[sci.space] NASA Lunar/Mars program funding to be terminated

rlw@ttardis.UUCP (Ron Wilson) (06/06/90)

The following is from a letter from Charlie Walker, former shuttle astronaut,
and President of the National Space Society:

Congress is ready to terminate the Lunar/Mars (aka Space Exploration)

*** ZERO FUNDING ***  [emphasis added by poster]

The decision to cut this program has already been made behind the scenes.
Congress is only waiting to return from the Mermorial Day recess to vote
this important program out of existence.

Termination would be catastrophic.  No program is of more importance to
[the US (both government AND comercial) space program].

Without this program there will be ... *NO* manned activity in space beyond
low earth orbit for the foreseeable future.

This is what YOU need to do, if the Lunar/Mars [aka: Space Exploration]
initiative is to survive.

Telephone or write (preferably telephone):

Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)   and   Congressman Bob Traxler (D-MI)
320 Hart Senate Office Building         2364 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20510                    Washington, DC 20515
(202) 224-4654                          (202) 225-2806

Your call or letter MUST arrive during the week of June 4 to be fully
effective.  The earlier, the better.  Updated information reguarding
timing can be obtained by call the Space Hotline (202) 543-1995.

[An important side effect of this issue is presidential embarrassment].
If President Bush fails in this effort - an effort he began - an effort
for which he has expressed strong personal support, then other space
initiatives will [fail to get] the attention that they [need].  In fact,
it is unlikely that there will be any new space initiatives [by Bush or
any other presidents] for a long time.

The space program is in jeopardy.

Let your opinion count in this vital vote on America's future.  Call or
write.  America's space program needs your support today!

Thanks you,

Charlie Walker, former shuttle astronaut and pres. NSS

PS:  Your support makes a difference!
According to former NASA administrator, James Fletcher, "Without your letters
and phone calls, there is a [very high probablity] that the space station
program would have been canceled last year."


Also, the following senators and congresspersons should be contacted:

Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Robert Kerrey (D-MA)
J Bennett Johnson (D-LA)
Wyche Fowler (D-GA)
Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Don Nickels (R-OK)
Charles Grassley (R-IA)
Phill Gramm (R-TX)

Louis Stokes (D-OH)
Alan Mollohan (D-WV)
Jim Chapman (D-TX)
Chester Atkins (D-MA)
Lawrence  Coughlin (R-PA)
Bill Green (R-NY)
Jerry Lewis (R-CA)

All members of Congress ca be contacted by calling 202-224-3121 and
asking for the member in question

Mail to:
Senator (name)               Congressperson (name)
Washington, DC 20510         Washington, DC 20515

Get those calls going in.  Thanks from Space Cause.

"We were wondering when somebody would discover that one."
	- The response of a customer support rep to a customer's phoned in
	  bug report (name of company with held to protect the guilty).

rlw@ttardis	rel.mi.org!ttardis!rlw	  iwblsys!ttardis!rlw