[sci.astro] Galileo Update - 11/12/90

baalke@mars.jpl.nasa.gov (Ron Baalke) (11/13/90)

                         GALILEO STATUS REPORT
                           November 12, 1990
     A command was sent today to the Galiloe spacecraft to reset the command
loss timer to 216 hours, the planned value for this mission phase.  Another
delta DOR (Differential One-way Ranging) navigation activity was successfully
completed today using using the 70 meter antenna pairs at Goldstone/Spain and
Goldstone/Australia.  The sequence memory load for TCM-7 (Trajectory Course
Maneuver 7) will be sent to the spacecraft today.  The spacecraft will execute
the maneuver tomorrow using its axial and lateral thrusters.
      ___    _____     ___
     /_ /|  /____/ \  /_ /|
     | | | |  __ \ /| | | |      Ron Baalke         | baalke@mars.jpl.nasa.gov
  ___| | | | |__) |/  | | |___   Jet Propulsion Lab | baalke@jems.jpl.nasa.gov
 /___| | | |  ___/    | |/__ /|  M/S 301-355        |
 |_____|/  |_|/       |_____|/   Pasadena, CA 91109 |