[sci.physics] Effective Resistance on an Infinite Mesh

callahan@cs.jhu.edu (Paul Callahan) (02/24/91)

Is there a closed form solution for the effective resistance between two
points on an infinite 2-D mesh whose edges are unit resistors?  Ideally, I 
would like a formula in terms of x and y, the coordinates of one point, 
assuming the other is the origin.  I can see how to approximate the answer
by considering the effective resistance between two points on a continuous
infinite resistive sheet, so the resistance should grow roughly logarithmically
with the Euclidean distance between the points.  A related question (which 
might have a nicer closed form) would be the branch current for each resistor
in the mesh assuming two points are put at some fixed potential.  Again,
it would be useful to have a formula in terms of the coordinates.

A problem that turns out to be related (which is what I'm really interested in)
is the following.  Consider a random walk on an infinite mesh in which each step
consists of choosing one of the four incident horizontal and vertical edges with
equal probability.  Suppose the walk starts at the origin.  What is the expected
number of times that such a walk will return to the origin before arriving
at the point (x,y)?  Can this be expressed as a simple formula in terms of 
x and y?  

I've browsed through Doyle and Snell, _Random Walks and Electrical Networks_, 
which deals with this sort of thing, but I don't have access to a copy right 
now.  Pointers to any other appropriate references would be appreciated.  

Paul Callahan

delliott@cec2.wustl.edu (Dave Elliott) (02/24/91)

In article <callahan.667353668@newton.cs.jhu.edu> callahan@cs.jhu.edu (Paul Callahan) writes:
>Is there a closed form solution for the effective resistance between two
>points on an infinite 2-D mesh whose edges are unit resistors?  Ideally, I 
>would like a formula in terms of x and y, the coordinates of one point, 
>assuming the other is the origin.  I can see how to approximate the answer
>by considering the effective resistance between two points on a continuous
>infinite resistive sheet, so the resistance should grow roughly logarithmically
>with the Euclidean distance between the points.  A related question (which 
>might have a nicer closed form) would be the branch current for each resistor
>in the mesh assuming two points are put at some fixed potential.  Again,
>it would be useful to have a formula in terms of the coordinates.
>A problem that turns out to be related (which is what I'm really interested in)
>is the following.  Consider a random walk on an infinite mesh in which each step
>consists of choosing one of the four incident horizontal and vertical edges with
>equal probability.  Suppose the walk starts at the origin.  What is the expected
>number of times that such a walk will return to the origin before arriving
>at the point (x,y)?  Can this be expressed as a simple formula in terms of 
>x and y?  
>I've browsed through Doyle and Snell, _Random Walks and Electrical Networks_, 
>which deals with this sort of thing, but I don't have access to a copy right 
>now.  Pointers to any other appropriate references would be appreciated.  
>Paul Callahan

One case of this problem is a famous EE problem... the case in which the
two nodes are neighbors on the grid. The solution in that case is easily
obtained by a method which is also good (but not easy) for the posted
problem.  The method is simply to put a ground "at infinity" and note
that it cannot affect the answer. Then use the superposition principle
(Ohm's law, here).
  First consider a 1 ampere source at the first node (with sink at infinity)
(origin) *only* and note that each of the 4 outgoing resistors must carry 1/4
ampere by symmetry. Now consider a 1 ampere sink at the neighboring
(second) node *only*, with again 1/4 amp flowing *in* on each incoming
resistor from the source at infinity.
 Now you can superpose, and remove the ground at infinity because
it draws no current, to get a 1/2 amp current in the resistor joining the
two nodes. 
	The general problem posted requires that the currents for the
symmetric problem be solved for all branches; but that is still easier
than a direct attempt without using the above trick. The problem has also
been posed and solved in the neighboring-vertex case for the graphs of
the regular polyhedra ... all this goes back to 1953, and wasted an
immense amount of time for EE students who could not accept the above
mathematical argument and tried approximations of the grid (which
converge unbelievably slowly). 

                                David L. Elliott
				Dept. of Systems Science and Mathematics
                                Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130

greg@garnet.berkeley.edu (Greg Kuperberg) (03/01/91)

In article <callahan.667353668@newton.cs.jhu.edu> callahan@cs.jhu.edu (Paul Callahan) writes:
>Is there a closed form solution for the effective resistance between two
>points on an infinite 2-D mesh whose edges are unit resistors?

Both this problem and the related problems that you are interested in
boil down to the following:

Given an infinite mesh with unit resistors at the edges and a 1 amp
current sink at the origin, what is the voltage at each point
(assuming the voltage at the origin is 0)?

Let v(i,j) be the voltage at (i,j).  The problem boils down to finding
the unique solution to the equations:

v(i+1,j)+v(i-1,j)+v(i,j+1)+v(i,j-1)-4*v(i,j) = 0 for (i,j)!=(0,0),
v(1,0)+v(-1,0)+v(0,1)+v(0,-1)-4*v(0,0) = 1

with the property that v(i,j)-v(i,j+1) and v(i,j)-v(i+1,j) go to 0
as you go out to infinity (i.e. the currents asymptote to 0).  As
Brendan McKay pointed out, the voltages for the solution are unbounded
as you go to infinity.  But it's a well-posed mathematical problem

To find the effective resistance between two vertices, you have to find
the voltages when there is a current source and a current sink at the
two vertices.  To do that, all you have to do is subtract the above
solution from a translate of itself.  The upshot is that the effective
resistance from (0,0) to (i,j) is simply v(i,j)+v(-i,-j) = 2*v(i,j).
Among other things, this lets us immediately conclude that the e.r.
between two *adjacent* vertices is 1/2, because by symmetry v(1,0) =

There is no such trick for the general problem.  Nevertheless Noam
Elkies discovered independently that it has a tractable solution and he
posed the problem to me as a puzzle a few years ago.  Here is the
solution as I remember it.

We start by rotating the mesh by 45 degrees.  Specifically,
we let v(x,y) = v((x+y)/2,(x-y)/2) when x+y is even.  Next, we attempt
to guess solutions of the form v(x,y) = f(y)*exp(i*theta*x) with
no current source or sinks anywhere (for the moment we'll have to drop
the vanishing-at-infinity condition).

From the equation v(x+1,y+1)+v(x+1,y-1)+v(x-1,y+1)+v(x-1,y-1)-4*v(x,y)=0,
we get f(y+1)*2*cos(theta)-4*f(y)+f(y-1)*2*cos(theta) = 0, or
f(y+1)-2*sec(theta)*f(y)+f(y-1) = 0.  This is a recurrence relation
very similar to that for Fibonacci numbers.  In the spirit of the
Fibonacci sequence, we further guess an answer of the form
f(y) = r^y.  We get a quadratic equation for r which miraculously
factors into r=sec(theta)+tan(theta) and r=sec(theta)-tan(theta).
So we get two solutions (sec(theta)+tan(theta))^y*exp(i*theta*x)
and (sec(theta)-tan(theta))^y*exp(i*theta*x).  Any linear combination
of solutions is of course another solution.

The next step is to piece together these solutions to get a set of
voltages which doesn't blow up at infinity and which also has current
sources.  If we let 0<theta<pi/2, then we see that
sec(theta)-tan(theta)<1, and sec(theta)+tan(theta) is just the
reciprocal.  Thus, the solution

v_theta(x,y) = (sec(theta)-tan(theta))^|y|*exp(i*theta*x)

has good behavior at infinity and no current sources in the upper or
lower half plane.  However, we can check that it has a current source of
4*sin(theta)*exp(i*theta*x) amps at the vertex (x,0) (with x even, of
course).  The voltage function 1-Re(v_theta(x,y)) is equally nice,
actually, and it has the extra advantage of being real everywhere and
equal to 0 at (0,0). It has a current sink of 4*sin(theta)*cos(theta*x)
at (x,0).

In the last step, we integrate 1-Re(v_theta(x,y)) to get the
pattern of current sources we want.  Specifically, if we let

v(x,y) = integral_0^pi/2
        (1-(sec(theta)-tan(theta))^|y|*cos(theta*x))/2/pi/sin(theta) dtheta,

the current sinks cancel out everywhere except at the origin, and in
fact v(x,y) is the solution to the original set of equations.

So, for example, the e.r. between two diagonally separated vertices
is simply 2*v(2,0) = 2/pi.
Greg Kuperberg                 Reply only to postings you like.
greg@math.berkeley.edu         Ignore postings you dislike.