[sci.space] 1989 Space Development Conference in Chicago

ota+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (Ted Anderson) (02/10/89)

                    The 8th Annual International
                        Memorial Day Weekend
                     May 26-29, 1989 in Chicago
                     Hyatt Regency O'Hare Hotel

The principal gathering of those involved in citizen space advocacy is
the annual Space Development Conference.  This year it is co-sponsored
by 23 space-activist organizations, including the National Space
Society, Space Studies Institute, Students for the Exploration and
Development of Space, and the World Space Foundation. The Planetary
Society is cooperating by arranging a Mars Symposium at the
Conference, and 18 local institutions are affiliated as supporters.
Over 400 activists are already registered.

APOLLO: 20 YEARS LATER: A 20th anniversary celebration and review
of the Moon landings.  With former NASA Administrator Thomas O.
Paine and astronauts Eugene Cernan and James Lovell.

AN OVERVIEW OF SPACE:  A comprehensive update on all aspects of
current space programs.

SPACE TECHNOLOGY: Half-day programs on (1) Building a Lunar Base
and (2) The U.S. Space Station.

BUSINESS AND SPACE: (1)Space and the Non-Space Business and (2)
Space Commercialization.  Two days of programs.

MEET SPACE LEADERS: A chance to converse with astronauts, experts,
advocates, and NASA officials.  Learn how you can participate in
the Space Movement by attending our Activist Track.

PLUS SPECIAL SYMPOSIA:  Law & Space (with American Bar Association),
Medicine & Space (with Aerospace Medical Association and American
Medical Association), Teaching & Space (with U.S. Space Foundation,
Young Astronaut Council, NASA, and a host of others), Exploration of
Mars (in cooperation with the Planetary Society).

                            *   *   *   *

AN OVERVIEW OF SPACE:  (Saturday/Sunday) The U.S. Space Program;
Soviets and Other Nations in Space; Space Colonies (Gregg Maryniak,
Exec. V.P., Space Studies Institute); Apollo: Was It Worth It?
(historian John Logsdon); Has the Space Program Paid for Itself? New
Economic Impact Studies; What Next: An Integrated, Step-by-Step Space
Plan; Building Moon Bases; Space Commercialization: Space and the
Environment; Solar Power Satellites; Refitting the Shuttle between
Missions; National Aerospace Plane (David Webb, University of North
Dakota); Charles Walker (President, National Space Society, and
payload specialist); Informal meetings with NASA officials and


--SCIENCE & SPACE: (Friday) Honorary Chairman John Simpson (U.
of Chicago) with Joseph Alexander (NASA Assistant Associate
Administrator for Space Science and Applications); Voyager at Neptune: A
 (Norman Haynes, JPL
Voyager project director); Future Space Science Missions; The Orbiting
Observatories; Space Science in the Midwest; Antimatter Propulsion
(Robert L. Forward); NASA's Pathfinder and Future Projects Programs.

--LUNAR BASES: (half-day, Saturday afternoon) Overview (chairman
Wendell Mendell, Chief Scientist, Lunar Base Studies, Johnson Space
Center); Designs (Peter Land, Illinois Institute of Technology);
Architecture (Larry Bell, JSC); Life Support (Farolyn Powell, Life
Systems, Inc.); Surface Operations (Dr. John Alred, JSC); Lunar
Resources (Mark Jacobs, Astronautics Corp.).

--THE U.S. SPACE STATION: (half-day, Sunday afternoon) Technical
Choices in Designing the Station (Thomas L. Moser, NASA Deputy
Associate Administrator for Space Station, and Franklin D. Martin,
Assistant Administrator for Exploration); Making the U.S. and Soviet
Stations Compatible (Gordon Woodcock, Boeing)

BUSINESS & SPACE: Organized by the Illinois Space Institute, KPMG Peat
Marwick, and Aerospace Research Applications Corp.; The Future of Free
Enterprise in Space, with Honorary Chairman:  James A. Lovell, Jr.
(Exec. V.P. Centel Corporation, and former astronaut)

--SPACE AND THE NON-SPACE BUSINESS: (Friday) Locating and Using
NASA Technology (Often without Cost); Space-Related Growth Industries;
American Rocket Co.: Getting into the Space Business; Space Spinoffs;
Using NASA R & D Contracts to Develop Commercial Products; Contracting
and Subcontracting with NASA (Getting and Keeping a Piece of the
Pie); Financing

--SPACE COMMERCIALIZATION: (Sunday) The Private Launch Industry;
How Your Business Can Use Space: An Overview; Photos from Orbit
for Business and Farming; Small Satellites; 3M's Space Research
Program; Geostar and SSI: A Case Study; Government Aid to High
Tech: An Illinois Example.  Also including: George Koopman (Amroc),
Jeffrey Manber (Exec. Director, The Space Foundation), SPOT Image
Corp., American Microsat, Globesat, Omnisat, John Straus (Director,
Governor's Commission on Science and Technology), NASA.

INTRODUCTION TO SPACEFLIGHT: (Friday) All-day professional seminar on
essentials of space navigation, led by Gregg Maryniak of the Space
Studies Institute and pilot Capt. Edward Daley.  Learn to solve NASA's
Shuttle rendezvous workbook problems. Additional fee of $195.

Gordon R. Dickson, Roland Green, James P. Hogan, Frederik Pohl,
and Stanley Schmidt.

ACTIVIST PROGRAMMING:  Experienced space activists will share their
knowledge in a series of hands-on, how-to workshops and panels,
dealing with such topics as recruiting, staging special events such as
Spaceweek, pro-space political action, outreach to schools, using
computer networks, cooperation among chapters of pro-space groups, and
improving activist communications.


LAW & SPACE (Friday) Organized by Hon. Edward R. Finch, Jr., Chairman,
Aerospace Law Division, American Bar Association. Space Debris:
Legal Aspects; The Law of Space (Treaties and Statutes); Conflicts
of Law: The Law IN Space (Taxation, Imports & Exports, Crimes,
Torts, Contracts, Marriages, Citizenship, Titles, Patents);
Legal Rights to NASA Research & Development; Governing Multi-National
Space Habitats; The UN in Space.

MEDICINE & SPACE (Saturday) Co-sponsored by Aerospace Medical Association and
Medical Association.  Man in Space: A Medical Overview; Closed
Ecology Life-Support Systems (CELSS); Medical Needs of a Space
Station; Surgery in Space; Psychosociological Aspects of Space
Flight; Medical Spinoffs from Space.

TEACHING & SPACE (Sunday and Monday) NASA and Teachers (Dr. Robert
Brown, Director, NASA Office of Educational Affairs); Tips in Teaching
Space (Margaret Lindman, Chairman, Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction,
Northeastern Illinois University), Come Fly with Me: Space Curricula
(David and Doreen Housel); Space Science for Non-Science Students
(Thomas Damon), Museum of Science & Industry: Local NASA Resource
Center; Teaching the History of Space Exploration (U.S. Space Camp);
Science Fiction as a Teaching Tool (Harry "Hal Clement" Stubbs);
Space as a "Hook" for Other Subjects (Georgia Franklin); Mars for
Students (Ralph Winrick, NASA); Air Bears: A Kindergarten Curriculum
(The Ninety-Nines); Horizons Unlimited (Civil Air Patrol); Teaching
Astronomy (Adler Planetarium); Teaching Space (U.S. Space Foundation,
Challenger Center, Young Astronauts). ALSO: NASA program to certify
teachers to handle Moon rocks (Friday evening); Space M+A+X computer

EXPLORATION OF MARS (Monday morning) In cooperation with the Planetary
Society.  Overview: A Mars Exploration Program; NASA at Mars; Mars
Rover Sample Return Scenarios; Mars Airplanes; Mars Balloons; Soviet
Mars '94 Mission; Phobos-- The Movie; Psychology & Sociology of
Long-Duration Space Flight; What Next for Advocates?  Including Louis
Friedman (Exec. Director, Planetary Society), Thomas Paine, John
Logsdon, Carl Pilcher (Chief Scientist, NASA Office of Exploration).

YOU, TOO, CAN SPEAK! The "Many Roads to Space" track will give you and
other registrants a forum for your own special and diverse ideas on space
policy, science, education, or technology.  A fifteen-minute slot
will be alotted for each single speaker and topic.

ENTERTAINMENT: Moebius Theatre, Chicago's improvisational comedy
troupe, will offer humor for the space frontier on Saturday evening.

HOTEL INFORMATION: Hyatt Regency O'Hare Hotel rooms are $69/night,
single or double.  Call (800)228-9000.

DISCOUNT AIR FARES:  American Airlines offers 45% off coach fares
or 5% off any special fare (all restrictions apply), whichever
is less. Call (800)433-1790; ask for Star File No. S67088.

TOURS AVAILABLE: Introduction to Chicago (Thursday afternoon),
Fermilab (Friday morning), Chicago's Outdoor Art and the Art Institute
(Friday afternoon), Argonne National Laboratory (Saturday morning), A
Day in Chicago: Museums to Michigan Avenue (All day Saturday), Crown
Space Center at Museum of Science & Industry/Omnimax movie(Sunday
afternoon) [I'm not absolutely sure, but I think *The Dream Is Alive*
will be playing--WSH]

All schedule information is tentative-- we're still shuffling our

Network contact: William S. Higgins
                 Bitnet:       HIGGINS@FNALB.BITNET
                 SPAN/HEPnet:  43011::HIGGINS
                 Internet:     HIGGINS%FNAL.BITNET@UICVM.uic.edu

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 1989 Space Development Conference Registration Form
Name:                                               Age:    M__ F__
Affiliation: NSS____    Other pro-space organization___
Title:                          Employer:
Were you at the SDC in 1982__ 83__ 84__ 85__ 86__ 87__ 88__?
Check here if you're a teacher__
I volunteer to help: __before  __at the Conference
I am interested in making a "Many Roads to Space" minipresentation__
Is handicap access needed? _____

I enclose __SDC Registrations at $____each;
__students at half price($___)each          Total enclosed: $_____
   Make checks payable to Space Development Conference, and mail to
   P.O. Box 64397
   Chicago, IL 60664-0397  USA
Please include name, address, and phone number of each other registrant.

Rates: $60 to 2/28; $70 to 4/1; for teachers $45 to 4/1; $90
thereafter.  Full-time students half applicable price.  Prices
are subject to change without notice.  Full refunds (minus a $5
handling charge) will be available up to 35 days prior to the