[sci.space] NASA Mixed Fleet Manifest for February 1991 Part 3 of 4

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (02/05/91)

 SRL-01               PALL+MPESS       SEP 93  FY94 1Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSSA
 SRL-02               PALL+MPESS       SEP 94  FY95 1Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSSA
 SRL-03               PALL+MPESS       JAN 96  FY96 2Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSSA
 SSBUV-03             UNIQUE           JUL 91  JUL  91    STS-43            SECONDARY   OSSA
 SSBUV-04             UNIQUE           APR 92  APR  92    STS-45            SECONDARY   OSSA
 SSBUV-A-01           UNIQUE           APR 93  APR  93    STS-57            SECONDARY   OSSA
 SSBUV-A-02           UNIQUE           JAN 94  FY94 2Q    SHUTTLE           SECONDARY   OSSA
 SSBUV-A-03           UNIQUE           JAN 95  FY95 2Q    SHUTTLE           SECONDARY   OSSA
 SSBUV-A-04           UNIQUE           JAN 96  FY96 4Q    SHUTTLE           SECONDARY   OSSA
 SSCE-02              MIDDECK LOCKER   JUL 91  JUL  91    STS-43            SECONDARY*  OSSA
 SSF/L-01(PMC)        UNIQUE           JUL 97             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/L-02             UNIQUE           OCT 97             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/L-03             UNIQUE           DEC 97             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/L-04             UNIQUE           MAR 98             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/L-05             UNIQUE           APR 98             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/L-06             UNIQUE           JUL 98             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/L-07             UNIQUE           OCT 98             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/L-08             UNIQUE           DEC 98             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/L-09             UNIQUE           MAR 99             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/L-10             UNIQUE           APR 99             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/L-11             UNIQUE           JUL 99             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/MB-01(FEL)       UNIQUE           MAR 95  FY95 4Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/MB-02            UNIQUE           JUN 95  FY96 1Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/MB-03            UNIQUE           AUG 95  FY96 2Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/MB-04            UNIQUE           NOV 95  FY96 3Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/MB-05            UNIQUE           JAN 96  FY96 4Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/MB-06(MTC)       UNIQUE           APR 96             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/MB-07            UNIQUE           JUN 96             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/MB-08            UNIQUE           NOV 96             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/MB-09            UNIQUE           JAN 97             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/MB-10            UNIQUE           JUN 97             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/MB-11            UNIQUE           SEP 97             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/MB-12            UNIQUE           FEB 98             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/MB-13            UNIQUE           JUN 98             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/MB-14            UNIQUE           SEP 98             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/UF-01            UNIQUE           AUG 96             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/UF-02            UNIQUE           APR 97             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/UF-03            UNIQUE           JAN 99             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 SSF/UF-04            UNIQUE           JUN 99             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSF
 STP-01               HITCHHIKER-M     JUL 90  MAR  91    STS-39            SECONDARY   DOD
 SWAS                 N/A              JUN 95             SMALL             PRIMARY     OSSA
 TANK VENT            HITCHHIKER-M     APR 94  FY95 3Q    SHUTTLE           SECONDARY   OAET
 TDRS-E               IUS              MAY 91  JUL  91    STS-43            PRIMARY     OSO
 TDRS-F               IUS              MAR 93  MAR  93    STS-56            PRIMARY     OSO
 TDRS-G               N/A              APR 95             INTERMEDIATE      PRIMARY     OSO
 TERRA SCOUT          MIDDECK LOCKER   SEP 90  AUG  91    STS-44            SECONDARY*  DOD
 TOMS                 N/A              SEP 93             SMALL             PRIMARY     OSSA
 TOMS II**            N/A              JUN 97             SMALL**           PRIMARY     OSSA
 TPCE                 CAP              FEB 91  JUL  91    STS-43            SECONDARY*  OAET
 TSS-01               MPESS+1 PALL     OCT 90  MAR  92    STS-46            PRIMARY     OSF
 TSS-02**             MPESS+1 PALL     OCT 92             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSSA
 TSS-03**             MPESS+1 PALL     OCT 94             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSSA
 UARS                 UNIQUE           AUG 91  NOV  91    STS-48            PRIMARY     OSSA
 USML-01              LM+EDO           MAR 92  JUN  92    STS-50            PRIMARY     OSSA
 USML-02              LM+EDO           SEP 94  FY95 2Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSSA
 USML-03              LM+EDO           SEP 97             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSSA
 USML-04**            LM+EDO           SEP 00             SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSSA
 USMP-01              MSL+MPESS        SEP 92  SEP  92    STS-52            PRIMARY     OSSA
 USMP-02              MSL+MPESS        AUG 93  AUG  93    STS-61            PRIMARY     OSSA
 USMP-03              MSL+MPESS        AUG 94  FY94 3Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSSA
 USMP-04              MSL+MPESS        AUG 95  FY95 4Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSSA
 USMP-05              MSL+MPESS        AUG 96  FY96 3Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSSA
 UVLIM (STP-01)       HITCHHIKER-G     JUL 88  MAR  91    STS-39            SECONDARY   DOD
 VFT-1-01             MIDDECK LOCKER   MAR 88  AUG  91    STS-44            SECONDARY*  DOD
 WIND                 TBD              DEC 92             DELTA II          PRIMARY     OSSA
 WISP                 MDM PALLET       JAN 95  FY95 2Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSSA
 WSF-01               UNIQUE           SEP 92  MAY  93    STS-58            PRIMARY     OCP
 WSF-02               UNIQUE           SEP 93  FY94 4Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OCP
 WSF-03               UNIQUE           SEP 94  FY95 4Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OCP
 WSF-04               UNIQUE           SEP 95  FY96 3Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OCP
 XTE                  FSS              MAR 94  FY95 1Q    SHUTTLE           PRIMARY     OSSA

*      Non-complex secondary payload
**     For NASA planning purposes
***    AAFE flight request date under review
****   Under review
*****  IMAX request to fly with designated payload.



                                          **** PAYLOAD/ACRONYM LIST ****

   PAYLOAD/ACRONYM                 NAME                                      DESCRIPTION

   2 PHASE FLOW                                          Demonstration of a High Efficiency Thermal
                                                         Interface (HETI) in an Integrated Thermal Control
   AAFE                 Aeroassist Flight                Experimental vehicle that simulates the atmospheric
                        Experiment                       flight phase of an Aeroassisted Orbital Transfer
                                                         Vehicle (OATV) returning from geosynchronous orbit.
                                                         Provides environmental and design data for an AOTV.
   AC                   Atlas Centaur                    Intermediate Class Expendable Launch Vehicle.
   ACE                  Advanced Composition             Free flying scientific spacecraft that may be
                        Explorer                         solar, celestial or earth pointing.
   ACES                 Acoustic Containerless           Technical demonstration to obtain early
                        Experiment System                microgravity tests of gas transport phenomena in a
                                                         3-axis levitation furnace.
   ACTS                 Advanced Communications          Flight verification of high risk communications
                        Technology Satellite             technology to support future satellite
                                                         communications systems.
   AD                   Animal Development-Genetics      Series of experiments to determine effects of
                                                         weightlessness on animal genetics.
   ADSF                 Automatic Directional            Technology demonstration of directional
                        Solidification Furnace           solidification of magnetic materials, immiscibles,
                                                         and IR detection materials.
   ADVPCG               Advanced Protein Crystal         Second generation flight system for protein crystal
                        Growth                           growth in a microgravity environment.
   AF Polar Bear        Air Force Polar Bear             Study atmospheric effects on electromagnetic
   AFE                  American Flight                  Collects quantitative in-flight data on
                        Echocardiograph                  cardiovascular changes in the crew.
   AFITV                Air Force Instrumented Test      Anti-satellite target vehicle.
   AFP-675              Air Force Program-675            Collects infrared data to support Strategic Defense
                                                         Initiative program.  Formerly, Cryogenic Infrared
                                                         Radiance Instrument for Shuttle (CIRRIS).
   ALFE                 Advanced Liquid Feed             Demonstrates performance of liquid feed system
                        Experiment                       components in low-g environment.
   ALT                  Altitude                         Orbit altitude in nautical miles.
   AM                   Auxiliary Module                 Provides consumables resupply, payload changeout
                                                         and additional on-orbit volume for the ISF Facility
                                                         Module (FM).
   AMOS                 Air Force Maui Optical           Technology development/geophysical environment
                        Station                          study. Calibrate AMOS ground-based electro-optical
                                                         sensors and study on-orbit plume phenomenology
                                                         using the Shuttle as a test object.
   AMPTE                Active Magnetosphere             Satellite to study transfer of mass from the solar
                        Particle Tracer Experiment       wind to the magnetosphere.
   ANS                  Astronomical Netherlands         Study the sky in ultraviolet and X-ray from above
                        Satellite                        the atmosphere.
   APE                  Aurora Photography               Enhance understanding of the geographic extent and
                        Experiment                       dynamics of the aurora.
   APM                  Ascent Particle Monitor          Collects particulate materials from the Orbiter
                                                         during ascent, using an automated
                                                         mechanical/electrical assembly.
   ARABSAT              Arab Satellite                   Communications satellite of the Arab Satellite
                                                         Communications Organization.
   ARC                  Aggregation of Red Cells         Studies aggregation of red cells and blood
                                                         viscosity under low-g conditions.
   ARF                  Aquatic Research Facility        Houses a variety of small aquatic specimens for
                                                         research on microgravity adaptation.
   ASC                  American Satellite Company       Satellite to provide commercial communication
                                                         service to continental United States, Hawaii,
                                                         Alaska, and Puerto Rico.
   ASEM                 Assembly of Station by           One of a series of experiments designed to support
                        Extravehicular Activity          SSF development by demonstrating strut handling and
                        Methods                          EVA translation techniques.
   ASP                  Attitude Sensor Package          Foreign Reimbursable Hitchhiker-G payload.
   ASTRO                Astronomy                        Program designed to obtain ultraviolet (UV) data on
                                                         astronomical objects using a UV telescope.
   ASTRO-SPAS                                            European cross-bay carrier.
   ATDRS                Advanced Tracking and Data       Next generation of NASA tracking, data and
                        Relay Satellite                  communications satellites.
   ATLAS                Atmospheric Laboratory for       Measures long term variability in the total energy
                        Applications and Science         radiated by the sun and determines the variability
                                                         in the solar spectrum.
   ATLAS I/II                                            Commercial and DOD intermediate class expendable
                                                         launch vehicles.
   ATLAS-E                                               DOD medium class expendable launch vehicle.
   AUSSAT               Australian Communication         Direct broadcast communication satellite which
                        Satellite                        provides services to continental Australia and
                                                         offshore territories.
   AXAF                 Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics      A major free flying X-Ray observatory using a high
                        Facility                         resolution telescope.  Designed to operate in orbit
                                                         for 15 years.
   AXAF-R               Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics      Retrieval of AXAF observatory.
   B/U                                                   Back-up
   BATTERY              Sodium Sulfur Battery            Characterization of Sodium Sulfur battery
                        Flight Experiment                performance in microgravity.
   BBXRT                Broad Band X-Ray Telescope       Provides high resolution X-ray spectra for both
                                                         point and extended sources, including stellar
                                                         coronae, X-ray, binaries, active agalactic nuclei,
                                                         and clusters of galaxies.
   BIMDA                Bioserve ITA Materials           A wide range of tests focused on the assembly of
                        Dispersion Apparatus             macromolecules.  Uses a middeck thermal enclosure.
   C360                 Cinema 360                       35mm motion picture camera for the purpose of
                                                         photographing crew and mission activities.
   CANEX                Canadian Experiments             Group of Canadian experiments conducted aboard
                                                         STS-13 (41-G) by a Canadian Payload Specialist.
   CANEX-2              Canadian Experiments-2           Tests of Canadian developed real-time machine
                                                         vision system (SVS)  using an RMS deployed target
                                                         (CTA), experiments in material exposure, spacecraft
                                                         glow, phase partitioning, metal diffusion and space
                                                         adaptation tests.
   CAP                  Complex Autonomous Payload       A secondary payload using Getaway Special hardware
                                                         with operational or support requirements that could
                                                         not be accommodated in the GAS program.
   CAPL                 Capillary Pump Loop              Experiment to quantify behavior of a full-scale
                        Experiment                       capillary pumped loop heat transfer system in
   CASSINI                                               Saturn Orbiter/Titan Probe complements CRAF
                                                         mission.  Primary objective is comprehensive study
                                                         of Saturn, its rings and moons.
   CBDE                 Carbonated Beverage              Pepsico, Inc. experiment to evaluate packaging and
                        Dispenser Evaluation             dispensing techniques for space flight consumption
                                                         of carbonated beverages.
   CCAP                 Commercial Complex               Commercial secondary payload utilizing small
                        Autonomous Payload               self-contained payload hardware.
   CDR                  Commander                        Member of the Shuttle flight crew in command of the
   CENTAUR                                               Upper stage system for Atlas and Titan ELVs.
   CETA                 Crew and Equipment               Multi-purpose crew system that provides rapid
                        Translation Aid                  return to the Shuttle airlock in case of emergency,
                                                         allows efficient translation, and carries
   CFES                 Continuous Flow                  Demonstrates the technology of pharmaceutical
                        Electrophoresis System           processing in space.
   CHAMP                Comet Halley Active              Observes Comet Halley on STS flights.
                        Monitoring Program
   CHROMEX              Chromosomes Experiment           Investigation of the effects of space flight on
                                                         plant tissue growth.
   CLOUDS               Cloud Logic to Optimize Use      Hand-held 35 mm photography for observations of
                        of Defense Systems               cloud formation, dissipation, and opaqueness.
   CM-X                 Commercial Middeck Payload       Commercial development middeck payload (X denotes
                                                         approximate number of lockers).
   CMSE                 Extended Duration Space          Evaluation of candidate composite materials for
                        Environment Candidate            space structures for degradation due to exposure in
                        Materials Exposure               low earth orbit (passive/active systems).
   CMSE/E               Candidate Materials Space        Evaluation of candidate composite materials for
                        Exposure/Evaluation of           space structures for degradation due to exposure in
                        Oxygen Interaction with          low earth orbit with EOIM-III for baseline data
                        Materials-III                    correlation.
   CNCR                 Characterization of              Microgravity effects on circadian rhythms of
                        Neurospora Circadian             neurospora.
                        Rhythms in Space
   COBE                 Cosmic Background Explorer       Determines the spectrum anistropy of cosmic
                                                         microwave background.
   COMSTAR                                               Communications satellite for COMSAT.
   CONCAP               Consortium for Materials         Investigates reactions occurring on the surface of
                        Development in Space             materials when exposed to the atomic oxygen flow in
                        (Complex Autonomous              earth orbit on high temperature super-conducting
                        Payload)                         films and on materials degredation/reaction
   CONE                 Cryogenic Orbital Nitrogen       A collection of cryogenic fluid technology
                        Experiment                       experiments using nitrogen as the cryogen.
   CRAF                 Comet Rendevous Asteroid         Explores an asteroid and a comet to gather new
                        Fly-by                           information on the origin and evolution of the
                                                         solar system, prebiotic chemical evolution and the
                                                         origin of life, and astrophysical plasma dynamics
                                                         and processes.
   CREAM                Cosmic Radiation Effects         Uses an active cosmic ray monitor and seven passive
                        and Activation Monitor           packages to record on-orbit cosmic ray
   CRISTA-SPAS          Cryogenic Infrared               A U.S./German Joint Aeronomy Payload intended to
                        Spectrometer Telescope for       explore the variability of the atmosphere and to
                        Atmosphere                       provide measurements that will complement those
                                                         provided by UARS.
   CRUX                 Cosmic Rays Upset                Studies on-orbit cosmic ray environments and
                        Experiment                       monitors upsets on microcircuit devices.
   CRW                  Crew                             The Shuttle flight crew for a particular mission.
   CRYSP                Crystal Sample Package           A series of experiments to determine the effects of
                                                         the complex radiation environment of space on the
                                                         performance characteristics of advanced materials.
   CSA                  Canadian Space Agency
   CSI/CASES            Controls Structure               Experiments which are part of the OAST Control of
                        Interaction/Controls             Flexible Structures program.  Project to deploy a
                        Astrophysics and Structures      structure with an occulter plane assembly in a
                        Experiment in Space              micro-gravity environment from the Shuttle.
   CSW                  Commercial Side Wall             Commercial side wall payload.
   CTA                  Canadian Target Assembly         Deployable Target used for test of Canadian
                                                         experimental space vision system (SVS) in CANEX-2.
   CTM                  Collapsible Tube Mast            Foreign Reimbursable Hitchhiker-G payload.
   CVTE                 Crystals By Vapor Transport      Investigate application of chemical vapor transport
                        Experiment                       crystal growth process to materials of practical
                                                         value in semiconductor and electro-optical device
   CXH                  Commercial Cross-bay             Commercial development cross-cargo bay payload
                        Carrier                          using "Hitchhiker-M" class systems or equivalent
                                                         for more complex requirements.
   CXM                  Commercial Cross-bay             Commercial development cross-cargo bay payload
                        Carrier (MSL)                    using Materials Science Laboratory (MSL) class
                                                         systems or equivalents.
   DAD                  Dual Air Density                 Measures global density of upper atmosphere and
                                                         lower exosphere.
   DCWS                 Debris Collision Warning         Provides the capability for sensing space debris in
                        System                           the 1 to 10 mm size and determines albedo and
                                                         spectral characteristics of a large sample of low
                                                         earth orbit debris.
   DEE                  Dexterous End Effector           Demonstrates a sensor for the Shuttle RMS which
                                                         will allow for more precise control.
   DELTA                                                 Medium class expendable launch vehicle.
   DFI PLT              Development Flight               A pallet used to accommodate the DFI used on the
                        Instrumentation Pallet           first four Shuttle flights.
   DLR                  Deutsche Forschungsanstalt       Federal German aerospace research establishment.
                        fur Luft-und Raumfahrt
   DMOS                 Diffusive Mixing of Organic      Grow crystals of organic compounds for research
                        Solutions                        programs for the 3M Corporation's Science Research
   DOD                  Department of Defense
   DOD M88-01           Department of Defense            Evaluates the capability of man in space to enhance
                        M88-01                           air, naval, and ground force operations and
                                                         assesses the feasibility of observations of space
                                                         debris while in orbit.
   DS                   Docking System                   Docking system for use in assembly and servicing of
                                                         the ISF.
   DSP                  Defense Support Program          Geosynchronous DOD satellite.
   DUR                  Duration                         Mission duration of each Shuttle flight.
   DXS                  Diffuse X-ray Spectrometer       Shuttle experiment to conduct spectral observations
                                                         of the diffuse galactic soft X-ray background to
                                                         determine the ionic, elemental abundances and the
                                                         plasma temperature of the hot phase of the
                                                         interstellar medium.
   EASE/ACCESS          Experimental Assembly of         Obtains human factors data during assembly of
                        Structures in EVA/Assembly       structures in space during Extra Vehicular
                        Concept for Construction of      Activity.
                        Erectable Space Structures
   EDO                  Extended Duration Orbiter        Kit added to Orbiter to extend energy resources to
                                                         support mission duration up to sixteen days.
   EEVT                 Electrophoresis Equipment        Technology demonstration of apparatus to evaluate
                        Verification Test                the effects of electrophoresis on biological cells
                                                         in zero-g.
   ELECTROLYSIS         Electrolysis Performance         Investigation of techniques for improving
                        Improvement Experiment           electrolysis technology in microgravity.
   ELRAD                Earth-Limb Radiance              Obtain measurements of earth-limb radiance for
                        Equipment                        various positions of the sun from near limb up to 9
                                                         degrees below earth horizon.
   ELV                  Expendable Launch Vehicle
   EO                   Escape Orbit
   EOIM                 Evaluation of Oxygen             Determines effects of atomic oxygen degradation on
                        Interaction with Materials       1100 candidate materials.
   EOS                  Earth Observing System           A complement of polar orbiting satellites
                                                         conducting Earth science observations.
   ERBS                 Earth Radiation Budget           Collects global earth radiation budget data.
   ESA                  European Space Agency
   ESMC                 Eastern Space and Missile        USAF organization headquartered at Patrick AFB,
                        Center                           Florida.
   EURECA               European Retrievable             Platform placed in orbit for six months offering
                        Carrier                          conventional services to experimenters.
   EUVE                 Extreme Ultraviolet              Produces definitive sky map and catalog of extreme
                        Explorer                         ultraviolet portion of electromagnetic spectrum
   EUVE RETR            Extreme Ultraviolet              Mission to perform on-orbit retrieval of the EUVE
                        Explorer-Retrieval               payload from the Explorer platform.
   EXOSAT               ESA X-Ray Satellite              Provides continuous observations of X-ray sources.
   FARE                 Fluid Acquisition and            Obtains data to evaluate fluid dynamics associated
                        Resupply Experiment              with capillary liquid acquisition devices.
   FAST                 Fast Auroral Snapshot            Spacecraft to investigate the processes operating
                        Explorer                         within the auroral region.
   FDE                  Fluid Dynamics Experiment        A package of six experiments flown in the middeck
                                                         that involve simulating the behavior of liquid
                                                         propellants in low gravity.
   FEA                  Fluids Experiment Assembly       Investigate floating zone crystal growth processing
                                                         investigations on selected semi-conductor
   FEE                  French Echocardiograph           Obtains on-orbit cardiovascular system data.
   FEL                  First Element Launch             Initial launch of components for the Space Station
                                                         Freedom manned base (SSF/MB).
   FLOATZONE            Floatzone Crystal of             Microgravity materials processing experiment to
                        Cadmiumtelluride (CdTe)          assess the feasibility of growing large high
                                                         quality single crystals.
   FLT                  Flight                           The flight sequence number for Shuttle missions.
   FLT OPPTY            Flight Opportunity               A planned Shuttle flight without assigned payloads.
   FLTSATCOM            Fleet Communication              U.S. Navy communications satellite.
   FM                   Facility Module                  A man-tended module in support of ISF providing
                                                         space for middeck locker inserts and common racks
                                                         for payload accommodations.
   FPE                  French Postural Experiment       Studies sensory-motor adaptations in
   FROZEPIPE            Frozen Startup of a Heat         Examines the thermal behavior of a high capacity
                        Pipe in Microgravity             heat pipe system in microgravity.
   FSA                  FSS Servicing Aid                Electronics module to support on-orbit servicing.
   FSS                  Flight Support System            Support system used for revisit missions.
   FTS-DTF              Flight Telerobotic Servicer      Flight test of a telerobotic concept for SSF
                        Demonstration Test Flight        attached payload assembly and maintenance.
   FUSE                 Far Ultraviolet                  Astronomy Ultraviolet Satellite
                        Spectroscopy Explorer
   GALAXY                                                Hughes communications satellite.
   GALILEO                                               Investigates the chemical composition and physical
                                                         state of Jupiter's atmosphere and satellites.
   GAS                  Get Away Special                 Alternate name for the Small Self-contained Payload
                                                         (SSCP) program, providing standard canisters to
                                                         accommodate low-cost space experimentation.
   GAS BRIDGE           Getaway Special Bridge           Structure in the payload bay that can hold up to
                                                         twelve GAS canisters.
   GAS TEST                                              Test instrumentation to verify ability of the GAS
                                                         hardware to function properly in flight.
   GE                   General Electric American
                        Communications, Inc.
   GEOSTAR                                               Interactive radiodetermination satellite.
   GEOTAIL                                               NASA-Japan cooperative mission to explore Geotail
                                                         of the Earth Plasma Physics.
   GHCD                 Growth Hormone                   Microgravity effects on growth hormone distribution
                        Concentration &                  of various plant life.
                        Distribution in Plants
   GLOMR                Global Low Orbit Message         Packet data relay satellite.
   GLOW                                                  Determination of the spectral content of luminosity
                                                         near Shuttle surfaces, to assess influence on
                                                         optical experiments.
   GOES                 Geostationary Operational        NOAA weather satellites.
                        Environmental Satellite
   GOSAMR               Gelation of Sols:  Applied       Investigate gelation of multicomponent colloidal
                        Microgravity Research            solutions and suspensions (SOL).
   GP                   Gravity Probe                    Scientific probe to test Einstein's Theory of
   GRO                  Gamma Ray Observatory            Investigates extraterrestrial gamma-ray sources.
   GSO                  Geosynchronous Orbit
   GTO                  Geosynchronous Transfer
   HCMM                 Heat Capacity Mapping            Produces thermal maps for discriminating of rock
                        Mission                          types, mineral resources, plant temperatures, soil
                                                         moisture, snow fields, and water runoff.
   HE                   High Eccentricity Orbit
   HEAO                 High Energy Astronomical         Satellite to study energetic radiation from space.
   HEE                  Human Energy Expenditure         Human experiment to measure energy expenditure in
   HELIO                Heliocentric
   HH-G1                Hitchhiker-Goddard               Demonstration flight of Hitchhiker-G hardware.
   HILAT                High Latitude                    Evaluate propagation effects of disturbed plasmas
                                                         on radar and communications systems.
   HITCHHIKER-G         Hitchhiker-Goddard               Shuttle cargo bay sidewall mounted carrier for
                                                         small experiments.
   HITCHHIKER-M         Hitchhiker-Marshall              Shuttle cargo bay across-bay carrier for small
   HME                  Handheld Microgravity            Provides for middeck experiments of limited scope
                        Experiment                       in order to allow for low-cost, timely testing of
                                                         concepts or procedures, or the early acquisition of
   HMF                  Health Maintenance Facility      Evaluates techniques and equipment proposed for
                                                         Space Station health maintenance, such as surgery,
                                                         blood chemistry, etc.
   HPCG                 Handheld Protein Crystal         Develops techniques to produce in microgravity
                        Growth                           protein crystals of sufficient size and quality to
                                                         permit molecular analysis by diffraction
   HPE                  Heat Pipe Experiment             Foreign Reimbursable Hitchhiker-G payload.
   HPP                  Heat Pipe Performance &          Environment experiment to study the microgravity
                        Working Fluid Behavior in        effects of working fluids used in heat pipes.
   HPTE                 High Precision Tracking          Demonstrates ability to propagate a low power laser
                        Experiment                       beam through the atmosphere.
   HRSGS-A              High Resolution Shuttle          Obtains high resolution spectra, in the visible and
                        Glow Spectroscopy-A              near visible wavelength range of the Shuttle
                                                         surface glow as observed on the vertical tail of
                                                         the Orbiter in LEO.
   HS-376 RET           HS-376 Retrieval                 Salvage of HS-376 communication satellites launched
                                                         on the tenth Shuttle mission.
   HST                  Hubble Space Telescope           Observes the universe to gain information about its
                                                         origin, evolution and disposition of stars,
                                                         galaxies, etc.
   HST REV              Hubble Space Telescope           Revisit mission to the Hubble Space Telescope to
                        Revisit                          replace science instruments or other orbital
                                                         replacement units (ORU's).
   IBIS                 Instrument for Biological        Cell and tissue culture system to investigate
                        Investigations in Space          effects of micro-g on the function of a variety of
   IBSE                 Initial Blood Storage            Evaluates changes in blood tissue during various
                        Equipment                        storage conditions.
   IBSS                 Infrared Background              Obtains infrared measurements on rocket plumes,
                        Signature Survey                 shortwave infrared Earth-limb, Shuttle environment,
                                                         and chemical release from the payload bay while
                                                         detached in proximity to the Orbiter.
   ICBC                 IMAX Cargo Bay Camera
   IECM                 Induced Environment              A package of ten instruments designed to fly in the
                        Contamination Monitor            Orbiter payload bay on a special pallet to check
                                                         for contamination in and around the Orbiter.  It
                                                         also has the capability to be operated on the end
                                                         of the RMS outside of the payload bay.
   IEF                  Isoelectric Focussing            Gathers experimental data on the extent of
                        Experiment                       electroosmosis in space.
   IEH                  International Extreme-UV         Hitchhiker experiment to study ultraviolet
                        Far-UV Hitchhiker                emissions.
   IG                   Igloo                            Structure which provides a pressurized and
                                                         thermally controlled environment for Spacelab
                                                         pallet subsystems.
   IMAX                 IMAX Systems Corp.,              A large screen motion picture format used by the
                        Toronto, Ontario, Canada         NASA/Smithsonian project documenting significant
                                                         space activities.
   IML                  International Microgravity       Series of microgravity missions devoted to material
                        Laboratory                       and life sciences studies.
   INCL                 Inclination                      Orbit inclination in degrees.
   INFLATABLE           Large Inflatable Paraboloid      Experiment will measure the surface accuracy of a
                        Structure Experiment             large (28m dia.) inflatable paraboloid reflector.
   INSAT                Indian Satellite                 Communication and meteorological satellite for the
                                                         government of India.
   INTELSAT-VI-R        INTELSAT-VI-Reboost              The retrieval, repair and deployment of a
                                                         communications satellite for the International
                                                         Telecommunication Satellite organization.
   IOCM                 Interim Operational              Measures molecular and particulate contamination in
                        Contamination Monitor            the cargo bay from prelaunch to post-landing.
   IPMP                 Investigation into Polymer       Investigate low-G environment effects on industrial
                        Membranes Processing             processing techniques for developing polymer
   IR-IE                Infrared Imaging Equipment       Infrared video camera used to measure temperature
                                                         gradients on the Orbiter surface.
   IRAS                 Infrared Astronomical            All sky survey for objects that emit infrared