[sci.space] Are powersats impractical?

DIETZ@slb-test.CSNET ("Paul F. Dietz") (10/21/86)

Gary Allen recently disparaged the powersat idea.  Taking Gary's
word that microwave power-beaming powersats are infeasible, I wondered
if other schemes for orbital solar power are possible.  If so,
Gary's objections to microwave powersats are not arguments
against space settlements.

There's an obvious solar power scheme that is, in many ways,
superior to conventional powersats.  It's the Soletta idea:
place large numbers of mirrors in orbit to focus light onto
ground based collectors.  The drawback to the scheme is that
the finite angular size of the sun makes the reflected footprint
on the Earth rather large.

The sun is about .5 degrees across, as seen from Earth.  A mirror
at an altitude of 5000 kilometers will reflect a spot 43 kilometers
across.  The spot will in fact be somewhat larger, since the slant
range will often be higher as the mirrors move, and the ground
will be tilted relative to the beam, causing the spot to be elliptical.

Let's say the spot is 60 km across.  To get 1 sun of intensity in the
spot will require 2800 km**2 of mirrors in space.  If those mirrors
are made of 1 micron aluminum foil the total mass (of the reflecting
foil) is about 8000 tons.  Since the mirrors will often be
below the horizon from the receiver, this figure should be divided by
some duty factor (say .05); however, mirrors can be timeshared between
geographically dispersed receivers.  (Interesting problem: how best
to space the receivers, given that they should be far apart, yet should
also be in dry areas?)

I said 1 micron aluminum; it may be possible to build even thinner
foil.  Aluminum remains fairly reflective down to a few tens of
nanometers.  Some coating may be needed to protect against the
solar wind, though.  Also, considerable mass will be needed for
a supporting framework, control electronics, attitude control
flywheels and communications gear.

How much energy can we get from these mirrors?  Over three terawatts
of light passes through a 60 km circle at Earth.  If I assume 10%
efficiency for converting this to electricity, we get 300 gigawatts
of electricity.  Often the mirrors will not be head-on to the sun,
so some energy is lost, but the collectors will also get direct sunlight
during the day, which should help compensate.  At midnight mirrors
directly overhead will be eclipsed, but at that time power load
should be reduced anyway.

The scheme has some big advantages: inefficiency and
complexity of microwave transmission goes away, mass that must be placed
in orbit per unit power output is much lower (perhaps 10 to 100x
times less mass per unit power than conventional powersats, assuming
many receivng sites), solar cells are on the ground where they're
cheaper and safer.

Disadvantages: does not scale down well, light pressure must be
compensated for, *lots* of mirrors are needed, atmospheric
absorption (build in deserts), astronomy is ruined, local
heating.  Also, I assume solar cells are cheap enough to make
this fly; they currently are not (quite).  One may want to
focus more than 1 sun of light on the collector; perhaps
mirrors that reflect in only some wavelength bands could reduce
local heating.

Cate3.PA@XEROX.COM (10/31/86)

Paul Dietz <DIETZ%slb-test.csnet@relay.cs.net> writes: 
>There's an obvious solar power scheme that is, in many ways, superior
>conventional powersats.  It's the Soletta idea: place large numbers of
>mirrors in orbit to focus light onto ground based collectors.  
>Disadvantages: does not scale down well, light pressure must be
>compensated for, *lots* of mirrors are needed, atmospheric absorption
>(build in deserts), astronomy is ruined, local heating.  

     Another option might be to build up in mountains, or on the plains
in Wyoming or South Dakota.  This would help make the winters lots more
reasonable.  It may even be possible to grow crops year round on land
near the ground based collectors.
     Henry III