[sci.space] SPACE Digest V9 #322

Dale.Amon@H.GP.CS.CMU.EDU (04/03/89)

> but the government hasn't been overwhelmed with requests from companies 
> desiring to build AND FINANCE entire launch systems (including launch pads 
> and recovery facilities) on their own.


And AMROC is building their own facility at Vandenburg because it is
too costly to get through the GOVERNMENT approval process for setting
up a launch range. The insanities of environmental impact statements
and risks to Hysterical Landmarks at VAFB (General Curtis LeMay's
summer cottage no less) make such construction difficult and costly
even on an existing range.

> Still, it doesn't mean that the US is always in the wrong and can't do 
> anything right, which is what you regularly appear to be saying.
> Lighten

If they are doing anything right, I'd love to know what it is.

> at times.  As a result, we often don't do things in the best way we could,
> and policies sometimes result that no one is perfectly happy with.

Reference: See "The Unexpurgated Grace Commission Report" for concrete
examples of the above decision making process.