boyajian@akov68.DEC (Jerry Boyajian) (07/24/84)
> Ah, Michaelmas was a short story that was blown up into a novel. That > explains what has been bothering me about it. > > judith schrier Actually, that's not true. MICHAELMAS was indeed published in F&SF, but as a serialized novel, not as a short story. I haven't compared the texts, but what was in F&SF was essentially what was in the Berkley book. For anyone interested, the character of Laurent Michaelmas appears as a secondary character in the short story "The Nuptial Flight of Warbirds", which appeared in ANALOG (5/78), and in the Budrys collection BLOOD AND BURNING (Berkley, 1978). --- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC, Maynard, MA) UUCP: {decvax|ihnp4|allegra|ucbvax|...}!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-akov68!boyajian ARPA: boyajian%akov68.DEC@DECWRL.ARPA