(Doug Brownell) (05/30/91)
I was just introduced to a reproduction of a 13th century astrolabe
(I think that's what it's called), and was mightily impressed when it
accurately predicted the hour (to within +/- 5 minutes) based upon a
sighting of the sun (at ~3:30 pm) and knowledge of the date. Does
anyone know where such marvels can be purchased for less than a small
fortune? The one I saw was nearly $300 (gold electroplated), but the
design is so simple that there's got to be one for under $100, and
maybe even $50. I'd really apprecieat any leads as to where I might
search for one.
It was quite a blast seeing it used. I highly recommend a
demonstration if you see one wandering by one day. (They work at
night too :-)
Douglas M. Brownell | Thomas Brownwell
Institute for Nonlinear Science, R-002 | Barony of Calafia
University of California, San Diego | Kingdom of Caid
La Jolla, CA 92093 |
| Anachronist (noun):
Internet: | Out of time; | Gotta go!