[sci.space] Finding a good Lagrange-points derivation


A couple of requests recently have dealt with understanding the nature of
Lagrange's equilibrium points.   The most lucid mathematical derivation
I've found is in:

Jerry B. Marion, *Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems*, second edition,
Academic Press, New York, 1970, pages 278-285.  Section 8.12, "The Problem of
Three Bodies."

This is an undergraduate mechanics text, and no math fancier than basic
calculus and vector algebra is used in the derivation. Marion gives references
on page 285 so you can explore further if you like.   Symon's *Mechanics* goes
into more detail on stability, but uses daunting math.  Dave Newkirk published
some references the other day, but they didn't look like they were intended for
the beginner.

                                        Bill Higgins
                                        Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory