[sci.space] Voyager Update - 12/13/90

baalke@mars.jpl.nasa.gov (Ron Baalke) (12/14/90)

                        VOYAGER STATUS REPORT
                          December 13, 1990

                              Voyager 1

     The Voyager 1 spacecraft collected routine UVS (Ultraviolet Spectrometer)
data on sources HD206165, HD217675, and HR264.  On December 4, one frame of
high-rate PWS (Plasma Wave) data was recorded.   On December 6, a TLC (Tracking
Loop Capacitor) test was performed from the 70 meter station in Spain, but
there was no downlink station coverage for it.  A Dummy CC command was
transmitted to the spacecraft on December 5 to reset the Command Loss Timer;
receipt of the command was verified.

                              Voyager 2

     The Voyager 2 spacecraft collected routine UVS data on source 3C273.  UVS
data were acceptable except for a short period on December 3, which was noisy.
On December 4 a frame of PWS data was recorded on the DTR (Digital Tape
Recorder) for future playback.  On December 6, the scan platform was slewed to
sky position OV to search for oxygen emissions.

     On December 3 the SFOC (Space Flight Operations Center) PC interface to
the Voyager DACS (Data Capture and Staging) Reed-Soloman decoder was installed;
neither the FOT (Flight Operations Team) nor SCT (Spacecraft Team) was informed
of it's installation or of the use of it to process spacecraft data until the
next day.

               CONSUMABLE STATUS AS OF 12/13/90

    P R O P E L L A N T    S T A T U S           P O W E R

                One Week  Propellant Remaining Output Margin
    Spacecraft     (Gm)               (Kg)      Watts  Watts
     Voyager 1      5             36.2 + 2.0     366   55
     Voyager 2      7             39.3 + 2.0     370   61

      ___    _____     ___
     /_ /|  /____/ \  /_ /|
     | | | |  __ \ /| | | |      Ron Baalke         | baalke@mars.jpl.nasa.gov
  ___| | | | |__) |/  | | |___   Jet Propulsion Lab | baalke@jems.jpl.nasa.gov
 /___| | | |  ___/    | |/__ /|  M/S 301-355        |
 |_____|/  |_|/       |_____|/   Pasadena, CA 91109 |