contains subscription information including how to receive one complimentary  

I invite you to submit an article or note for the initial issue of Mathematica  
in Education. Submitted materials should be received by July 31, 1991 for  
publication in this issue. Notes should be no more than 500 words and articles  
should contain approximately 3500 words. Although this is not the proper forum  
for the distribution of Mathematica packages and Notebooks (see The Mathematica  
Journal), it is appropriate to indicate how the reader could obtain any  
materials that you are making available.

If you are interested in submitting a contribution, please send two copies of  
the material, together with a cover letter indicating that it is being  
submitted for publication in Mathematica in Education, to the following  

	Paul Wellin, editor
	Mathematica in Education
	Department of Mathematics
	Sonoma State University
	1801 E. Cotati Avenue
	Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Documents may be submitted electronically on Macintosh diskettes to the same  
address, and should also be accompanied by the article or note in hard copy.  
Materials may be sent via email, but hard copy should also be submitted through  
the postal system or by fax. The use of TeX (or any of its supersets LaTeX or  
AmS-TeX) is encouraged, although documents produced in other formats will not  
be discriminated against. In particular, documents may be submitted as  
Mathematica Notebooks if desired. 
It is important that all Mathematica users (both new and old) have a resource  
to share our ideas and experiences as we work to integrate this technology into  
the classroom. Please help inaugurate this forum for Mathematica users. I look  
forward to hearing your suggestions and comments in regards to Mathematica in  

				Paul Wellin, editor
				Mathematica in Education 