Date: 13-NOV-1986 13:07 From: Dennis O'Connor Sender: OCONNORDM Subject: Courtesy, Arguments, and Powersats To: SPACE@ANGBAND@SMTP -------- When I originally put forth the question of Powersats as Weapons, which evolved into Space Installations as Military Oportunities, I ( in my naivete about network newsgroups ) was looking forward to speculation on the practicality or impracticality of using "commercial" space resources as "military" ones, much as is already the case in communications satelites. Instead, I've mainly gotten flames and ad-hominum attacks from "Dale.Amon", whoever he is. This person doesn't realy respond to what anyone says, he just flames. And if his flaming doesn't succeed, he starts insulting people. He has claimed I am paranoid, but gee, "Dale.Amon", WHEN THE HELL DID YOU EVER EVEN MEET ME? "Dale.Amon" ( is that your real name? ) has about as much cause to call me paranoid as I have of calling him an evangelical dogmatic knee-jerk fanatical idealogue. He has also essentially stated that people who prefer to live on Earth ( when they could go to space ) are inferior in some way. This is essentially the "IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ME YOU MUST BE A MORON" view of life, which is generally only held by morons. "Dale.Amon", from now on please try to respond in kind to people on the net. When a message is trying to conduct a dispassionate technical argument, DO NOT respond with FLAMES, PERSONAL ATTACKS and FALLACIOUS INACURATE INCOMPLETE ANALOGIES. ( And yes, I know your not doing this to me personally, since you seem to do it to everyone. See, I'm not paranoid. ) If someone wants to flame and counterflame with you, fine. BUT I DON'T WANT TO. Yes, this message is a flame, and contains ad-hominum attacks. But hopefully it will act as a "vacine", generating mental "anti-bodies" through-out the SPACE net, to help stop this "plague" of discourteous, counterproductive and annoying flames before the net deteriorates. With apologies, Dennis O'Connor --------