[net.sf-lovers] Rock and Rule

duntemann.wbst@XEROX.ARPA (06/28/84)


If you think that's a dumb title, consider the working title, which was
DRATS!  I sat in on a little schtick by Melvana (the Canadian
animation shop which did Rock and Rule, Animalympics, etc.) at Iguanacon
and have been watching for DRATS out of the corner of my eye ever since.
Best I did was a Marvel comic book made of fuzzily-screened cells out
of the movie.  Looked visually skillful and unutterably stupid.  On the
other hand, if somebody played it at a con I'd go--if that sounds like
a suggestion, well, concoms, it is.

Sigourney/Scirocco wrapup--looks like the ayes have it.  So Scirocco
had a broken nose--I don't recall any plot point turning on the
brokenness of her nose.  Or her looks generally; if a director
wanted a pretty Scirocco I wouldn't kick too much.  Sigourney Weaver has
the look of high intelligence about her, which is a condition on which
EVERYTHING turns in Titan/Wizard/Demon.

A much tougher directorial challenge would be getting a horde of topless,
full-breasted Titanides past the film censors.  American nipplephobia is
nothing short of astounding.

By the way, I thought that robot painting on the Queen cover was from
I,Robot by Asimov...somebody check, huh?  I don't have the album, nor
the mag from which it came.

--Jeff Duntemann

Something may cycle about Rochester; God knows what; maybe vultures...
