[sci.space] Summer Jobs Available at Rice

reiff@SPACVAX.RICE.EDU ("PAT REIFF") (02/03/89)


The Department of Space Physics and Astronomy of Rice University will have 
a number of temporary research apprenticeships available to undergraduate 
students in the summer of 1989.  Applications will be accepted until May 1 
for the summer period beginning on May 15.  Since the openings will start 
being filled in March, early application is recommended.

Ours is one of the oldest Space Science departments in the United States, 
with a long tradition in space experiments and observations, data analysis, 
and supporting theoretical and laboratory work.  Current areas of interest 
include study of planetary atmospheres and ionospheres, the magnetospheres 
of Earth and other planets, the interstellar medium, pulsars, and 
climatology.  We are particularly interested in hiring students of physics 
and related disciplines between their junior and senior years in order to 
allow them participation in the research activities of this modern 
department.  The exact nature of the assignment will be determined by a 
process of matching faculty and student interests.

Interested persons should send a letter of application which includes a 
statement of their academic position (school, year, major field of study, 
grade point average, both overall and in mathematics and physical science 
courses), the names of three references whom they have asked to write in 
support of their application, and a statement describing what attracts them 
to work in this summer program.  If the student has strong particular 
interests within the department or skills that may be particularly useful, 
these should also be described.  Letters of reference should be sent 
directly to the address below.

The remuneration for a full three months of service is $2500.

All correspondence should be addressed to:
Dr. Tamara S. Ledley		
Department of Space Physics and Astronomy
Rice University                 internet:  ledley@spacvax.rice.edu
Houston, TX 77251-1892          SPAN:      rice::ledley

(Note: This is a "Research Experience for Undergraduates" program sponsored 
by the National Science Foundation.  A number of other Universities will 
also be participating.  For a list of participating Universities in the 
Atmospheric and Space Sciences area, contact the Atmospheric Sciences 
Division of the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.)
From the First Space Science Department (celebrating its 25th anniversary):   
                                                   :      _^ ^_    ____
     Patricia H. Reiff                             :     / O O \   |GO \
     Department of Space Physics and Astronomy     :     \  V  /   |OWLS\
     Rice University, Houston, TX 77251-1892       :    / ""R"" \__/
     internet:  reiff@spacvax.rice.edu             :    \ ""U"" /
     SPAN:      RICE::REIFF                        :    _/|\ /|\_
     telemail:  [preiff/edunet] mail/usa           :My kids don't agree 
                                                   :with me; why should
                                                   :anyone else?