[sci.space] Bad news about Hubble Space Telescope

wmartin@st-louis-emh2.army.mil (Will Martin -- AMXAL-RI) (03/30/89)

The following posting just showed up on the latest RISKS Digest; I checked
the past SPACE Digests and didn't find it there, so I'm sending in a copy
to get the information over here. If it turns out to be a duplicate, my
apologies. The info in here is alarming. Considering the enormous slippage
in the HST launch date, it is rather incredible. It appears that if the 
HST had been launched on time according to the original schedule, it 
could not have been used due to this software problem! So all that delay 
was not necessarily a bad thing. Yet the entire system may STILL not be
ready, even after having given the software side vast amounts of extra
development time during all these years of delayed launch. 

This is very depressing...

Will Martin

Item from RISKS:
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 89 14:57:02 PST
From: eggert%stand@twinsun.UUCP (Paul Eggert)
Subject: Will the Hubble Space Telescope Compute?

M. Mitchell Waldrop's article (_Science_, 17 March 1989, pp 1437-1439) on
SOGS is notable for its coverage accessible to the general scientific public,
and for its claim that the software engineering community has switched to
rapid prototyping.  Selected quotes follow.
  -- Paul Eggert, Twin Sun Inc. <aerospace.aero.com!twinsun!eggert>

		Will the Hubble Space Telescope Compute?

	Critical operations software is still a mess--the victim of
	primitive programming methods and chaotic project management

First the good news: two decades after it first went into development, the
$1.4-billion Hubble Space Telescope is almost ready to fly....

But now the bad news: the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore still
has dozens of programmers struggling to fix one of the most basic pieces of
telescope software, the $70-million Science Operations Ground System (SOGS)....
It was supposedly completed 3 years ago.  Yet bugs are still turning up ... and
the system currently runs at only one-third optimum speed....  If Space
Telescope had been launched in October 1986, as planned at the time of the
Challenger accident, it would have been a major embarrassment: a superb
scientific instrument crippled by nearly unworkable software....

	1980-1	2"-thick requirements doc. written by NASA-appointed committee
	1981	contract awarded to TRW; peak team included 150 people
	1983	first software components delivered
	later	SOGS declared utterly unsuitable.]

The problem was basically a conceptual one.  NASA's specifications for SOGS had
called for a scheduling algorithm that would handle telescope operations on a
minute-by-minute basis....  The tacit assumption was that the system would
schedule astronomers on a monthly and yearly basis by simply adding up
thousands upon thousands of these minute-by-minute schedules.

In fact, that tacit assumption was a recipe for disaster....  The number of
possible combinations to consider rises much faster than exponentially....
In the computer science community, where this phenomenon has been well known
for about 40 years, it is called ``the combinatoric explosion.''  Accepted
techniques for defusing such explosions call for scheduling algorithms that
plan their trips with a road map, so to speak. And SOGS simply did not have it.

In addition to performance issues, however, SOGS was also deficient in basic
design terms.  ``SOGS used last-generation programming technology,'' says one
senior programmer....  ``SOGS was designed in such a way that you couldn't
insert new releases without bringing down the entire system!  For days!'' says
the science institute's associate director for operations, Ethan Schreier....
Indeed, the fundamental structure of SOGS is so nonmodular that fixing a bug in
one part of the program almost invariably generates new bugs somewhere else....

So, where did SOGS go wrong?...

One of the main villains seems to have been the old-line aerospace industry
approach to software development....  In the wider computer science community
this Give-Me-The-Requirements approach is considered a dismal methodology at
best...  Modern programming practice calls for ... a style known as ``rapid

Even more fundamental ... few people at NASA were even thinking about
telescope operations in the early years....  the Space Telescope project as a
whole was saddled with a management structure that can only be described as
Byzantine....  At the hardware level the chaos at the top was reflected in a
raft of independently developed scientific instruments and onboard computers,
none of which were well coordinated with the others.  Indeed, the presumption
was that any such problems would be taken care of later in the software....

So, is SOGS fixed now?

Maybe.  With TRW's help, the institute has spent the past several years beating
the system into shape....  On the other hand, such progress has come at a
price.  SOGS now consists of about 1 million lines of programming code, roughly
ten times larger than originally estimated.  Its overall cost has more than
doubled, from $30 million in the original contract to roughly $70 million....

In both NASA and Pentagon contracting, the cost of the old-line approach is
becoming all too apparent.  Indeed, it has become a real sore point in the
computer community.

``It's the methodology that got us to Apollo and Skylab,'' says [James] Weiss
[data systems manager for Space Telescope at NASA headquarters].  ``But it's
not getting us to the 1990s.  The needs are more complex and the problems are
more complex.''

``SOGS,'' he says, ``is probably the last example of the old system.''
***End of Posting***