[sci.space] Neptune Encounter Satellite Feed

cew@venera.isi.edu (Craig E. Ward) (07/22/89)

One of the Los Angeles AMSAT people gave me this over the phone.  I am not a
ham-radio operator so any mistakes may simply be misunderstandings on my

NASA has purchased time on the AURORA-1 satellite for broadcasting live
pictures of the Voyager Neptune encounter.  The broadcasts will be August 21
through 29 from 12 Noon until 6:00 pm.  The broadcast will be for all 24
hours on August 24.  AURORA-1 is at 139 degrees west for those with satellite

This is a special for the West Coast so those that use it and would like to
see the practice continued (i.e. for Shuttle missions) should write:

				  Les Gaver
			  NASA TV Video Operations
			    400 Maryland Ave. SW
			    Washington, DC 20546

to thank him for setting things up this time.

East Coast service will be from the usual F2R-13 satellite (the AMSAT contact
said everyone over there would know how to find it).

My connection to AMSAT comes from OASIS, the LA/OC chapter of the National
Space Society.  People in the Los Angeles area interested in space activism
can call us at (213) 374-1381.  Outside Southern California, call NSS
headquarters at (202) 543-1900 for the name of the chapter nearest you.
You can also get a weekly update of space news from the NSS Hotline at (202)
543-1995; however, the text of the message is uploaded to USENET so you could
just read it here.

ARPA: 	cew@venera.isi.edu
PHONE:	(213)822-1511 ext. 111
USPS:	USC Information Sciences Institute
	4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 1100
	Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Slogan:	"nemo me impune lacessit"