[sci.physics] Transactional Interpretation of QM

ran@ho95e.UUCP (RANeinast) (11/20/86)

The July, 1986 issue of Reviews of Modern Physics had an article
in it called "The Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics",
by John Cramer.  This is a new way of looking at QM that, to my mind,
is a cleaner and much more logical way of looking at QM, and resolves
the many "paradoxes" associated with QM.

This is so revolutionary an interpretation that I would have expected
that some of the other journals (Science, Nature, Science News, New
Scientist) would have mentioned it, but I haven't seen anything.
Since I've been out of physics for about 5 years, I don't know if
this is because it's considered utter hogwash, or if just nobody's
really noticed it yet.

In the rest of this posting, I'll try to address the highlights
of the interpretation.  Maybe those of you out there with the
background will want to read the complete article in RMP (particularly
since I'm sure I can't explain it anywhere near as well as Cramer
did).  Maybe those of you out there with ties to the physics world
can let me know what they think of it.


It should be stressed that a new interpretation does not change
the formalism of QM.  All calculations are done as always.
It's just how you think about what's going on that is different.
Other interpretations of QM that you may be familiar with are the
"collapse" interpretation (the knowledge of the observer is what
makes the wave function collapse, so that Schrodinger's cat
isn't dead until we open the box and observe it) and the many-worlds
interpretation (each time a QM "choice" is to be made, the
world lines split, making an infinity of universes with each
possible outcome).

The basic idea comes from Wheeler-Feynman electrodynamics.
All relativistic wave equations have what are called "advanced"
and "retarded" wave solutions.  The "retarded" solutions are
the usual ones you are familiar with.  The "advanced" solutions
are waves that travel backwards in time with negative energy.
These solutions are usually discarded as "unphysical".
Wheeler and Feynman showed that a consistent electrodynamics
exists using the advanced waves also.

Consider a simple one-dimensional exchange of a photon between
two electrons.  The usual (retarded waves only) interpretation
has the first electron emitting a retarded (forward in time) wave.
When that wave hits the second electron, it vibrates, creating
an additional retarded wave exactly out of phase with the first
(canceling the first wave in the future), so that the resultant
is no wave after the absorption.

The Wheeler-Feynman electrodynamics includes the advanced waves.
The exchange is described in a pseudo-time sequence.  Here,
the first electron emits both an advanced and retarded wave,
the advanced wave going into the past, and the retarded wave going
into the future.  In the future, the second electron vibrates
when the retarded wave hit is, and creates both advanced and retarded
waves.  The retarded wave cancels the first wave after the absorption.
Meanwhile, the second advanced wave travels backwards in time
to the first electron, and cancels the first advanced wave before
the original emission.  The final result is exactly the same
as for the usual case.  Wheeler and Feynman showed that this
canceling always takes place exactly as necessary, and in three
dimensions, it's the boundary conditions that enforce it.

For QM, the situation is similar.  At the start of the transaction
(using pseudo-time as before), a particle sends out a retarded Offer Wave,
which disperses and diminishes as it goes, and its possible target
responds to the retarded Offer Wave with an advanced Confirmation Wave,
which travels back in time to the original particle.  Boundary conditions
ensure there are no stray waves before or after the event.

What's the probability of a particular transaction occurring?  Well,
the amplitude of the Offer Wave is attenuated to Psi(x) by the
intervening medium, and then the amplitude of the Confirmation
Wave is the same, since it traverses through the exact same medium,
Psi*(x).  Thus, the probability of completing the
Offer/Confirmation with that target is just Psi*(x)Psi(x) [ta-da!].
Finally, we have an explanation as to why the probability in QM is given
by the absolute square of the wave function.

The way the paradoxes are resolved is that the particles involved
in completing the transaction are communicating through time with
each other, and thus know the details of the experiment that is being
performed.  If after two photons are sent out in opposite directions,
one experimenter decides to check for circular polarization, and
the other for horizontal, the results correlate correctly (that is,
as QM says they should) because the complete transaction involved
the final states measured.  [You'll have to read the RMP article
for more lucid explanations of the paradoxes].

Note that faster-than-light communication is still disallowed,
but that long distance correlations are still enforced.
All "signals (offer/confirmation)" travel relativistically
(some forward in time, some backwards), but never faster than light.
The correlations are maintained by the handshaking through time.

This interpretation of QM has a very strong flavor of the story
"By His Bootstraps" by R. A. Heinlein.  Things happen in the future
the way they do because the past knows whats going to happen,
and going back to the past just brings the future about the way
it was going to be [the more I read that sentence, the more convinced
I am that I didn't say it very well, but I don't think I can say
it better].

There is also a strong flavor of inevitability here, since once a transaction
is set up across time, its completion is inevitable, yet freedom
(free-will?) exists, since the beginning of the transaction chooses
in a probabilistic sense from among all the targets (that satisfy
the proper boundary conditions).


Whew!  I'm sure I haven't done justice to the transaction interpretation,
but the more I think about it, the more I like it.  Any thoughts out there?

". . . and shun the frumious Bandersnatch."
Robert Neinast (ihnp4!ho95c!ran)
AT&T-Bell Labs