[sci.space] NASA Manifest - science payloads

leech@luther.cs.unc.edu (01/25/89)

    I extracted the science payloads from the "Mixed Fleet Manifest" which
Peter Yee posted and reformatted in 80 columns, for those of you who don't
want to read through all 3500 lines of the manifest. They're sorted by flight
date, then requested launch date if one hasn't been assigned yet.
    The '**' means "For NASA Planning Purposes" (missions that haven't been

    [Editorial comment: we can tell how seriously NASA takes the mixed fleet
     concept. 65 shuttle flights and only 29 ELVs planned up to 1994, and
     that's before they attempt to build space station using the shuttle.]

| MAGELLAN	   | IUS	  |  89 04     | 89 04 28  | SHUTTLE
| COBE		   | N/A	  |  89 06     | 89 06	   | DELTA
| GALILEO	   | IUS	  |  89 10     | 89 10 12  | SHUTTLE
| HST		   |		  |  89 06     | 89 12 11  | SHUTTLE
| HST		   |		  |  89 06     | 89 12 11  | SHUTTLE
| HST		   |		  |  89 06     | 89 12 11  | SHUTTLE
| ROSAT		   | N/A	  |  90 02     | 90 02	   | DELTA
| GRO		   | UNIQUE	  |  90 01     | 90 04	7  | SHUTTLE
| ULYSSES	   | IUS/PAM	  |  90 10     | 90 10	5  | SHUTTLE
| EUVE		   | N/A	  |  91 08     | 91 08	   | DELTA
| UARS		   |		  |  90 10     | 91 10 10  | SHUTTLE
| SMALL EXPL-01    | N/A	  |  91 12     | 91 12	   | SCOUT
| SRL-01	   | PALLET+MPESS |  91 07     | 92 05	7  | SHUTTLE
| SMALL EXPL-02    | N/A	  |  92 06     | 92 06	   | SCOUT
| SPARTAN-02	   | MPESS	  |  89 01     | 92 06 11  | SHUTTLE
| MARS OBSERVER    | TOS	  |  92 09     | 92 09	   | TITAN III
| SHEAL		   | UNIQUE/TAPS  |  91 05     | 92 09	3  | SHUTTLE
| SRL-02	   | PALLET+MPESS |  92 11     | 93 02 11  | SHUTTLE
| XTE		   | FSS	  |  93 11     | 94 01 13  | SHUTTLE
| HST-REV	   | PALLET+FSS   |  93 06     | 94 03 24  | SHUTTLE
| HST-REV	   | PALLET+FSS   |  93 06     | 94 03 24  | SHUTTLE
| HST-REV	   | PALLET+FSS   |  93 06     | 94 03 24  | SHUTTLE
| RADARSAT**	   | TBD	  |  94 06     | 94 06	   | MEDIUM**
| SRL-03	   | PALLET+MPESS |  95 04     | 94 09 22  | SHUTTLE
| SOHO		   | N/A	  |  95 03     |	   | TBD
| CRAF		   | CENTAUR**	  |  95 08     |	   | TITAN IV**
| LUNAR OBSERVER** | TBD	  |  95 10     |	   | INTERMEDIATE**
| OSL**		   | TBD	  |  95 10     |	   | MEDIUM**
| CASSINI	   | CENTAUR**	  |  96 04     |	   | TITAN IV**
| PO**		   | TBD	  |  96 06     |	   | INTERMEDIATE**
| HST-REVISIT-02   | PALLET+FSS   |  97 01     |	   | SHUTTLE

CASSINI        Cassini
    Saturn Orbiter/Titan Probe complements CRAF mission. Advance the knowledge
    of early history of the solar system through the study of physically and
    chemically primitive objects. Includes a rendevous with Saturn to study
    the planet, its rings, and its moons.
COBE	     Cosmic Background Explorer
    Determine the spectrum anistropy of cosmic microwave background.
CRAF	     Comet Rendevous Asteroid Fly-by
    Explore two primitive bodies to gather new information on the origin and
    evolution of the solar system, prebiotic chemical evolution and the origin
    of life, and astrophysical plasma dynamics and processes.
EUVE	     Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer
    Produce definitive sky map and catalog of extreme ultraviolet portion of
    electromagnetic spectrum (100-1000 angstroms).
    Investigates the chemical compostion and physical state of Jupiter's
    atmosphere and satellites.
GRO	   Gamma Ray Observatory
    Investigate extraterrestrial gamma-ray sources.
HEAO	   High Energy Astronomical Observatory
    Satellite to study energetic radiation from space.
HST	   Hubble Space Telescope
    Observes the universe to gain information about its origin, evolution and
    disposition of stars, galaxies, etc.
HST-R	   Hubble Space Telescope-Revisit
    Revisit mission to the Hubble Space Telescope to replace either science
    instruments orother orbital replacement units (ORU's).
LO	   Lunar Observer
    Geological, elemental, gravity, and magnetic field mapping of moon.
MAGELLAN   Magellan
    Spacecraft designed to globally map the surface of Venus.
MO	  Mars Observer
    Spacecraft to study Mars' surface, climate, gravitational, and magnetic
OSL	  Orbiting Solar Laboratory
    Will provide detailed data on our nearest star, the sun, to augment our
    studies of distant stars and cosmic processes.
PO	   Planetary Observer
    Spacecraft to study Martian upper atmosphere and ionosphere.
RADARSAT  Radar Satellite
    Remote free flyer sensing satellite will monitor land, sea and ice for
    five years over the poles (U.S./Canadian/U.K.).
ROSAT	  Roentgen Satellite
    NASA/West German cooperative satellite for studying X-Rays.
SHEAL	  Shuttle High Energy Astrophysics Laboratory
    Obtains images, spectra and timing data on celestial x-ray sources and the
    spectrum at the 30 ft. X-ray background.
SIRTF	  Space Infrared Telescope Facility
    Will span the infrared part of the spectrum with a thousand- fold increase
    in sensitivity.
SMALL EXPL  Small Explorer
    Payloads being designed to fly on Small Class ELV.
SOHO	  Solar Heliospheric Observatory
    Provides optical measurements as well as plasma field and energetic
    particle observations of the sun system for studies of the solar interior,
    atmosphere and solar wind.
    Solar observing Spartan mission.
SRL	  Space Radar Laboratory
    Series of flights to acquire radar images of the Earth's surface.  The
    images will be used for making maps, interpreting geological features, and
    resource studies.
UARS	 Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
    Satellite to study physical processes acting within and upon the
    stratosphere, mesosphere, and lower thermosphere.
ULYSSES   Formerly ISPM (International Solar Polar Mission)
    Investigates the properties of the heliosphere (sun and its environment).
XTE	  X-Ray Timing Explorer
    A Spacecraft to be used in Earth orbit to investigate the physical nature
    of compact X-Ray sources by studying fluctuations in X-Ray brightness over
    timescales ranging from microseconds to years.  The XTE payload will be
    launched on the Shuttle and changed out with the EUVE payload which will
    have been previously launched on an explorer platform using a Delta
    Jon Leech (leech@cs.unc.edu)    __@/
    ``The experiment must be wrong'' - Richard Feynman (as quoted by
    Eugen Merzbacher), upon hearing that experimental data did not
    agree with theoretical predictions. Feynman was correct :-)

hjh@hpldola.HP.COM (Heather Hubbard) (01/28/89)

Thanks for posting this summary.

Heather Hubbard