[sci.space] Space Shuttle STS-37 Press Kit

baalke@mars.jpl.nasa.gov (Ron Baalke) (03/20/91)


APRIL 1991


Mark Hess/Jim Cast/Ed Campion
Office of Space Flight
NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
(Phone:  202/453-8536)

Mike Braukus
Office of Space Science and Applications
NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
(Phone:  202/453-1547)

Lisa Malone
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.
(Phone:  407/867-2468)

Jerry Berg
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.
(Phone:  205/544-0034)

James Hartsfield
Johnson Space Center, Houston
(Phone:  713/483-5111)

John Loughlin
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
(Phone:  301/286-5565)

Myron Webb
Stennis Space Center, MS
(Phone:  60l/688-334l)
Nancy Lovato
Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility, Edwards, Calif.
(Phone:  805/258-3448)


RELEASE                         4

INFORMATION..                 5

LOOK                                6

ACTIVITIES                      7

WEIGHTS.                          8

MODES                              9

EVENTS.                            10

PROCESSING.                      11

OBSERVATORY.                   11

SUBSYSTEMS.                     12














STS-37 MISSION MANAGEMENT.                                          

RELEASE:  91-41


     Shuttle mission STS-37, the 39th flight of the Space 
Shuttle and the eighth flight of Atlantis, will be 
highlighted by deployment of the Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO),
the second of NASA's four great space observatories, and the
first American spacewalk in more than 5 years.

     The launch of Atlantis is currently scheduled for no 
earlier than 9:18 a.m. EST on April 5.  GRO, to be placed 
into a 243-nautical-mile high orbit on the 3rd day of the 
flight, will complement the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and
attempt to unravel the mysteries of the universe through 
observations of gamma rays, among the highest frequency 
wavelengths of the spectrum.  GRO is the second in four 
planned great observatories, including HST, the Advanced 
X-Ray Astrophysics Facility and the Space Infrared Telescope

     On the 4th day of the flight, the Extravehicular 
Activity Development Flight Experiments (EDFE) will require
the first spacewalk by American astronauts since Shuttle 
mission STS-61B in November 1985.  The spacewalk will test
the Crew and Equipment Translation Aids, three prototype cart
designs that are part of an effort to develop a 
transportation device for use on the exterior of Space 
Station Freedom.  Other spacewalk experiments include tests
of the Shuttle's robot arm as a work platform for astronauts
and instrumented evaluations of astronauts' ability to work
with tools in weightlessness.

     On the middeck, Atlantis will carry several secondary
experiments including the Bioserve ITA Materials Dispersion
Apparatus (BIMDA), a study in biomedical materials 
processing; Protein Crystal Growth-III (PCG-III), another in
a sequence of Shuttle experiments that grow crystals in 
weightlessness; the Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment-II 
(SAREX-II), an experiment that will allow the crew to contact
amateur radio operators around the world who are within range
of the Shuttle's flight path; the Space Station Heat Pipe 
Advanced Radiator Element-II (SHARE-II), a study of an 
evolving design of cooling radiators for Space Station 
Freedom; and the Radiation Monitoring Equipment-III (RME-
III), a monitor of the amount of radiation penetrating the
Shuttle's crew compartment during the flight.

     In addition Atlantis will have the Ascent Particle 
Monitoring Experiment in the payload bay, a package of 
instruments that measure contamination in the cargo bay 
during launch. The orbiter also will participate in the Air
Force Maui Optical System (AMOS), a continuing series of 
observations of Shuttle orbital engine firings by ground Air
Force instruments.

     The mission is planned to last 5 days and 12 minutes,
concluding with a landing at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.,
at 9:30 a.m. EDT, April 10th.  Commanding Atlantis will be
Air Force Col. Steven R. Nagel.  Marine Corps Lt. Col. 
Kenneth D. Cameron will serve as pilot.  Mission specialists
will be Air Force Lt. Col. Jerry L. Ross; Dr. Linda M. 
Godwin; and Dr. Jay Apt.  Mission specialists Ross and Apt
will perform the spacewalk on the 4th day of the flight.

- end of general release -


	NASA Select Television Transmission

	NASA Select television is available on Satcom F-2R, 
Transponder 13, located at 72 degrees west longitude; 
frequency 3960.0 MHz, audio 6.8 MHz.

        The schedule for television transmissions from the
orbiter and for the change-of-shift briefings from Johnson Space
Center, Houston, will be available during the mission at 
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.; Marshall Space Flight Center, 
Huntsville, Ala.; Johnson Space Center; and NASA 
Headquarters, Washington, D.C.  The TV schedule will be 
updated daily to reflect changes dictated by mission 

	Television schedules also may be obtained by calling 
COMSTOR, 713/483-5817.  COMSTOR is a computer data base 
service requiring the use of a telephone modem.  A voice 
update of the TV schedule may be obtained by dialing 
202/755-1788.  This service is updated daily at noon EST.

	Status Reports

	Status reports on countdown and mission progress, 
on-orbit  activities and landing operations will be produced by the
appropriate NASA news center.


        An STS-39 mission press briefing schedule will be issued
prior to launch.  During the mission, flight control 
personnel will be on 8-hour shifts.  Change-of-shift 
briefings by the off-going flight director will occur at 
approximately 8-hour intervals.


Launch Date:                  No earlier than April 5, 

Launch Site:                   Kennedy Space Center, 
Pad 39B

Launch Window:             9:18 a.m. to 1:56 p.m. EST (4 
hours, 38  minutes)
Orbiter:                             Atlantis (OV-104)

Orbit:                   243 x 243 nautical miles,
                         28.45 degrees inclination

Landing Date/Time:      April 10, 1991, 9:30 a.m. EDT

Primary Landing Site:   Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.
Abort Landing Sites:     Return to Launch Site - KSC, Fla.

                         Transoceanic Abort Landing -
                         Banjul, The  Gambia

                         Abort Once Around - Edwards Air
                         Force Base, Calif.

Crew:                    Steven R. Nagel, Commander
                         Kenneth D. Cameron, Pilot
                         Linda Godwin, Mission Specialist 1
                         Jerry L. Ross, Mission Specialist 2
                         Jay Apt, Mission Specialist 3

Cargo Bay Payloads:    Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO)
                       EVA Development Flight Experiments (EDFE)
                       Ascent Particle Monitor (APM)

Middeck Payloads:      Bioserve ITA Materials Dispersion Apparatus (BIMDA)
                       Protein Crystal Growth-III (PCG-III)
                       Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment-I (SAREX-II)
                       Radiation Monitoring Equipment-III (RME-III)
                       Air Force Maui Optical System (AMOS)
                       Space Station Heat Pipe Advanced Radiator Element-II



PCG activation
RMS checkout
SAREX activation


GRO in-bay checkout
Depressurize cabin to 10.2 psi
EMU checkout


GRO deploy




FCS checkout
Mid-Range Targeted Station Keeping (DTO 822)
Middeck payloads deactivation
Cabin stow




Orbiter (Atlantis) empty and 3 SSMEs                                                              

Remote Manipulator System (robot arm)                                                              

Gamma Ray Observatory                                                                                       

GRO Middeck Equipment                                                                                              

Airborne Electrical Support Equipment                                                                    

Ascent Particle Monitor (APM)                                                                                      

Bioserve ITA Materials Dispersion Apparatus (BIMDA)                                           

Crew and Equipment Translation Aids Cart Assembly                                          

CETA Hardware                                                                                                            

Detailed Test Objectives (DTO)                                                                                  

Detailed Supplementary Objectives (DSO)                                                               

Portable Data Acquisition Package                                                                           

Protein Crystal Growth (PCG)                                                                                       

Radiation Monitoring Experiment (RME)                                                                      

SHARE II Middeck Priming Experiment                                                                     

Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX)                                                           

Total Vehicle at SRB Ignition                                                                          

Orbiter Landing Weight                                                                                       


     Space Shuttle launch abort philosophy aims toward safe
and intact recovery of the flight crew, orbiter and its 
payload.  Abort modes include:

     * Abort-To-Orbit (ATO) -- Partial loss of main engine
thrust late enough to permit reaching a minimal 105-nautical
mile orbit with orbital maneuvering system engines.

     * Abort-Once-Around (AOA) -- Earlier main engine 
shutdown with the capability to allow one orbit around before
landing at either Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.; the 
Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) at Kennedy Space Center, Fla.; or
White Sands Space Harbor (Northrup Strip), NM.

     * Trans-Atlantic Abort Landing (TAL) -- Loss of two main
engines midway through powered flight would force a landing
at either Banjul, The Gambia; Ben Guerir, Morocco; or Moron,

     * Return-To-Launch-Site (RTLS) -- Early shutdown of one
or more engines, without enough energy to reach Banjul, would
result in a pitch around and thrust back toward KSC until 
within gliding distance of the SLF.

     STS-37 contingency landing sites are Edwards AFB, 
Kennedy Space Center, White Sands, Banjul, Ben Guerir or 


EVENT                      MET          VELOCITY       
                        (d:h:m:s)        (fps)                       

Launch                 00/00:00:00

Begin Roll Maneuver    00/00:00:09        160           

End Roll Maneuver      00/00:00:16        340           

Throttle to 89%        00/00:00:18        390           

Throttle to 67%        00/00:00:28        650           

Max. Dyn. Pressure     00/00:00:52      1,170          

Throttle to 104%       00/00:00:59      1,320          

SRB Staging            00/00:02:05      4,090          

Main Engine Cutoff     00/00:08:33     24,600         

Zero Thrust            00/00:08:39     24,646         

ET Separation          00/00:08:51

OMS 2 Burn             00/00:41:44

GRO Release            02/03:35:00

Deorbit Burn (orb 77)  04/23:12:00

Landing      (orb 78)  05/00:12:00

Apogee, Perigee at MECO:           238 x  32 nautical 

Apogee, Perigee post-OMS 2:     243 x 243 nautical miles


     Kennedy Space Center workers began preparing Atlantis
for its eighth flight into space when the vehicle was towed
into the Orbiter Processing Facility on Nov. 21 following its
previous mission, STS-38.

     About 31 modifications were made to the orbiter Atlantis
during its 15-week stay in the Orbiter Processing Facility.
A significant modification was the installation of the five
new general purpose computers.  The new carbon brake system
also was installed and many upgrades were made to the thermal
protection system.  All of Atlantis' systems were fully 
tested while in the OPF.  Both orbital maneuvering system 
pods and the forward reaction control system were removed and
transferred to the Hypergolic Maintenance Facility for 
required testing.


     GRO, which weighs just over 35,000 pounds (15,876 
kilograms), will be the heaviest NASA science satellite ever
deployed by the Space Shuttle into low-Earth orbit.

     GRO is a space-based observatory designed to study the
universe in an invisible, high-energy form of light known as
gamma rays.  Although a variety of smaller satellites and 
high-altitude balloons have carried instruments to study the
universe in gamma-ray light during the past 30 years, GRO 
represents a dramatic improvement in sensitivity, spectral
range and resolution.

     Gamma-rays, which cannot penetrate the EarthUs 
atmosphere, are of interest to scientists because these rays
provide a reliable record of cosmic change and evolution.  
Their study will yield unprecedented answers about the 
structure and dynamics of the Milky Way Galaxy, the nature of
pulsars, quasars, black holes and neutron stars, as well as
clues about the origin and history of the universe 

     The four instruments on GRO were selected by NASA to 
provide the first comprehensive, coordinated observations of
a broad gamma-ray energy range with much better sensitivity
than any previous mission.  The instruments include:  the 
Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE), the Oriented
Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment (OSSE), the Imaging 
Compton Telescope (COMPTEL) and the Energetic Gamma Ray 
Experiment Telescope (EGRET).  During the first 15 months of
the mission, an all-sky survey is planned.  The observing 
program that follows will be guided by the results of this

     The instruments onboard GRO, with sensitivities 10 times
greater than that of earlier instruments, will scan active
galaxies for new information on celestial objects.  GRO also
can detect the very high temperature emissions from the 
vicinity of stellar black holes, thereby providing evidence
for the existence of these exotic objects.  GRO observations
of diffuse radiation will not only help resolve questions 
relating to the large scale distribution of matter in the 
universe, but also about the processes that may have taken
place shortly after the universe began in the theoretical 
energetic explosion or "Big Bang".

     GRO is a NASA cooperative program.  The Federal Republic
of Germany, with co-investigator support from The 
Netherlands, the European Space Agency, the United Kingdom
and the United States, has principal investigator 
responsibility for COMPTEL.  The Federal Republic of Germany
also is furnishing hardware elements and co-principal 
investigator support for EGRET.


     The Gamma Ray Observatory is the first scientific 
payload with a refuelable onboard propulsion system.  In 
addition, GRO provides the support and protection necessary
for the observatory to complete its mission.  The 
spacecraft's subsystems include propulsion, power, controls,
electronics, communications and thermal.


     The Gamma Ray Observatory has a self-contained 
propulsion system that will allow controllers on the ground
to keep the GRO spacecraft at the proper altitude.  The 
propulsion system provides thrust for orbit altitude change,
orbit maintenance, attitude control and if necessary, 
controlled reentry.  GRO's four propellent tanks hold 4,200
pounds (1900-kilograms) of hydrazine fuel.  The spacecraft
has four 100-pound (45-kilogram) thrusters and isolation 
valves.  GRO also has four dual thruster modules, each 
consisting of two 5-pound (2.2-kilogram) thrusters for 
attitude control.  The fuel tanks are designed to be refueled
by a future Space Shuttle mission, although no mission is 
currently planned for this purpose.

Attitude Control and Determination System

     The primary purpose of the Attitude Control and 
Determination (ACAD) subsystem is to point the GRO 
instruments to selected celestial gamma-ray sources and to
supply attitude information for data processing.  The ACAD
subsystem is a three-axis system made up of many NASA 
standard components and other flight-proven hardware.  
The system contains sensors that tell GRO where it's pointed
and actuators for vehicle orientation.  The primary sensors
are the Fixed-Head Star Trackers and the Inertial Reference
Unit.  The star trackers relay information to GRO's onboard
computers about the location of the spacecraft based on 
the known positions of pre-programmed guide stars.  The
Inertial Reference Unit relays attitude and position information
based on the forces of inertia working in much the same manner
as a gyroscope.  The primary actuators are the four Reaction
Wheel Assemblies.  They rely on the principle of the spinning
flywheel to maintain spacecraft attitude.

Communications and Data Handling

     The Communications and Data Handling (CADH) system is
based on the standard NASA modular design used with great 
success on the Solar Maximum Mission and Landsats 4 and 5.
By using modules, repair of damaged or defective components
is vastly simplified.  The CADH subsystem consists of the 
CADH module, a 60-inch (152 centimeter) high-gain antenna,
two omnidirectional low-gain antennas and a radio frequency
combiner to interface the module with the antennas. 

     The CADH includes two second generation Tracking and 
Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) transponders for both 
incoming and outgoing transmissions to TDRSS and for command
and telemetry transmissions to the Shuttle during in-bay and
deployment sequences.   Two NASA standard tape recorders are
included for data storage.  They will be used to record data
for later playback to scientists on the ground.  These 
playbacks, or data dumps, take place every other orbit at a
rate of 512 kilobytes per second via the high-gain antenna
system and the TDRSS S-band.

     GRO also has a sophisticated clock that converts 
spacecraft time into universal time and distributes it to 
each instrument.  Remote Interface Units are distributed 
throughout the spacecraft to interface the instruments with
other onboard subsystems. 

Electrical Power

     The Observatory's solar arrays are accordion style,
multi-panel, rigid arrays, deployed by motor-driven rigid 
booms.  The total power available for the observatory from
the solar arrays is approximately 2000 watts.  Two 
Modular Power System (MPS) modules condition, regulate and
control solar-array power during sunlight portions of the orbit
to satisfy load demands and battery charging.  During eclipse
periods, Nicad batteries supply the spacecraft power.  
The  batteries also supplement solar-array power during
periods of peak power.  Each MPS can receive power from external
sources during ground operations and while in the Shuttle payload

Thermal Subsystems

     The thermal control of the observatoryUs subsystems and
instruments is accomplished by coatings, blankets, louvers,
radiators and heaters.  The instruments are thermally 
isolated from each other and the spacecraft structure to 
reduce temperature.  

     The COMPTEL instrument uses a heat pipe system that 
transfers heat to a remote radiator providing active cooling
for the instrument.  The other instruments have passive 
thermal designs.

     GRO uses three types of heaters, each having redundant
thermostats and heater elements.  Operational heater circuits
are adequate for normal orbital operations.  Make-up heaters
replace the power of an instrument or component when it is
turned off in orbit.  Space Shuttle auxiliary heaters are 
used to maintain temperatures while GRO is in the payload 


     Gamma rays are a form of light that cannot penetrate 
the Earth's atmosphere or be seen by the human eye.  Gamma
rays have the highest energies of any type of light radiation.
Since high-energy processes tend to produce high-energy 
radiation, gamma rays are emitted by some of the most 
exotic structures in our universe -- supernovae, neutron stars,
black holes and quasars.  The study of gamma rays offers a
window into the inner workings of these and other fascinating
objects, providing insights unattainable from the study of
any other form of radiation.

     Although the four instruments on GRO are essentially 
telescopes for seeing gamma-ray light, they do not look like
ordinary telescopes.  Instead, the GRO instruments observe
gamma rays indirectly, by monitoring flashes of visible 
light, called scintillations, that occur when gamma rays 
strike the detectors (made of liquid or crystal materials)
built into the instruments.

     GRO's instruments are much larger and much more 
sensitive than any gamma-ray instrument ever flown in space.
Size is crucial for gamma-ray astronomy.  Because gamma rays
are detected when they interact with matter, the number of
gamma-ray events recorded is directly related to the mass of
the detector.  With the small number of gamma rays emanating
from celestial sources, large instruments are needed to 
detect a significant number of photons in a reasonable amount
of time.

     The gamma rays emitted from celestial objects span a 
wide range of energies.  The most energetic gamma rays to be
studied by GRO have energies some 1 million times greater 
than the weakest.  This is a far greater range in energy than
that spanned by visible light, and no single instrument yet
devised can detect gamma rays throughout this range.  GRO's
four instruments together span the gamma-ray range from about
20,000 to 30 billion electron volts (eV).  Each of the four
instruments has a unique design and is specialized for 
particular types of observations.

Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE)

     The Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) was
developed by scientists and engineers at Marshall Space 
Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala., to continuously monitor a
large segment of the sky for detection and measurement of 
short, intense bursts and other transient sources of gamma
rays.  BATSE consists of 8 identical detectors, with one 
detector located at each corner of the spacecraft to give it
a very wide field of view.  BATSE works in the low-energy 
part of the gamma-ray range (20,000 to 2 million eV) in which
bursts are expected.  Once BATSE discovers a burst of gamma
rays, it can signal the other three instruments to study the
source in more detail.  Dr. Gerald Fishman of Marshall is the
principal investigator.

Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment (OSSE)

     The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Washington, D.C.,
designed the Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment
(OSSE) to detect nuclear-line radiation and emissions 
associated with low energy gamma-ray sources (100,000 to 10
million eV).  OSSE is sensitive to the spectral signature of
radioactive elements.  This enables OSSE to study supernovae
and novae which are believed to be the sites where the heavy
elements are created.  These elements are the basis for life
as we know it.   OSSE also will provide insight into various
types of science targets, such as neutron stars, black holes,
pulsars and quasars.  Dr. James Kurfess of the NRL is the 
principal investigator.

Imaging Compton Telescope (COMPTEL)

     The Imaging Compton Telescope (COMPTEL), developed as a
cooperative effort by the Federal Republic of Germany, The
Netherlands, the European Space Agency and the United States,
is designed for observations at moderate gamma-ray energies
(1 to 30 million eV).  Because COMPTEL has a wide field of
view (though not as wide as BATSE) and can locate gamma ray
sources, one of its primary functions will be to produce a
detailed map of the sky as seen in moderate gamma rays.  Dr.
Volker Schoenfelder of the Max Planck Institute, Germany, is
the principal investigator.

Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET)

     The Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) is
between 10 and 20 times larger and more sensitive than any
high energy, gamma-ray telescope previously flown in space.
The mission of EGRET, a joint effort by scientists and 
engineers at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), 
Greenbelt, Md.;  Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.;  Max
Planck Institute, Germany; and Grumman Aerospace Corp., 
Bethpage, N.Y., is to search the cosmos for high energy 
gamma-rays.  One of its primary missions will be to generate
a map of the sky as seen in high-energy gamma rays, 
complementing the map produced by COMPTEL.  Another will be
to discover and monitor gamma-ray emissions from pulsars.  
GoddardUs Dr. Carl Fichtel is the principal investigator.


     Instructions sent to GRO during its science mission 
begin with the controllers located in the GRO Payload 
Operations Control Center (POCC) at GSFC.  The focal point
for all pre-mission preparations and on-orbit operations, the
POCC is part of the Multisatellite Operations Control Center
(MSOCC) at Goddard that provides mission scheduling, 
tracking, telemetry data acquisition, command and processing
required for down-linked data.

Data Processing Systems

     GRO engineering and experiment data will be processed in
the POCC and the Packet Processor (PACOR) Data Capture 
Facility.  The POCC will receive real time and playback 
telemetry data via TDRSS.  The PACOR will receive real time
and playback data in parallel with the POCC.  The PACOR will
record, time order, quality check and transmit sets of 
science data packets to the four instrument sites via a 
computer electronic mail system or by magnetic computer tape.
The instrument sites are:  Burst and Transient Source 
Experiment, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala;
Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment, Naval 
Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C.;  Imaging Compton 
Telescope, U. S. interface, University of New Hampshire, 
Durham, N.H.; and the Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment 
Telescope, GSFC.

     The Mission Operations Room, an integral part of the 
POCC, is responsible for all aspects of mission control, 
including spacecraft health and safety, and is operated on a
24-hour basis.  This arrangement will provide command 
management, flight dynamics and communications support 
through the use of an extensive array of interactive 
terminals, color graphic microprocessors, recorders and close
circuit television.

Science Support Center

     GSFC is the site of the Science Support Center (SSC) for
the Gamma Ray Observatory.  The SSC supports guest 
investigators through proposal preparation assistance, 
support of the proposal selection process and data archive
search activities.  In addition, the SSC will assist NASA's
Office of Space Science and Applications, Astrophysics 
Division, in managing the review and evaluation of proposals
for specific observations and theoretical investigations in
the gamma-ray portion of the spectrum.

     The SSC is developing software that will provide a 
common link for data from each of the instruments for 
investigators whose studies involve more than one of GRO's
diverse capabilities.

     The SSC also is developing and instituting the software
systems that will allow data from the observatory to be 
archived by the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC)
also located at Goddard.  Cataloging methods will be 
developed to allow future guest investigators the opportunity
to easily access data for scientific study either at 
Goddard's facilities or at their home laboratories.

     Data archived by the SSC and the NSSDC generally will
become available one year after it has been processed into
usable form.  The SSC provides a uniform interface with all
of the principal investigator teams and publishes a 
newsletter with items of interest to the scientific 


     The GRO is the second of four "Great Observatories" 
being built by NASA to study the universe across the 
electromagnetic spectrum.  The first, the Hubble Space 
Telescope, was launched in April 1990.  HST primarily 
conducts studies using visible and ultraviolet light.  The
other Great Observatories are the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics
Facility, expected to be launched in 1998, and the Space 
Infrared Telescope Facility, scheduled for launch at the end
of the decade.

     The GRO program is managed by GSFC for NASAUs Office of
Space Science and Applications.  The spacecraft was built by
TRW, Redondo Beach, Calif.


     Mid-Range Targeted Stationkeeping, designated as a 
Detailed Test Objective (DTO 822) for STS-37, will be a 
rendezvous experiment to help determine the precision with
which the Shuttle can intercept a point behind an orbiting
target and maintain the position without onboard radar. The
orbiting target for the test will be the previously deployed
Gamma Ray Observatory.

     Following completion of EVA activities on flight day 4,
a phase adjustment burn will be performed to begin closing
the distance between Atlantis and GRO.  While the crew 
sleeps, Atlantis will close from about 100 miles to within 50
miles behind the target.

     An additional phasing maneuver will be made, early on
flight day 5, to move Atlantis to within 20 miles.  The crew
then will conduct a final interception maneuver, using star
trackers and optical alignment sights to identify and close
in on the test point 8 miles behind GRO.

     Stationkeeping 8 miles behind GRO, the crew will 
maneuver Atlantis around the test point, using RCS jets to
conduct out-of-plane translations and attitude changes.  
Following those, the crew will use the star trackers and 
optical alignment sights to locate and maneuver back to the
stationkeeping point.

     Acquired data will be used to assess manual 
stationkeeping tools and techniques for potential rendezvous
cases in which orbiter radar systems are not available.


     On STS-37, astronauts will venture into the payload bay
for the 14th time in the 10-year history of the Shuttle 
program, when mission specialists Jerry Ross and Jay Apt 
perform a 6-hour extravehicular activity (EVA) during flight
day 4.  When Ross opens the airlock hatch, he will be the 
first astronaut to do so since he closed it Dec. 1, 1985, 
during STS-61B.

     During the spacewalk, Apt and Ross will test several 
different translation devices which could be the predecessors
of devices to be used on Space Station Freedom.  The flight
tests will answer questions including the speed of 
translation, complexity of equipment required, ease of 
translation and crew loads applied to tools and equipment for
future EVA experiences. 

     Ross is designated as extravehicular crew member 1 (EV1)
and will have red stripes on his spacesuit, while Apt is EV2.
Pilot Ken Cameron will perform the functions of the 
intravehicular crewmember (IV1), monitoring the progress of
the spacewalk from inside Atlantis.

     The EVA Developmental Flight Experiment (EDFE) is 
composed of three sets of evaluations:  the Crew and 
Equipment Translation Aid (CETA); the Crew Loads Instruments
Pallet Experiment (CLIP), also known as Detailed Test 
Objective (DTO) 1203; and the EVA Translation Evaluation, 
DTOs 1202 and 1205.

Portable Data Aquisition Package

     EDFE experiments require the use of a data recording 
system, called the Portable Data Acquisition Package (PDAP),
that will collect information on stresses imparted to the 
track and cart by the astronauts.  The system also will 
measure forces and torque imparted to the tools the 
astroanuts use during the CLIP experiment.

     The PDAP will record 32 channels of analog data with 
each channel being sampled 150 times per second.  The analog
signals will be digitized to 12-bit resolution, time tagged
and recorded on a hard disk for retrieval after landing.

     The three PDAPs flown on Atlantis will be stored inside
the crew compartment and mounted on the EDFE experiments by
Ross and Apt after the spacewalk begins. They will be brought
back into the crew compartment at the completion of the EVA.

Crew and Equipment Translation Aid (CETA)

     CETA consists of three carts and a tether Shuttle that
move down a 46.8 foot track mounted on the port side of the
payload bay.  While the Gamma Ray Observatory is in the 
payload bay, the track is stored in two 23.4-foot sections in
the forward part of the bay.  Crew members will extend the
track to the test position at the onset of the EVA and stow
it after the evaluations are complete.

     The tether Shuttle is a small translation aid to which
astronauts clip their safety tethers.  It also is equipped
with a small handhold for translations and rides on the CETA

     For each evaluation, the three CETA carts are mounted to
a common truck attached to the translation track.  The truck
is an approximately 20-inch square assembly with four roller
clusters that ride on the track.  The individual carts are
fixed to the truck for each evaluation and each has its own

     The first cart to be tested will be the manual 
configuration.  Once positioned in the foot restraints, the
astronaut will propel himself, hand over hand, down the rail.
Both the tether Shuttle and the manual cart configuration are
baselined for Space Station Freedom.

     The mechanical version resembles a railroad car 
mechanism with which the astronaut pumps a T-handle to move.
This motion is converted by a gear train into the continuous
motion of two wheel drives.  A leg restraint connects to the
CETA truck and the tether Shuttle to keep the astronaut in a
nearly prone position while pumping the cart.

     The final CETA cart uses electrical currents, generated
by the astronaut, to move the truck down the rail. The 
astronaut places himself in foot restraints and pumps two 
handles in a bicycle-like motion to create a maximum of 24
volts to drive two small motors.  The motors then propel the
truck down the track.

     Maximum speed for all three carts is 6 feet per second.
Apt and Ross both will evaluate all three vehicles, at times
carrying each other to simulate transporting cargo to awork
station.  Following the CETA evaluation, Ross and Apt will
begin working with the scheduled DTOs. 

Detailed Test Objectives

     CLIP consists of three force torque sensor plates, a 
soft stowage assembly and a foot restraint system.  The 
CLIP assembly is stowed on the forward port side of the
payload bay.  Crew members will perform specific tasks that
represent those used during normal EVAs, such as tightening a bolt
or turning a knob. The foot restraint and work site are
instrumented with sensors that measure the crew induced 
loads to force and moment signals recorded on the PDAP.  Most
of the tasks required for the CLIP evaluations will be
repeated twice by both EVA astronauts, for a total of about 80
tasks each.

     ETE will obtain crew translation data for EVA systems
requirements definition, technique development and equipment
design.  The ETE uses Shuttle hardware such as a manipulator
foot restraint and an EVA force measurement tool with various
standard orbiter hardware such as the remote manipulator 
system and the RMS rope reel to evaluate translation rates
and techniques.

     Astronauts inside Atlantis' crew compartment will 
maneuver EVA crew members positioned in the MFR on the end of
the RMS. The arm will move the astronaut at speeds up to 1.3
feet per second at a distance no closer than 10 feet from the
orbiter to gauge maximum comfortable velocity rates and 

     Ross also will manually maneuver the RMS while it is 
configured in "limp mode" to evaluate its ease of positioning
by an EVA astronaut.  Going from the very complex systems of
the RMS to the very simple, the final evaluation if time 
permits, will consist of astronauts crossing a rope strung
across the payload bay.

     EDFE is sponsored by the Space Station Freedom and 
managed by the Crew and Thermal Systems Division in the 
Engineering Directorate at the Johnson Space Center.


      The BioServe ITA Materials Dispersion Apparatus (BIMDA)
payload has been jointly developed by BioServe Space 
Technologies, a NASA Center for Commercial Development of 
Space (CCDS) located at the University of Colorado, Boulder,
and its industrial affiliate, Instrumentation Technology 
Associates, Inc. (ITA), Exton, Penn.  Also collaborating in
the BIMDA activity are researchers from NASA's Johnson Space
Center, Houston, and Ames Research Center, Mountain View, 
      Sponsored by NASA's Office of Commercial Programs, the
objective of the BIMDA experiment is to obtain data on 
scientific methods and potential commercial applications of
biomedical and fluid science processing and activities in the
microgravity environment of space.
      The BIMDA primary elements, developed by ITA, are the
Materials Dispersion Apparatus (MDA) minilabs and their 
controller with a self-contained power supply.  The MDA 
minilab is a compact device capable of mixing as many as 150
samples, using liquid-to-liquid processes using two or three
fluids, and can grow crystals, cast thin-film membranes and
conduct biomedical and fluid science experiments.  The MDA
experiments include the study of protein crystal growth in
space, collagen polymerization, fibrin clot formation, 
liquid-solid diffusion and the formation of thin film 
      Another primary element of the BIMDA payload is the 
bioprocessing testbed, designed and developed by BioServe.
The test bed contains the hardware for six bioprocessing 
modules and six cell syringes.  The bioprocessing testbed 
elements will be used to mix cells with various activation
fluids followed by extended periods of metabolic activity and
subsequent sampling into a fixative solution.  The 
bioprocessing module and cell experiments are to determine
the response of live cells to various hormones and 
stimulating agents under microgravity conditions.
      On this first of three planned flights of BIMDA aboard
the Space Shuttle, 17 principal investigators will use the
MDA to explore the commercial potential of 61 different 
experiments in the biomedical, manufacturing processes and
fluid sciences fields.

BIMDA Hardware
      The BIMDA payload includes three elements of hardware:
cell syringes, bioprocessing modules (contained in a 
bioprocessing testbed) and the Materials Dispersion Apparatus
(MDA) minilab units.  All are contained within a 
temperature-controlled environment provided by a NASA
Refrigerator/Incubator Module (R/IM) in a Shuttle middeck 
locker position.  

     At the beginning of BIMDA activation, the testbed 
housing the cell syringes and bioprocessing modules, will be
removed from the R\IM and attached with velcro to an 
available surface within the middeck.  The testbed will 
remain outside the R/IM until BIMDA reconfiguration prior to
reentry.  The MDA minilabs will remain within R/IM.

      The cell syringe apparatus consists of six two-
chambered syringes containing biological cells, needle/valve
adapters and sample vials.  When the plunger is depressed,
the payload is activated, thus the fluids in the two chambers
are mixed and permitted to react.  Periodic samples are 
taken during the flight, using the needle/valve adaptors and
sample vials.
      The six bioprocessing module units each consist of 
three syringes connected via tubing and a three-position 
valve.  The valve controls the flow of biological 
cells/fluids between various syringes, allowing different 
types of mixing and sampling from one syringe to another.  
The valve apparatus provides options for variations in 
the mixing of fluids.
      The MDA minilabs will remain in the thermally 
controlled environment of the R/IM during the entire flight.
Each MDA minilab unit consists of a number of sample blocks
having self-aligning reservoirs or reaction chambers in both
top and bottom portions of the device.  By sliding one block
in relation to the other, the reservoirs align to allow the
dispersion to occur between substances contained within each
reservoir.  The process of sliding the blocks can be repeated
to achieve time-dependent dispersion (or mixing) of different
substances.  A prism window in each MDA unit allows the crew
member to determine the alignment of the blocks on each unit.
      Lead investigator for the BIMDA payload is Dr. Marvin
Luttges, Director of BioServe Space Technologies.

      The Protein Crystal Growth (PCG) payload aboard STS-37
is a continuing series of experiments leading toward major
benefits in biomedical technology.  The experiments on this
Space Shuttle mission could improve pharmaceutical agents 
such as insulin for treatment of diabetes.
      Protein crystals like inorganic crystals such as 
quartz, are structured in a regular pattern.  With a good 
crystal, roughly the size of a grain of table salt, 
scientists are able to study the protein's molecular 
      Determining a protein crystal's molecular shape is an
essential step in several phases of medical research.  Once
the three-dimensional structure of a protein is known, it may
be possible to design drugs that will either block or enhance
the protein's normal function within the body or other 
organisms.  Though crystallographic techniques can be used to
determine a protein's structure, this powerful technique has
been limited by problems encountered in obtaining high-
quality crystals, well ordered and large enough to yield 
precise structural information.
      Protein crystals grown on Earth often are small and 
flawed.  The problem associated with growing these crystals
is analogous to filling a sports stadium with fans who all
have reserved seats.  Once the gate opens, people flock to
their seats and in the confusion, often sit in someone else's
place.  On Earth, gravity-driven convection keeps the 
molecules crowded around the "seats" as they attempt to order
themselves.  Unfortunately, protein molecules are not as 
particular as many of the smaller molecules and often are 
content to take the wrong places in the structure.
      As would happen if you let the fans in slowly, 
microgravity allows the scientists to slow the rate at which
molecules arrive at their seats.  Since the molecules have
more time to find their spot, fewer mistakes are made, 
creating better and larger crystals.
      During the STS-37 flight, experiments will be conducted
using bovine insulin.  Though there are four processes used
to grow crystals on Earth -- vapor diffusion, liquid 
diffusion, dialysis and batch process -- only batch process
will be used in this set of experiments.  Shortly after 
achieving orbit, a crewmember will activate the experiment to
grow insulin crystals.
      Protein crystal growth experiments were first carried
out by the investigating team during Spacelab 3 in April 
1985.  The experiments have flown a total of 8 times, with
the first 4 primarily designed to develop space crystal 
growth techniques and hardware.

      The STS-26, -29, -32 and -31 experiments were the first
opportunities for scientific attempts to grow useful crystals
at controlled temperatures by vapor diffusion in 
microgravity.  The STS-37 set of PCG experiments will use the
batch process and fly in a new hardware configuration, the
Protein Crystallization Facility, developed by the PCG 

      The PCG program is sponsored by NASA's Office of 
Commercial Programs and the Office of Space Science and 
Applications, with management provided through Marshall 
Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.  Richard E. Valentine is
Mission Manager, Blair Herron is PCG experiment manager 
and Dr. Daniel Carter is project scientist for Marshall.
      Dr. Charles E. Bugg, director, Center for 
Macromolecular Crystallography (CMC), a NASA Center for the
Commercial Development of Space located at the University of
Alabama-Birmingham, is lead investigator for the PCG 
experiment.  Dr. Lawrence J. DeLucas, associate director and
chief scientist, and Dr. Marianna Long, associate director
for commercial development, also are PCG investigators for


     The Space Station Heat Pipe Advanced Radiator Element-II
(SHARE-II) is a small middeck experiment that follows up the
evolving design of a full-scale heat pipe experiment carried
in the payload bay on STS-29.

     On STS-29, a flight test of a 43-foot long heat pipe, a
proposed heat-dissipating radiator, found design flaws in the
manifold.  The manifold is a portion of the radiator that 
takes ammonia vaporized in an evaporator and moves it through
several pitchfork-oriented pipes that converge into one, long
single pipe that runs the length of the radiator.  The 
manifold on the original SHARE was designed in a T-shape, 
with sharp angles that were discovered to block the vapor,
thus preventing the radiator from functioning.

     On STS-37, two small, transparent test articles will be
flown in a single middeck locker.  One test article, 
representing about a 1.5-foot long section of heat pipe, will
simulate the actual size of the manifold section.  The 
redesigned manifold features more of a Y-shape convergence of
pipes, in theory allowing for easier transportation of the

     A second test article, about 1-foot long, will simulate
a screen inserted into a portion of the heat pipe to trap and
reduce bubbles in the fluid, thus preventing blockages in the
heat pipe.

     SHARE-II has no power requirements.  For the test of the
new manifold design, a crew member will open two valves that
will allow an ethanol and water mixture to flow through the
pipes.  Information on the test will be recorded by 
videotaping the flow with an onboard camcorder.  The walls
and structure of both test articles are plexiglass, allowing
complete visibility into the pipes.  Recordings of the flow
in the manifold test article will be repeated three times,
expected to take about 1 hour in total.

     On the second article, testing a bubble-screening 
portion of pipe, the crew will inject bubbles into one end of
the test article with a syringe.  Then, using another 
syringe, the crew will pull fluid from the opposite end of
the article to force the fluid and bubbles through the 
screened section of pipe.

     A third SHARE experiment is scheduled to fly on STS-43
featuring a redesigned 22-foot long radiator now planned 
for use with Space Station Freedom.


     Conducting shortwave radio transmissions between 
ground-based amateur radio operators and a Shuttle-based amateur
radio operator is the basis for the Shuttle Amateur Radio 
Experiment (SAREX) to fly aboard STS-37.  

     SAREX will communicate with amateur stations in 
line-of-sight of the orbiter in one of four transmission modes:
voice, slow scan television (SSTV), data or (uplink only) 
fast scan television (FSTV).  The voice mode is operated 
in the crew-attended mode while SSTV, data or FSTV can be
operated in either an attended or automatic mode.

     During STS-37, Pilot Ken Cameron, a licensed 
operator (KB5AWP), will operate SAREX when he is not scheduled for
orbiter or other payload activities.  Cameron will make at
least four transmissions to test each transmission mode.  The
remaining members of the STS-37 crew -- Commander Steve Nagel
(N5RAW) and mission specialists Linda Godwin (N5RAX), Jay 
Apt (N5QWL) and Jerry Ross (KB5OHL) -- also are licensed ham

     SAREX crew tended operating times will be dictated by
the time of launch.  Cameron will operate SAREX, a secondary
payload, during his pre- and post-sleep activities each day.
Cameron and his crewmates also may operate SAREX 
throughout their work day as their schedules permit.  This means
that amateur stations below the Shuttle during SAREX operating
times can communicate with the Atlantis crew.  Crew 
members also will attempt to contact the Soviet space station
Mir, but any such contact will depend on each of the
spacecraft's orbital paths.

     The robotic mode of SAREX will provide automated 
operation with little human intervention.  The robot is 
used when the crew is not directly involved in the system's
operations and is expected to cover most of the U.S. 

     SAREX previously has flown on missions STS-9, STS-51F
and STS-35 in different configurations, including the 
following hardware:  a low-power hand-held FM transceiver; a
spare battery set; an interface module; a headset assembly
and an equipment assembly cabinet that has been redesigned
since its last flight on STS-51F.  The cabinet now includes
the packet system and can hold the camera and monitors.  
Additional hardware includes:  a television camera and 
monitor; a payload general support computer (PGSC); and 
an antenna which will be mounted in a forward flight window
with a fast scan television (FSTV) module added to the

     SAREX is a joint effort of NASA, the American Radio 
Relay League (ARRL)/Amateur Radio Satellite Corporation 
(AMSAT) and the JSC Amateur Radio Club.

STS-37 SAREX Frequencies

                        Shuttle Transmitting                  
Accompanying Shuttle
Receiving Frequencies

Group 1                 145.55 MHz
                        144.95 MHz

Group 2                 145.51

     Group 1 includes voice and slow scan operations.  
Group 2 includes digital and packet operations.

     The 10 U.S. educational groups scheduled to contact 
Atlantis are:  Clear Creek Independent School District of 
Houston; The University School in Shaker Heights, Ohio; 
Discovery Center Museum in Rockford, Ill.; Potter Junior High
School in Fallbrook, Calif.; Hanover Elementary School in 
Bethlehem, Pa.; several schools in Southwest Oklahoma with
operations based in Lawton; Lyman High School in Longwood,
Fla.; Monroe Central School in Parker City, Ind.; Beaver 
Creek Elementary School in Downington, Pa.; and Reizenstein
Middle School in Pittsburgh, Pa.


     On STS-37, Atlantis' avionics system will feature the
first set of five upgraded general purpose computers (GPCs),
plus a spare, to fly aboard the Shuttle.

     The updated computers have more than twice the memory
and three times the processing speed of their predecessors.
Officially designated the IBM AP-101S, built by IBM, Inc.,
they are half the size, about half the weight and require 
less electricity than the first-generation GPCs.  The central
processor unit and input/output processor, previously 
installed as two separate boxes, are now a single unit.

     The new GPCs use the existing Shuttle software with only
subtle changes.  However, the increases in memory and 
processing speed allow for future innovations in the 
Shuttle's data processing system.

     Although there is no real difference in the way the crew
will operate with the new computers, the upgrade increases
the reliability and efficiency in commanding the Shuttle 
systems.  The predicted "mean time between failures" (MTBF)
for the advanced GPCs is 6,000 hours, and it is hoped to 
reach 10,000 hours.  The MTBF for the original GPCs is 5,200


Dimensions:               19.55" x 7.62" x 10.2"
Weight:                   64 lbs
Memory capacity:          262,000 words (32-bits each)
Processing rate:          1 million instructions per second
Power requirements:       550 watts


     Radiation Monitoring Equipment-III (RME-III) measures
the rate and dosage of ionizing radiation to the crew at 
different locations throughout the orbiter cabin.  The hand-
held instrument measures gamma ray, electron, neutron and 
proton radiation and calculates the amount of exposure.  The
information is stored in memory modules for post-flight analysis.

     RME-III will be stored in a middeck locker during flight
except for when it is turned on and when memory modules are
replaced every 2 days.  It will be activated as soon as 
possible after achieving orbit and will operate throughout
the flight.  To activate the instrument, a crew member will
enter the correct mission elapsed time.

     The instrument contains a liquid crystal display for 
real-time data readings and a keyboard for function control.
It has four zinc-air batteries and five AA batteries in each
replaceable memory module and two zinc-air batteries in the
main module.

     RME-III, which has flown on STS-31 and STS-41, is the
current configuration, replacing the earlier RME-I and RME-II
units.  The Department of Defense, in cooperation with NASA,
sponsors the data gathering instrument.


     The Ascent Particle Monitor (APM) instruments will be
mounted in Atlantis' payload bay during STS-37 to measure 
contaminants in the bay during launch and ascent.

     The APM is a completely automatic system consisting of a
small aluminum sample box with doors that will open 
immediately prior to liftoff.  When the doors are opened, 12
sample collection coupons are exposed to gather particles in
the environment.  The doors close following ascent to protect
the samples for analysis after Atlantis has landed.  The APM
has flown previously on several Shuttle missions and is part
of an ongoing effort to better characterize the cargo bay 
environment during launch.


     Steven R. Nagel, 44, Col., USAF, will serve as Commander
of STS-37.  Selected as an astronaut in August 1979, Nagel
considers Canton, Ill., his hometown.  Nagel first flew as a
mission specialist on STS-51G, launched in June 1985 to 
deploy three communications satellites.  Nagel next served as
Pilot for STS-61A, the West German D-1 Spacelab mission, 
launched in October 1985.

     Nagel graduated from Canton Senior High School in 1964;
received a bachelor of science in aeronautical and 
astronautical engineering from the University of Illinois in
1969; and received a master of science in mechanical 
engineering from California State University, Fresno, in 

     Nagel received his commission in 1969 through the Air
Force Reserve Officer Training Corps program at the 
University of Illinois.  He completed undergraduate pilot 
training at Laredo Air Force Base, Texas, in February 1970,
and subsequently reported to Luke Air Force Base, Arizona,
for F-100 checkout training.

     He served as an F-100 pilot with the 68th Tactical 
Fighter Squadron from October 1970 to July 1971, and then 
served a 1-year tour of duty as a T-28 instructor for the 
Laotian Air Force at Udorn RTAFB, Udorn, Thailand.  In 1975,
he attended the USAF Test Pilot School and was assigned to
the 6512th Test Squadron located at Edwards Air Force Base,
Calif., upon graduation.  He worked as a test pilot on 
various projects, including flying the F-4 and A-7D.  Nagel
has logged more than 6,300 hours flying time, 4,000 hours in
jet aircraft.

     Kenneth D. Cameron, 41, Lt. Col., USMC, will serve as
Pilot.  Cameron was selected as an astronaut in June 1985,
considers Cleveland his hometown and will be making his first
space flight.

     Cameron graduated from Rocky River High School, Ohio, in
1967.  He received bachelor and master of science degrees in
aeronautics and astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology.

     He enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1969 at Paris Island,
N. C., and was assigned in Vietnam for 1 year as a platoon
commander with the 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment and 
later, with the Marine Security Guards at the U.S. Embassy,
Saigon.  Cameron received his wings in 1973 at Pensacola, 
Fla., and was assigned to Marine Attack Squadron 223, flying
A-4M Skyhawks.  

     He graduated from the Navy Test Pilot School in 1983 and
was assigned as project officer and test pilot in the F/A-18,
A-4 and OV-10 airplanes with the Systems Engineering Test 
Directorate at the Naval Air Test Center.  Cameron has logged
more than 3,000 hours flying time in 46 different aircraft.

     Linda M. Godwin, 38, will serve as Mission Specialist 1
(MS1).  Selected as an astronaut in 1985, Godwin was born in
Cape Girardeau, Mo.  Godwin graduated from Jackson High 
School, Mo., in 1970; received a bachelor of science in 
mathematics and physics from Southeast Missouri State in 
1974; and received a master of science and doctorate in 
physics from the University of Missouri in 1976 and 1980, 

     Godwin joined NASA in 1980, working in the Payload 
Operations Division at the Johnson Space Center as a flight
controller and payloads officer.  Godwin is an instrument
rated private pilot.

     Jerry L. Ross, 43, Lt. Col., USAF, will serve as Mission
Specialist 2 (MS2).  Selected as an astronaut in May 1980,
Ross considers Crown Point, Ind., his hometown and will be
making his third space flight.

     Ross first flew as a mission specialist on STS 61-B, 
launched in November 1985 to deploy three communications 
satellites.  During the flight, Ross performed two 6-hour 
spacewalks to demonstrate space construction techniques.  
Ross next flew on STS-27, launched in December 1988, a 
Department of Defense-dedicated flight.

     Ross graduated from Crown Point High School in 1966.  
He received a bachelor of science and master of science in
mechanical engineering from Purdue University in 1970 and 
1972, respectively.  Ross has logged 207 hours in space, 
including 12 hours of spacewalk time.

     Jay Apt, 41, will serve as mission specialist 3 (MS3).
Selected as an astronaut in June 1985, Apt considers 
Pittsburgh, Pa., his hometown and will be making his first
space flight.

     He graduated from Shady Side Academy in Pittsburgh in
1967; received a bachelor of arts in physics from Harvard 
College in 1971; and received a doctorate in physics from 
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1976.

     Apt joined NASA in 1980 and worked in the Earth and 
Space Sciences Division of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 
doing planetary research as part of the Pioneer Venus 
Orbiter Infrared Team.  In 1981, he became the Manager of JPL's
Table Mountain Observatory.

     From the fifth Shuttle mission in 1982 through the 16th
in 1985, he served as a flight controller and payloads 
officer.  Apt has logged more than 2,200 hours flying time in
25 different types of airplanes, sailplanes and human-powered


NASA Headquarters
Washington, D.C.

Richard H. Truly                Administrator
J.R. Thompson                   Deputy Administrator
Dr. William B. Lenoir           Associate Administrator, Office of Space Flight
Robert L. Crippen               Director, Space Shuttle
Leonard S. Nicholson            Deputy Director, Space Shuttle (Program)
Brewster Shaw                   Deputy Director, Space Shuttle (Operations)
Dr. Lennard A. Fisk             Associate Administrator, Space Science and
Alphonso V. Diaz                Deputy Associate Administrator, Space Science
                                and Applications
Dr. Charles J. Pellerin, Jr.    Director, Astrophysics Division
Douglas R. Broome               GRO Program Manager
Dr. Alan N. Bunner              GRO Program Scientist

Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Md.

Dr. John M. Klineberg           GSFC Director
Peter Burr                      GSFC Deputy Director
Dr. Dale W. Harris              Acting Director, Flight Projects Directorate
Dale L. Fahnestock              Director, Mission Operations and Data
                                Systems Directorate
John Hrastar                    GRO Project Manager
Thomas LaVigna                  GRO Deputy Project Manager
Karl Schauer                    GRO Mission Operations Manager
Robert Ross                     GRO Systems Manager
Martin Davis                    GRO Observatory Manager
Jimmy Cooley                    GRO Instrument Manager
Dr. Donald Kniffen              GRO Project Scientist
Dr. Carl Fichtel                Co-Principal Investigator, EGRET
Dr. Eric Chipman                Director, GRO Science Support Center

Kennedy Space Center
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.

Forrest S. McCartney            Director
Jay Honeycutt                   Director, Shuttle Management and Operations
Robert B. Sieck                 Launch Director
John T. Conway                  Director, Payload Management and Operations
Joanne H. Morgan                Director, Payload Project Management
Robert Webster                  STS-37 Payload Manager

Marshall Space Flight Center
Huntsville, Ala.

Thomas J. Lee                   Director
Dr. J. Wayne Littles            Deputy Director
G. Porter Bridwell              Manager, Shuttle Projects Office
Dr. George F. McDonough         Director, Science and Engineering
Alexander A. McCool             Director, Safety and Mission Assurance
Victor Keith Henson             Manager, Solid Rocket Motor Project
Cary H. Rutland                 Manager, Solid Rocket Booster Project
Jerry W. Smelser                Manager, Space Shuttle Main Engine Project
Gerald C. Ladner                Manager, External Tank Project

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Tex.

Aaron Cohen                     Director
Paul J. Weitz                   Deputy Director
Daniel Germany                  Manager, Orbiter and GFE Projects
P.J. Weitz                      Acting Director, Flight Crew Operations
Eugene F. Kranz                 Director, Mission Operations
Henry O. Pohl                   Director, Engineering
Charles S. Harlan               Director, Safety, Reliability and Quality

Stennis Space Center
Bay St. Louis, Miss.

Roy S. Estess                   Director
Gerald W. Smith                 Deputy Director
J. Harry Guin                   Director, Propulsion Test Operations

Dryden Flight Research Facility
Edwards, Calif.

Kenneth J. Szalai               Director
T. G. Ayers                     Deputy Director
James R. Phelps                 Chief, Shuttle Support Office


      ___    _____     ___
     /_ /|  /____/ \  /_ /|      Ron Baalke         | baalke@mars.jpl.nasa.gov
     | | | |  __ \ /| | | |      Jet Propulsion Lab | 
  ___| | | | |__) |/  | | |___   M/S 301-355        | Change is constant. 
 /___| | | |  ___/    | |/__ /|  Pasadena, CA 91109 | 
 |_____|/  |_|/       |_____|/                      | 

chrisn@cs.arizona.edu (Chris Niswander) (03/20/91)

In article <1991Mar20.022521.10757@jato.jpl.nasa.gov>, baalke@mars.jpl.nasa.gov (Ron Baalke) writes:
>  [lots of stuff deleted]
> Freedom; and the Radiation Monitoring Equipment-III (RME-
> III), a monitor of the amount of radiation penetrating the
> Shuttle's crew compartment during the flight.

Ya know, somehow I wouldn't have expected them to monitor that _only on
special occasions_...   :-O

chrisn@cs.arizona.edu         (Chris Niswander / PO Box 857 / Oracle AZ 85623)

	Poets are the only true logicians.  Sappho had more logic in her little
	finger than Plato had in his whole body.  This is
	because, unlike logicians, poets don't bother to try to kid themselves
	(and others) that they are being logical.