[sci.space] Galileo Update 10/13/89

baalke@mars.jpl.nasa.gov (Ron Baalke) (10/14/89)

                       GALILEO DAILY REPORT
                         13 OCTOBER 1989
     The spacecraft still remains in its launch ready state.  A
"no ops" command was sent today to reinitialize the command lost
     Only one additional CDU (Command Detector Unit) subcarrier
lock indication was obtained since the transmittal
to the current time of 5:45 p.m.
     Status remains the same; there are no problems.
     IUS:  The IUS continues to make open circuit voltage checks
on their flight batteries.  It should be noted that they have to
power up in order to perform their battery checks and in the
process they check their telemetry.  No problems have been
     Atlantis:  "A decision on an official launch date for
Atlantis or the STS-34 mission is expected on Saturday,
Oct. 14." KSC Public Affairs Office, 13 October 1989
     The CDU (Command Detector Unit) subcarrier lock phenomenon
is being monitored and analyzed both at JPL and KSC.  At KSC,
RFI (radio frequency interference) monitoring has been
established for the 2115 Mhz signal emanating from a commercial
carrier.  Measurements have been made at the launch pad of this
signal for purposes of adjusting the comparable measurements
being made by the EMC/RFI KSC group in the O&C Building.  The
hopes are that during the occurrence of CDU lock, there would be
a corresponding change in amplitude or shift in frequency of the
2115 signal that is constantly being radiated.  However, the
probability of such a corrolation is considered small.
     A preliminary search of the records for CDU subcarrier lock
indications has been made for the RPM thermal conditioning test
conducted at the pad on 27 September through 1 October.  There
have been no lock indications found to date.  In addition, it
must be recognized that the configuration at the pad has changed
between then and now; the carry-on umbilicals have been
disconnected, the payload bay doors closed, and GSE removed.
Again, it must be emphasized that these tests are being
performed for completeness and understanding and that there has
not been a violation of the launch commit criteria.
               Schedule Discussion and Assessment
     The current schedule is still for 17 October at 12:57 p.m.
EDT.  There will be a mission status meeting on L-2 days on
15 October and on L-1 day on 16 October when the launch date
will be firmed.

             Ron Baalke                        (818) 541-2341
             Jet Propulsion Lab  M/S 301-355
             4800 Oak Grove Dr.
             Pasadena, CA 91109