[sci.space] Galileo Update - 02/06/91

baalke@mars.jpl.nasa.gov (Ron Baalke) (02/07/91)

                        GALILEO STATUS REPORT
                          February 6, 1991
     Yesterday, no spacecraft activity was planned for the Galileo spacecraft.
Today, a planned sun acquisition will be performed to maintain a thermally
safe sun pointed attitude.  Tomorrow, a cruise science memory readout is
planned for the MAG (Magnetometer) and DDS (Dust Detector) science instruments.
      ___    _____     ___
     /_ /|  /____/ \  /_ /|      Ron Baalke         | baalke@mars.jpl.nasa.gov
     | | | |  __ \ /| | | |      Jet Propulsion Lab | 
  ___| | | | |__) |/  | | |___   M/S 301-355        | It's 10PM, do you know
 /___| | | |  ___/    | |/__ /|  Pasadena, CA 91109 | where your spacecraft is?
 |_____|/  |_|/       |_____|/                      | We do!