[sci.space] Where to look for Martian 'Face'

hairston%utdssa.dnet%utadnx@utspan.span.nasa.gov (08/30/89)

In SD vol 10 #1 Dannie Gregorie complained of not being able to find any 
pictures of the Martian "face".  The earliest publication of the "face" I've
found is in "Science News" August 7, 1976 p. 85 just after the first Viking
landing.  They ran it along with a quote from Harold Marsurky, one of the
project directors, saying this must be the guy who built all the canals.
So much for the idea that NASA and JPL tried to suppress the picture and 
that it only came to light through the work of Hoagland et al.

In vol 10 #2 Nicheal Cramer suggested folks check out Ted Schultz's ook 
_The Fringes of Reason_ and I heartily endorse that idea.  If you know a 
bright 15 or 50 year old who is starting to get a bit deep on this kind of 
stuff, do them a favor and get them a copy of this book.  It's put out by 
_The Whole Earth Catalog_ folks (and no one can ever accuse THEM of being 
a bunch of "closed minded left brain types") and is a wonderfully witty 
and informed examination of current fringe science and beliefs.

As for me, I'm still waiting to find out more about that wonderful discovery
by the Russian spaceprobe that took photos of Heaven near Pluto (as reported
last year in the reputable scientific journal "World Weekly News")  :^)

Marc Hairston--Center for Space Sciences--UT-Dallas

"There's a difference between having an open mind and having one so open
that you can pour water through it."