[sci.space] Rotating Space Station Crews

HIGGINS@FNAL.BITNET (Bill Higgins-- Beam Jockey) (11/14/90)

In discussing crew change-outs with Mir, Freedom, and the LLNL sausages,
Allen W. Sherzer (aws@ITI.ORG) wrote:

>In a staion with
>artificial gravity crew endurance is not limited by microgravity.

>All things being equal a crew in the LLNL Earth Station will not need
>to be rotated as often as Freedom. Since it will cost several hundred
>million $$ to do a rotation, this is a major consideration.

Allen, this is not true.  In a space station with artificial gravity, the crew
will have to be rotated MORE often.

Think about it. (-:

During the first and second stage         Bill Higgins
flights of the vehicle, if a serious      Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
irretrievable fault should occur and      HIGGINS@FNALB.BITNET
the deviation of the flight attitude of   HIGGINS@FNAL.FNAL.GOV
the vehicle exceeds a predetermined       SPAN/Hepnet: 43011::HIGGINS
value, the attitude self-destruction
system will make the vehicle
     --Long March 3 User's Manual
     Ministry of Astronautics, People's Republic of China (1985)