dave@well.UUCP (Dave Hughes) (02/09/89)
The Space Foundation asked me to post this. Contact: Robin Dailey (719) 550-1000 COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (January 30, 1989) -- The United States Space Foundation will launch its Fifth National Space Symposium,"Space -- A New Era", April 4-7 at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The Symposium, referred to as the "World Series of Space" by the late Jules Bergman, ABC-TV Science Editor, will bring together world authorities on space to discuss space policy issues affecting all nations on Earth. The four-day event will feature discussion sessions on space policy issues, a workshop and technical review of policy implications of space debris, a dinner and reception for the Apollo astronauts, the annual Space Technology Hall of Fame dinner, exhibits and displays by space-oriented corporations and tours of NORAD. Policy issues scheduled for discussion include: * Space Station: Status and Potential * NASA: Fit and Trim or Bureaucratic? * Space Physiology and Medicine * Aerospace Education: Preparing for Life in a New Era * International Interests: Cooperation and Competition * National Aerospace Plane: Pushing the Technological Frontiers * Space: Commercial Opportunity * Military Space Issues * Developing Military Space Technology Confirmed program participants include Dr. Carl Sagan, Director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University and host of the award-winning television series Cosmos; Dr. Edward Teller, Director Emeritus, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Roy Gibson, former Director of the British National Space Center; Ian Pryke of the European Space Agency; Lt. Gen. Donald Kutyna, Commander, Air Force Space Command; Norman Augustine, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Martin Marietta; Dr. David Webb of the National Commission on Space; Doug Heydon, President, Arianespace; Dr. Carolyn Huntoon, Director of Space and Life Sciences, Johnson Space Center; and Dr. Brenda Forman, Director for International Marketing Policy, Lockheed Corporation. Astronauts participating in the program include Wally Schirra, Deke Slayton, Buzz Aldrin, Jim Irwin, Gene Cernan, Charles Conrad, Joe Allen and Ox van Hoften. Representatives from England, France, the Soviet Union, West Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada and the People's Republic of China are expected to attend. Endorsed by President Ronald Reagan, who commended the U.S. Space Foundation for "...its pioneering efforts to galvanize public support, motivate our youth and promote better technical skills through sound education," the National Space Symposium also has been endorsed for attendance by the Department of Defense. The U.S. Space Foundation, founded in 1983, is a nonprofit organization committed to stimulating discussion on space policy issues and developing educational and informational programs to enhance better understanding of space and space technologies. Registration fee is $475 before March 3 and $525 thereafter. This includes all published conference material, three luncheons, three receptions, a dinner and a bound copy of the Symposium Proceedings Report. Registration information may be obtained by contacting the U.S. Space Foundation at P.O. Box 1838, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80901, or calling (719) 550-1000. +>